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Leobersdorf Bahnhof to Launsdorf-Hochosterwitz Bahnhof train times
Monday, 6 January 202522:06 | Leobersdorf Bahnhof | 9 h 24 19 stops 4 changes REX12369 A12853 S81701 REX81737 S14217 Platform 2 | 9 h 24 | 4 changes 19 stops | REX12369 A12853 S81701 REX81737 S14217 Platform 2 | REX12369 Platform 2 | OBB |
22:12 | Felixdorf Bahnhof | ||||||
22:21 | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
22:32 | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | A12853 Platform 4 | OBB | ||||
23:28 | Mürzzuschlag Bahnhof | ||||||
23:50 | Kapfenberg Bahnhof | ||||||
23:56 | Bruck/Mur Bahnhof 5 | ||||||
04:36 | Bruck/Mur Bahnhof 3 | S81701 Platform 3 | OBB | ||||
04:44 | Niklasdorf Bahnhof 1 | ||||||
04:51 | Leoben Hauptbahnhof 3 | ||||||
05:07 | St.Michael Bahnhof | ||||||
05:25 | Knittelfeld Bahnhof | ||||||
05:31 | Zeltweg Bahnhof | ||||||
05:39 | Judenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
05:50 | St.Georgen ob Judenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
05:54 | Unzmarkt Bahnhof 3 | ||||||
06:12 | Unzmarkt Bahnhof 3 | REX81737 Platform 3 | OBB | ||||
06:20 | Scheifling Bahnhof | ||||||
06:28 | Mariahof-St.Lambrecht Bahnhof | ||||||
06:45 | Friesach Bahnhof | ||||||
07:08 | Friesach Bahnhof | S14217 Platform 1 | OBB | ||||
07:12 | Micheldorf-Hirt Bahnhst | ||||||
07:18 | Treibach-Althofen | ||||||
07:25 | Passering Bahnhst | ||||||
07:30 | Launsdorf-Hochosterwitz Bahnhof |
23:01 | Leobersdorf Bahnhof | 9 h 29 24 stops 4 changes S329871 CJX92975 S94003 A10639 S14219 Platform 2 | 9 h 29 | 4 changes 24 stops | S329871 CJX92975 S94003 A10639 S14219 Platform 2 | S329871 Platform 2 | OBB |
23:08 | Felixdorf Bahnhof | ||||||
23:11 | Theresienfeld Bahnhof | ||||||
23:18 | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
23:35 | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | CJX92975 Platform 5 | OBB | ||||
23:41 | St. Egyden/Stfd Bahnhof | ||||||
23:45 | Neunkirchen Bahnhof | ||||||
23:49 | Ternitz Bahnhof | ||||||
23:56 | Gloggnitz Bahnhof | ||||||
00:00 | Schlöglmühl Bahnhof | ||||||
00:06 | Payerbach-Reichenau Bahnhof | ||||||
00:32 | Semmering Bahnhof | ||||||
00:42 | Spital am Semmering Bahnhof | ||||||
00:49 | Mürzzuschlag Bahnhof | ||||||
04:11 | Mürzzuschlag | S94003 Platform 4 | OBB | ||||
04:17 | Langenwang Bahnhof | ||||||
04:27 | Wartberg Bahnhof | ||||||
04:32 | Kindberg Bahnhof | ||||||
04:39 | St.Marein-St.Lorenzen Bahnhof | ||||||
04:52 | Bruck/Mur Bahnhof 4 | ||||||
06:09 | Bruck/Mur Bahnhof 4 | A10639 Platform 4 | OBB | ||||
06:22 | Leoben Hauptbahnhof 2 | ||||||
06:41 | Knittelfeld Bahnhof | ||||||
06:55 | Judenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
07:09 | Unzmarkt Bahnhof 3 | ||||||
07:41 | Friesach Bahnhof | ||||||
07:49 | Treibach-Althofen | ||||||
08:18 | Treibach-Althofen | S14219 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
08:25 | Passering Bahnhst | ||||||
08:30 | Launsdorf-Hochosterwitz Bahnhof |
00:01 +1d | Leobersdorf Bahnhof | 10 h 29 10 stops 2 changes S329911 A9131 S14223 Platform 2 | 10 h 29 | 2 changes 10 stops | S329911 A9131 S14223 Platform 2 | S329911 Platform 2 | OBB |
00:08 | Felixdorf Bahnhof | ||||||
00:11 | Theresienfeld Bahnhof | ||||||
00:18 | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
06:56 +1d | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | A9131 Platform 4 | OBB | ||||
08:15 | Bruck/Mur Bahnhof 1 | ||||||
08:26 | Leoben Hauptbahnhof 3 | ||||||
08:47 | Knittelfeld Bahnhof | ||||||
08:59 | Judenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
09:13 | Unzmarkt Bahnhof 3 | ||||||
09:49 | Treibach-Althofen | ||||||
10:18 +1d | Treibach-Althofen | S14223 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
10:25 | Passering Bahnhst | ||||||
10:30 | Launsdorf-Hochosterwitz Bahnhof |
08:06 +1d | Leobersdorf Bahnhof | 4 h 26 10 stops 2 changes REX12313 A4533 S14228 Platform 2 | 4 h 26 | 2 changes 10 stops | REX12313 A4533 S14228 Platform 2 | REX12313 Platform 2 | OBB |
08:12 | Felixdorf Bahnhof | ||||||
08:21 | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
08:56 +1d | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | A4533 Platform 4 | OBB | ||||
10:15 | Bruck/Mur Bahnhof 1 | ||||||
10:26 | Leoben Hauptbahnhof 2 | ||||||
10:47 | Knittelfeld Bahnhof | ||||||
10:59 | Judenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
11:13 | Unzmarkt Bahnhof 3 | ||||||
11:44 | Friesach Bahnhof | ||||||
12:06 | St. Veit an der Glan Bahnhof | ||||||
12:24 +1d | St. Veit an der Glan Bahnhof | S14228 Platform 4 | OBB | ||||
12:29 | St. Georgen am Längsee Bahnhst | ||||||
12:32 | Launsdorf-Hochosterwitz Bahnhof |
10:36 +1d | Leobersdorf Bahnhof | 3 h 54 8 stops 2 changes REX12323 A6535 S14237 Platform 2 | 3 h 54 | 2 changes 8 stops | REX12323 A6535 S14237 Platform 2 | REX12323 Platform 2 | OBB |
10:48 | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
10:56 +1d | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | A6535 Platform 1 | OBB | ||||
12:15 | Bruck/Mur Bahnhof 1 | ||||||
12:26 | Leoben Hauptbahnhof 3 | ||||||
12:47 | Knittelfeld Bahnhof | ||||||
12:59 | Judenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
13:13 | Unzmarkt Bahnhof 3 | ||||||
13:49 | Treibach-Althofen | ||||||
14:18 +1d | Treibach-Althofen | S14237 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
14:25 | Passering Bahnhst | ||||||
14:30 | Launsdorf-Hochosterwitz Bahnhof |
11:36 +1d | Leobersdorf Bahnhof | 3 h 54 8 stops 2 changes REX12327 A4737 S14241 Platform 2 | 3 h 54 | 2 changes 8 stops | REX12327 A4737 S14241 Platform 2 | REX12327 Platform 2 | OBB |
11:48 | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
11:56 +1d | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | A4737 Platform 4 | OBB | ||||
13:15 | Bruck/Mur Bahnhof 1 | ||||||
13:26 | Leoben Hauptbahnhof 2 | ||||||
13:47 | Knittelfeld Bahnhof | ||||||
13:59 | Judenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
14:42 | Friesach Bahnhof | ||||||
14:50 | Treibach-Althofen | ||||||
15:18 +1d | Treibach-Althofen | S14241 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
15:25 | Passering Bahnhst | ||||||
15:30 | Launsdorf-Hochosterwitz Bahnhof |
12:36 +1d | Leobersdorf Bahnhof | 3 h 56 9 stops 2 changes REX12331 A9133 S14244 Platform 2 | 3 h 56 | 2 changes 9 stops | REX12331 A9133 S14244 Platform 2 | REX12331 Platform 2 | OBB |
12:48 | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
12:56 +1d | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | A9133 Platform 4 | OBB | ||||
14:15 | Bruck/Mur Bahnhof 1 | ||||||
14:26 | Leoben Hauptbahnhof 3 | ||||||
14:47 | Knittelfeld Bahnhof | ||||||
14:59 | Judenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
15:13 | Unzmarkt Bahnhof 3 | ||||||
15:44 | Friesach Bahnhof | ||||||
16:06 | St. Veit an der Glan Bahnhof | ||||||
16:24 +1d | St. Veit an der Glan Bahnhof | S14244 Platform 4 | OBB | ||||
16:29 | St. Georgen am Längsee Bahnhst | ||||||
16:32 | Launsdorf-Hochosterwitz Bahnhof |
14:36 +1d | Leobersdorf Bahnhof | 3 h 54 8 stops 2 changes REX12339 A4539 S14255 Platform 2 | 3 h 54 | 2 changes 8 stops | REX12339 A4539 S14255 Platform 2 | REX12339 Platform 2 | OBB |
14:48 | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
14:56 +1d | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | A4539 Platform 4 | OBB | ||||
16:15 | Bruck/Mur Bahnhof 1 | ||||||
16:26 | Leoben Hauptbahnhof 2 | ||||||
16:47 | Knittelfeld Bahnhof | ||||||
16:59 | Judenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
17:13 | Unzmarkt Bahnhof 3 | ||||||
17:49 | Treibach-Althofen | ||||||
18:18 +1d | Treibach-Althofen | S14255 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
18:25 | Passering Bahnhst | ||||||
18:30 | Launsdorf-Hochosterwitz Bahnhof |
16:36 +1d | Leobersdorf Bahnhof | 3 h 56 9 stops 2 changes REX12347 A6631 S14260 Platform 2 | 3 h 56 | 2 changes 9 stops | REX12347 A6631 S14260 Platform 2 | REX12347 Platform 2 | OBB |
16:48 | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
16:56 +1d | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | A6631 Platform 1 | OBB | ||||
18:15 | Bruck/Mur Bahnhof 1 | ||||||
18:26 | Leoben Hauptbahnhof 3 | ||||||
18:47 | Knittelfeld Bahnhof | ||||||
18:59 | Judenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
19:13 | Unzmarkt Bahnhof 3 | ||||||
19:44 | Friesach Bahnhof | ||||||
20:06 | St. Veit an der Glan Bahnhof | ||||||
20:24 +1d | St. Veit an der Glan Bahnhof | S14260 Platform 4 | OBB | ||||
20:29 | St. Georgen am Längsee Bahnhst | ||||||
20:32 | Launsdorf-Hochosterwitz Bahnhof |
17:36 +1d | Leobersdorf Bahnhof | 3 h 54 8 stops 2 changes REX12351 A4833 S14263 Platform 2 | 3 h 54 | 2 changes 8 stops | REX12351 A4833 S14263 Platform 2 | REX12351 Platform 2 | OBB |
17:48 | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
17:56 +1d | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | A4833 Platform 4 | OBB | ||||
19:15 | Bruck/Mur Bahnhof 1 | ||||||
19:26 | Leoben Hauptbahnhof 2 | ||||||
19:47 | Knittelfeld Bahnhof | ||||||
19:59 | Judenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
20:42 | Friesach Bahnhof | ||||||
20:50 | Treibach-Althofen | ||||||
21:18 +1d | Treibach-Althofen | S14263 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
21:25 | Passering Bahnhst | ||||||
21:30 | Launsdorf-Hochosterwitz Bahnhof |
Travel time
Travel time between Leobersdorf Bahnhof and Launsdorf-Hochosterwitz Bahnhof is 3h48