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Salzburg Taxham Europark Bahnhof to Unterradlberg Bahnhof train times
Thursday, 19 December 202407:12 | Salzburg Taxham Europark S-Bahn | 3 h 13 7 stops 2 changes S325705 A1469 S4021031 Platform 2 | 3 h 13 | 2 changes 7 stops | S325705 A1469 S4021031 Platform 2 | S325705 Platform 2 | OBB |
07:14 | Salzburg Aiglhof S-Bahn | ||||||
07:17 | Salzburg Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
07:30 | Salzburg Hauptbahnhof | A1469 Platform 4 | OBB | ||||
08:48 | Linz/Donau Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
09:36 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
10:12 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | S4021031 Platform 7 | OBB | ||||
10:15 | St. Pölten Traisenpark/P+R Nord | ||||||
10:20 | Viehofen Bahnhof | ||||||
10:23 | Oberradlberg Bahnhof | ||||||
10:25 | Unterradlberg Bahnhof |
07:27 | Salzburg Taxham Europark S-Bahn | 3 h 06 5 stops 3 changes S25055 A21265 R446227 S4021014 Platform 2 | 3 h 06 | 3 changes 5 stops | S25055 A21265 R446227 S4021014 Platform 2 | S25055 Platform 2 | OBB |
07:31 | Salzburg Mülln-Altstadt S-Bahn | ||||||
07:33 | Salzburg Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
08:07 | Salzburg Hauptbahnhof | A21265 Platform 4 | OBB | ||||
09:17 | Linz/Donau Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
10:01 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
10:06 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | R446227 Platform 7 | OBB | ||||
10:13 | Herzogenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
10:30 | Herzogenburg Bahnhof | S4021014 Platform 3 | OBB | ||||
10:33 | Unterradlberg Bahnhof |
07:42 | Salzburg Taxham Europark S-Bahn | 3 h 43 7 stops 2 changes S325755 A1763 S4021035 Platform 2 | 3 h 43 | 2 changes 7 stops | S325755 A1763 S4021035 Platform 2 | S325755 Platform 2 | OBB |
07:45 | Salzburg Aiglhof S-Bahn | ||||||
07:49 | Salzburg Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
08:07 | Salzburg Hauptbahnhof | A1763 Platform 4 | OBB | ||||
09:17 | Linz/Donau Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
10:01 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
11:12 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | S4021035 Platform 7 | OBB | ||||
11:15 | St. Pölten Traisenpark/P+R Nord | ||||||
11:20 | Viehofen Bahnhof | ||||||
11:23 | Oberradlberg Bahnhof | ||||||
11:25 | Unterradlberg Bahnhof |
07:50 | Salzburg Taxham Europark S-Bahn | 3 h 43 18 stops 2 changes 103-D5097 A13547 S4021018 Platform 2 | 3 h 43 | 2 changes 18 stops | 103-D5097 A13547 S4021018 Platform 2 | 103-D5097 Platform 2 | OBB |
07:53 | Salzburg Mülln-Altstadt S-Bahn | ||||||
07:55 | Salzburg Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
08:11 | Salzburg Hauptbahnhof | A13547 Platform 4 | OBB | ||||
08:29 | Neumarkt Bahnhof | ||||||
08:55 | Vöcklabruck Bahnhof | ||||||
09:01 | Attnang-Puchheim Bahnhof | ||||||
09:16 | Wels Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
09:32 | Linz/Donau Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
09:50 | St. Valentin Bahnhof | ||||||
10:07 | Amstetten Bahnhof | ||||||
10:32 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
10:43 | Tullnerfeld Bahnhof | ||||||
10:48 | Tullnerfeld Bahnhof | S4021018 Platform 5 | OBB | ||||
11:00 | Moosbierbaum-Heiligeneich Bahnhof | ||||||
11:07 | Sitzenberg-Reidling Bahnhof | ||||||
11:09 | Gemeinlebarn Bahnhof | ||||||
11:19 | Traismauer Bahnhof | ||||||
11:23 | Getzersdorf/Traisen Bahnhof | ||||||
11:27 | Herzogenburg Stadt | ||||||
11:30 | Herzogenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
11:33 | Unterradlberg Bahnhof |
08:08 | Salzburg Taxham Europark S-Bahn | 4 h 17 7 stops 2 changes REX215857 A3861 S4021039 Platform 2 | 4 h 17 | 2 changes 7 stops | REX215857 A3861 S4021039 Platform 2 | REX215857 Platform 2 | OBB |
08:11 | Salzburg Mülln-Altstadt S-Bahn | ||||||
08:13 | Salzburg Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
09:07 | Salzburg Hauptbahnhof | A3861 Platform 4 | OBB | ||||
10:17 | Linz/Donau Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
11:01 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
12:12 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | S4021039 Platform 7 | OBB | ||||
12:15 | St. Pölten Traisenpark/P+R Nord | ||||||
12:20 | Viehofen Bahnhof | ||||||
12:23 | Oberradlberg Bahnhof | ||||||
12:25 | Unterradlberg Bahnhof |
08:12 | Salzburg Taxham Europark S-Bahn | 4 h 21 5 stops 3 changes S325707 A6261 R446231 S4021022 Platform 2 | 4 h 21 | 3 changes 5 stops | S325707 A6261 R446231 S4021022 Platform 2 | S325707 Platform 2 | OBB |
08:14 | Salzburg Aiglhof S-Bahn | ||||||
08:17 | Salzburg Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
09:07 | Salzburg Hauptbahnhof | A6261 Platform 4 | OBB | ||||
10:17 | Linz/Donau Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
11:01 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
11:06 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | R446231 Platform 7 | OBB | ||||
11:13 | Herzogenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
12:30 | Herzogenburg Bahnhof | S4021022 Platform 3 | OBB | ||||
12:33 | Unterradlberg Bahnhof |
08:25 | Salzburg Taxham Europark S-Bahn | 5 h 00 16 stops 2 changes S25057 A21549 S4021043 Platform 2 | 5 h 00 | 2 changes 16 stops | S25057 A21549 S4021043 Platform 2 | S25057 Platform 2 | OBB |
08:28 | Salzburg Aiglhof S-Bahn | ||||||
08:34 | Salzburg Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
08:42 | Hallwang-Elixhausen S-Bahn | ||||||
08:45 | Eugendorf S-Bahn | ||||||
08:53 | Wallersee S-Bahn | ||||||
08:59 | Neumarkt Bahnhof | ||||||
09:29 | Neumarkt Bahnhof | A21549 Platform 1 | OBB | ||||
09:55 | Vöcklabruck Bahnhof | ||||||
10:01 | Attnang-Puchheim Bahnhof | ||||||
10:16 | Wels Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
10:32 | Linz/Donau Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
10:50 | St. Valentin Bahnhof | ||||||
11:07 | Amstetten Bahnhof | ||||||
11:30 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
13:12 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | S4021043 Platform 7 | OBB | ||||
13:15 | St. Pölten Traisenpark/P+R Nord | ||||||
13:20 | Viehofen Bahnhof | ||||||
13:23 | Oberradlberg Bahnhof | ||||||
13:25 | Unterradlberg Bahnhof |
09:08 | Salzburg Taxham Europark S-Bahn | 4 h 25 18 stops 2 changes REX215859 A13641 S4021026 Platform 2 | 4 h 25 | 2 changes 18 stops | REX215859 A13641 S4021026 Platform 2 | REX215859 Platform 2 | OBB |
09:11 | Salzburg Mülln-Altstadt S-Bahn | ||||||
09:16 | Salzburg Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
09:35 | Neumarkt Bahnhof | ||||||
10:29 | Neumarkt Bahnhof | A13641 Platform 1 | OBB | ||||
10:55 | Vöcklabruck Bahnhof | ||||||
11:01 | Attnang-Puchheim Bahnhof | ||||||
11:16 | Wels Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
11:32 | Linz/Donau Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
11:50 | St. Valentin Bahnhof | ||||||
12:07 | Amstetten Bahnhof | ||||||
12:32 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
12:43 | Tullnerfeld Bahnhof | ||||||
12:48 | Tullnerfeld Bahnhof | S4021026 Platform 5 | OBB | ||||
13:00 | Moosbierbaum-Heiligeneich Bahnhof | ||||||
13:07 | Sitzenberg-Reidling Bahnhof | ||||||
13:09 | Gemeinlebarn Bahnhof | ||||||
13:19 | Traismauer Bahnhof | ||||||
13:23 | Getzersdorf/Traisen Bahnhof | ||||||
13:27 | Herzogenburg Stadt | ||||||
13:30 | Herzogenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
13:33 | Unterradlberg Bahnhof |
10:25 | Salzburg Taxham Europark S-Bahn | 4 h 08 25 stops 3 changes S25061 R25061 A13643 S4021030 Platform 2 | 4 h 08 | 3 changes 25 stops | S25061 R25061 A13643 S4021030 Platform 2 | S25061 Platform 2 | OBB |
10:28 | Salzburg Aiglhof S-Bahn | ||||||
10:34 | Salzburg Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
10:42 | Hallwang-Elixhausen S-Bahn | ||||||
10:45 | Eugendorf S-Bahn | ||||||
10:53 | Wallersee S-Bahn | ||||||
11:02 | Straßwalchen Bahnhof | ||||||
11:03 | Straßwalchen Bahnhof | R25061 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
11:06 | Oberhofen-Zell am Moos Bahnhst | ||||||
11:11 | Pöndorf Bahnhof | ||||||
11:23 | Frankenmarkt Bahnhof | ||||||
11:27 | Vöcklamarkt Bahnhof | ||||||
11:42 | Vöcklabruck Bahnhof | ||||||
11:55 | Vöcklabruck Bahnhof | A13643 Platform 1 | OBB | ||||
12:01 | Attnang-Puchheim Bahnhof | ||||||
12:16 | Wels Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
12:32 | Linz/Donau Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
12:50 | St. Valentin Bahnhof | ||||||
13:07 | Amstetten Bahnhof | ||||||
13:32 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
13:43 | Tullnerfeld Bahnhof | ||||||
13:48 | Tullnerfeld Bahnhof | S4021030 Platform 5 | OBB | ||||
14:00 | Moosbierbaum-Heiligeneich Bahnhof | ||||||
14:07 | Sitzenberg-Reidling Bahnhof | ||||||
14:09 | Gemeinlebarn Bahnhof | ||||||
14:19 | Traismauer Bahnhof | ||||||
14:23 | Getzersdorf/Traisen Bahnhof | ||||||
14:27 | Herzogenburg Stadt | ||||||
14:30 | Herzogenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
14:33 | Unterradlberg Bahnhof |
11:25 | Salzburg Taxham Europark S-Bahn | 4 h 08 25 stops 3 changes S25063 R25063 A13645 S4021034 Platform 2 | 4 h 08 | 3 changes 25 stops | S25063 R25063 A13645 S4021034 Platform 2 | S25063 Platform 2 | OBB |
11:28 | Salzburg Aiglhof S-Bahn | ||||||
11:34 | Salzburg Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
11:42 | Hallwang-Elixhausen S-Bahn | ||||||
11:45 | Eugendorf S-Bahn | ||||||
11:53 | Wallersee S-Bahn | ||||||
12:02 | Straßwalchen Bahnhof | ||||||
12:03 | Straßwalchen Bahnhof | R25063 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
12:06 | Oberhofen-Zell am Moos Bahnhst | ||||||
12:11 | Pöndorf Bahnhof | ||||||
12:23 | Frankenmarkt Bahnhof | ||||||
12:27 | Vöcklamarkt Bahnhof | ||||||
12:42 | Vöcklabruck Bahnhof | ||||||
12:55 | Vöcklabruck Bahnhof | A13645 Platform 1 | OBB | ||||
13:01 | Attnang-Puchheim Bahnhof | ||||||
13:16 | Wels Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
13:32 | Linz/Donau Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
13:50 | St. Valentin Bahnhof | ||||||
14:07 | Amstetten Bahnhof | ||||||
14:32 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
14:43 | Tullnerfeld Bahnhof | ||||||
14:48 | Tullnerfeld Bahnhof | S4021034 Platform 5 | OBB | ||||
15:00 | Moosbierbaum-Heiligeneich Bahnhof | ||||||
15:07 | Sitzenberg-Reidling Bahnhof | ||||||
15:09 | Gemeinlebarn Bahnhof | ||||||
15:19 | Traismauer Bahnhof | ||||||
15:23 | Getzersdorf/Traisen Bahnhof | ||||||
15:27 | Herzogenburg Stadt | ||||||
15:30 | Herzogenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
15:33 | Unterradlberg Bahnhof |
Travel time
Travel time between Salzburg Taxham Europark Bahnhof and Unterradlberg Bahnhof is 2h41