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Rosenburg/Kamp Bahnhof to Irnfritz Bahnhof train times
Saturday, 21 December 202412:46 | Rosenburg Bahnhof | 3 h 10 2 stops 2 changes R446231 R446939 REX412114 Platform 1 | 3 h 10 | 2 changes 2 stops | R446231 R446939 REX412114 Platform 1 | R446231 Platform 1 | OBB |
12:55 | Horn Bahnhof | ||||||
13:28 | Horn Bahnhof | R446939 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
13:39 | Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof | ||||||
15:42 | Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof | REX412114 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
15:56 | Irnfritz Bahnhof |
14:46 | Rosenburg Bahnhof | 3 h 10 3 stops 3 changes R446237 R446947 REX41320 REX412127 Platform 1 | 3 h 10 | 3 changes 3 stops | R446237 R446947 REX41320 REX412127 Platform 1 | R446237 Platform 1 | OBB |
14:55 | Horn Bahnhof | ||||||
15:28 | Horn Bahnhof | R446947 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
15:39 | Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof | ||||||
16:14 | Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof | REX41320 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
16:35 | Göpfritz | ||||||
17:47 | Göpfritz | REX412127 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
17:56 | Irnfritz Bahnhof |
16:46 | Rosenburg Bahnhof | 3 h 10 2 stops 2 changes R446247 R446955 REX412128 Platform 1 | 3 h 10 | 2 changes 2 stops | R446247 R446955 REX412128 Platform 1 | R446247 Platform 1 | OBB |
16:55 | Horn Bahnhof | ||||||
17:28 | Horn Bahnhof | R446955 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
17:39 | Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof | ||||||
19:42 | Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof | REX412128 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
19:56 | Irnfritz Bahnhof |
19:46 | Rosenburg Bahnhof | 2 h 10 2 stops 2 changes R446259 R446965 REX412134 Platform 1 | 2 h 10 | 2 changes 2 stops | R446259 R446965 REX412134 Platform 1 | R446259 Platform 1 | OBB |
19:55 | Horn Bahnhof | ||||||
20:00 | Horn Bahnhof | R446965 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
20:11 | Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof | ||||||
21:42 | Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof | REX412134 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
21:56 | Irnfritz Bahnhof |
22:46 | Rosenburg Bahnhof | 1 h 10 2 stops 2 changes R446271 R446977 REX412138 Platform 1 | 1 h 10 | 2 changes 2 stops | R446271 R446977 REX412138 Platform 1 | R446271 Platform 1 | OBB |
22:55 | Horn Bahnhof | ||||||
23:10 | Horn Bahnhof | R446977 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
23:21 | Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof | ||||||
23:42 | Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof | REX412138 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
23:56 | Irnfritz Bahnhof |
23:46 | Rosenburg Bahnhof | 8 h 10 2 stops 2 changes R446275 R446981 REX412102 Platform 1 | 8 h 10 | 2 changes 2 stops | R446275 R446981 REX412102 Platform 1 | R446275 Platform 1 | OBB |
23:55 | Horn Bahnhof | ||||||
00:10 | Horn Bahnhof | R446981 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
00:21 | Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof | ||||||
07:42 | Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof | REX412102 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
07:56 | Irnfritz Bahnhof |
07:46 +1d | Rosenburg Bahnhof | 2 h 10 2 stops 2 changes R446283 R446917 REX412106 Platform 1 | 2 h 10 | 2 changes 2 stops | R446283 R446917 REX412106 Platform 1 | R446283 Platform 1 | OBB |
07:55 | Horn Bahnhof | ||||||
08:00 +1d | Horn Bahnhof | R446917 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
08:11 | Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof | ||||||
09:42 +1d | Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof | REX412106 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
09:56 | Irnfritz Bahnhof |
08:46 +1d | Rosenburg Bahnhof | 3 h 10 2 stops 2 changes R446215 R446925 REX412108 Platform 1 | 3 h 10 | 2 changes 2 stops | R446215 R446925 REX412108 Platform 1 | R446215 Platform 1 | OBB |
08:55 | Horn Bahnhof | ||||||
10:00 +1d | Horn Bahnhof | R446925 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
10:11 | Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof | ||||||
11:42 +1d | Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof | REX412108 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
11:56 | Irnfritz Bahnhof |
11:46 +1d | Rosenburg Bahnhof | 2 h 10 2 stops 2 changes R446227 R446933 REX412110 Platform 1 | 2 h 10 | 2 changes 2 stops | R446227 R446933 REX412110 Platform 1 | R446227 Platform 1 | OBB |
11:55 | Horn Bahnhof | ||||||
12:00 +1d | Horn Bahnhof | R446933 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
12:11 | Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof | ||||||
13:42 +1d | Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof | REX412110 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
13:56 | Irnfritz Bahnhof |
Travel time
Travel time between Rosenburg/Kamp Bahnhof and Irnfritz Bahnhof is 39 minutes