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Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof to Statzendorf Bahnhof train times
Thursday, 19 December 202421:44 | Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof | 2 h 42 6 stops 3 changes REX41323 S4021070 CJX51938 R446077 Platform 2 | 2 h 42 | 3 changes 6 stops | REX41323 S4021070 CJX51938 R446077 Platform 2 | REX41323 Platform 2 | OBB |
21:53 | Eggenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
22:25 | Tulln Bahnhof | ||||||
23:27 | Tulln Bahnhof | S4021070 Platform 1 | OBB | ||||
23:29 | Tulln Stadt Bahnhof | ||||||
23:35 | Tullnerfeld Bahnhof | ||||||
23:40 | Tullnerfeld Bahnhof | CJX51938 Platform 3 | OBB | ||||
23:54 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
00:09 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | R446077 Platform 7 | OBB | ||||
00:17 | Herzogenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
00:26 | Statzendorf Bahnhof |
Friday, 20 December 2024
04:39 | Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof | 1 h 56 10 stops 2 changes REX412153 REX42802 R446004 Platform 2 | 1 h 56 | 2 changes 10 stops | REX412153 REX42802 R446004 Platform 2 | REX412153 Platform 2 | OBB |
04:47 | Eggenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
04:55 | Limberg-Maissau Bahnhof | ||||||
05:02 | Ziersdorf Bahnhof | ||||||
05:09 | Großweikersdorf Bahnhof | ||||||
05:15 | Absdorf-Hippersdorf Bahnhof | ||||||
05:40 | Absdorf-Hippersdorf Bahnhof | REX42802 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
05:47 | Kirchberg am Wagram Bhf. | ||||||
05:52 | Fels am Wagram Bahnhof | ||||||
06:00 | Hadersdorf/Kamp Bahnhof | ||||||
06:08 | Krems Bahnhof | ||||||
06:19 | Krems Bahnhof | R446004 Platform 3 | OBB | ||||
06:30 | Paudorf Bahnhof | ||||||
06:35 | Statzendorf Bahnhof |
05:09 | Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof | 1 h 49 8 stops 3 changes REX412155 S421182 A62540 R446009 Platform 2 | 1 h 49 | 3 changes 8 stops | REX412155 S421182 A62540 R446009 Platform 2 | REX412155 Platform 2 | OBB |
05:17 | Eggenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
05:25 | Limberg-Maissau Bahnhof | ||||||
05:32 | Ziersdorf Bahnhof | ||||||
05:39 | Großweikersdorf Bahnhof | ||||||
05:45 | Absdorf-Hippersdorf Bahnhof | ||||||
05:58 | Absdorf-Hippersdorf Bahnhof | S421182 Platform 4 | OBB | ||||
06:11 | Tullnerfeld Bahnhof | ||||||
06:16 | Tullnerfeld Bahnhof | A62540 Platform 3 | OBB | ||||
06:28 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
06:39 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | R446009 Platform 7 | OBB | ||||
06:48 | Herzogenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
06:58 | Statzendorf Bahnhof |
05:21 | Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof | 2 h 02 5 stops 3 changes REX412103 S4021002 CJX51904 R446215 Platform 2 | 2 h 02 | 3 changes 5 stops | REX412103 S4021002 CJX51904 R446215 Platform 2 | REX412103 Platform 2 | OBB |
05:57 | Tulln Bahnhof | ||||||
06:27 | Tulln Bahnhof | S4021002 Platform 1 | OBB | ||||
06:29 | Tulln Stadt Bahnhof | ||||||
06:35 | Tullnerfeld Bahnhof | ||||||
06:40 | Tullnerfeld Bahnhof | CJX51904 Platform 3 | OBB | ||||
06:54 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
07:06 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | R446215 Platform 7 | OBB | ||||
07:14 | Herzogenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
07:23 | Statzendorf Bahnhof |
05:51 | Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof | 1 h 44 7 stops R446008 Platform 21 | 1 h 44 | 7 stops | R446008 Platform 21 | R446008 Platform 21 | OBB |
06:04 | Horn Bahnhof | ||||||
06:30 | Plank am Kamp Bahnhof | ||||||
06:42 | Schönberg/Kamp Bahnhof | ||||||
06:52 | Gobelsburg Bahnhof | ||||||
07:03 | Hadersdorf/Kamp Bahnhof | ||||||
07:19 | Krems Bahnhof | ||||||
07:30 | Paudorf Bahnhof | ||||||
07:35 | Statzendorf Bahnhof |
06:14 | Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof | 2 h 09 12 stops 3 changes REX412107 S421222 S4021004 R446219 Platform 2 | 2 h 09 | 3 changes 12 stops | REX412107 S421222 S4021004 R446219 Platform 2 | REX412107 Platform 2 | OBB |
06:22 | Eggenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
06:30 | Limberg-Maissau Bahnhof | ||||||
06:37 | Ziersdorf Bahnhof | ||||||
06:43 | Großweikersdorf Bahnhof | ||||||
06:49 | Absdorf-Hippersdorf Bahnhof | ||||||
06:58 | Absdorf-Hippersdorf Bahnhof | S421222 Platform 4 | OBB | ||||
07:11 | Tullnerfeld Bahnhof | ||||||
07:18 | Tullnerfeld Bahnhof | S4021004 Platform 5 | OBB | ||||
07:25 | Atzenbrugg Bahnhof | ||||||
07:29 | Moosbierbaum-Heiligeneich Bahnhof | ||||||
07:42 | Traismauer Bahnhof | ||||||
07:46 | Getzersdorf/Traisen Bahnhof | ||||||
07:50 | Herzogenburg Stadt | ||||||
07:52 | Herzogenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
08:14 | Herzogenburg Bahnhof | R446219 Platform 3 | OBB | ||||
08:23 | Statzendorf Bahnhof |
06:39 | Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof | 2 h 23 11 stops 2 changes REX412109 REX42810 R446214 Platform 2 | 2 h 23 | 2 changes 11 stops | REX412109 REX42810 R446214 Platform 2 | REX412109 Platform 2 | OBB |
06:47 | Eggenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
06:55 | Limberg-Maissau Bahnhof | ||||||
07:02 | Ziersdorf Bahnhof | ||||||
07:10 | Großweikersdorf Bahnhof | ||||||
07:17 | Absdorf-Hippersdorf Bahnhof | ||||||
07:40 | Absdorf-Hippersdorf Bahnhof | REX42810 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
07:47 | Kirchberg am Wagram Bhf. | ||||||
07:52 | Fels am Wagram Bahnhof | ||||||
07:59 | Hadersdorf/Kamp Bahnhof | ||||||
08:33 | Hadersdorf/Kamp Bahnhof | R446214 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
08:46 | Krems Bahnhof | ||||||
08:50 | Furth-Palt Bahnhof | ||||||
08:57 | Paudorf Bahnhof | ||||||
09:02 | Statzendorf Bahnhof |
07:09 | Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof | 2 h 14 8 stops 3 changes REX412111 S4021974 A13544 R446223 Platform 2 | 2 h 14 | 3 changes 8 stops | REX412111 S4021974 A13544 R446223 Platform 2 | REX412111 Platform 2 | OBB |
07:18 | Eggenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
07:26 | Limberg-Maissau Bahnhof | ||||||
07:33 | Ziersdorf Bahnhof | ||||||
07:40 | Großweikersdorf Bahnhof | ||||||
07:47 | Absdorf-Hippersdorf Bahnhof | ||||||
07:58 | Absdorf-Hippersdorf Bahnhof | S4021974 Platform 4 | OBB | ||||
08:11 | Tullnerfeld Bahnhof | ||||||
08:16 | Tullnerfeld Bahnhof | A13544 Platform 3 | OBB | ||||
08:28 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
09:06 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | R446223 Platform 7 | OBB | ||||
09:14 | Herzogenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
09:23 | Statzendorf Bahnhof |
08:14 | Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof | 2 h 09 9 stops 3 changes REX412115 S4021014 CJX51910 R446227 Platform 2 | 2 h 09 | 3 changes 9 stops | REX412115 S4021014 CJX51910 R446227 Platform 2 | REX412115 Platform 2 | OBB |
08:22 | Eggenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
08:30 | Limberg-Maissau Bahnhof | ||||||
08:43 | Großweikersdorf Bahnhof | ||||||
08:51 | Absdorf-Hippersdorf Bahnhof | ||||||
08:58 | Tulln Bahnhof | ||||||
09:27 | Tulln Bahnhof | S4021014 Platform 1 | OBB | ||||
09:29 | Tulln Stadt Bahnhof | ||||||
09:35 | Tullnerfeld Bahnhof | ||||||
09:40 | Tullnerfeld Bahnhof | CJX51910 Platform 3 | OBB | ||||
09:54 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
10:06 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | R446227 Platform 7 | OBB | ||||
10:14 | Herzogenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
10:23 | Statzendorf Bahnhof |
08:16 | Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof | 2 h 19 12 stops 1 change R446918 R446018 Platform 21 | 2 h 19 | 1 change 12 stops | R446918 R446018 Platform 21 | R446918 Platform 21 | OBB |
08:28 | Horn Bahnhof | ||||||
09:04 | Horn Bahnhof | R446018 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
09:13 | Rosenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
09:21 | Gars-Thunau Bahnhof | ||||||
09:26 | Buchberg/Kamp Bahnhof | ||||||
09:32 | Plank am Kamp Bahnhof | ||||||
09:39 | Stiefern Bahnhof | ||||||
09:44 | Schönberg/Kamp Bahnhof | ||||||
09:51 | Langenlois Bahnhof | ||||||
09:54 | Gobelsburg Bahnhof | ||||||
10:03 | Hadersdorf/Kamp Bahnhof | ||||||
10:19 | Krems Bahnhof | ||||||
10:30 | Paudorf Bahnhof | ||||||
10:35 | Statzendorf Bahnhof |
09:09 | Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof | 2 h 14 10 stops 3 changes REX412161 S4021018 CJX51912 R446231 Platform 2 | 2 h 14 | 3 changes 10 stops | REX412161 S4021018 CJX51912 R446231 Platform 2 | REX412161 Platform 2 | OBB |
09:17 | Eggenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
09:30 | Limberg-Maissau Bahnhof | ||||||
09:37 | Ziersdorf Bahnhof | ||||||
09:43 | Großweikersdorf Bahnhof | ||||||
09:51 | Absdorf-Hippersdorf Bahnhof | ||||||
09:58 | Tulln Bahnhof | ||||||
10:27 | Tulln Bahnhof | S4021018 Platform 1 | OBB | ||||
10:29 | Tulln Stadt Bahnhof | ||||||
10:35 | Tullnerfeld Bahnhof | ||||||
10:40 | Tullnerfeld Bahnhof | CJX51912 Platform 3 | OBB | ||||
10:54 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
11:06 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | R446231 Platform 7 | OBB | ||||
11:14 | Herzogenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
11:23 | Statzendorf Bahnhof |
09:44 | Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof | 1 h 51 12 stops 1 change R446924 R446022 Platform 21 | 1 h 51 | 1 change 12 stops | R446924 R446022 Platform 21 | R446924 Platform 21 | OBB |
09:56 | Horn Bahnhof | ||||||
10:04 | Horn Bahnhof | R446022 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
10:13 | Rosenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
10:21 | Gars-Thunau Bahnhof | ||||||
10:26 | Buchberg/Kamp Bahnhof | ||||||
10:32 | Plank am Kamp Bahnhof | ||||||
10:39 | Stiefern Bahnhof | ||||||
10:44 | Schönberg/Kamp Bahnhof | ||||||
10:51 | Langenlois Bahnhof | ||||||
10:54 | Gobelsburg Bahnhof | ||||||
11:03 | Hadersdorf/Kamp Bahnhof | ||||||
11:19 | Krems Bahnhof | ||||||
11:30 | Paudorf Bahnhof | ||||||
11:35 | Statzendorf Bahnhof |
Travel time
Travel time between Sigmundsherberg Bahnhof and Statzendorf Bahnhof is 1h40