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Statzendorf Bahnhof to Willendorf am Steinfeld Bahnhof train times
Sunday, 22 December 202420:36 | Statzendorf Bahnhof | 2 h 24 7 stops 3 changes R446058 A62261 CJX92969 R986471 Platform 1 | 2 h 24 | 3 changes 7 stops | R446058 A62261 CJX92969 R986471 Platform 1 | R446058 Platform 1 | OBB |
20:43 | Herzogenburg-Wielandsthal | ||||||
20:46 | Herzogenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
20:54 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
21:03 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | A62261 Platform 3 | OBB | ||||
21:25 | Wien Meidling | ||||||
21:32 | Wien Meidling | CJX92969 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
21:57 | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
22:37 | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | R986471 Platform 8 | OBB | ||||
22:48 | Brunn an der Schneebergbahn Bhf. | ||||||
22:53 | Winzendorf Bahnhof | ||||||
23:00 | Willendorf Bahnhof |
21:36 | Statzendorf Bahnhof | 2 h 24 7 stops 3 changes R446062 A1169 CJX96599 R986475 Platform 1 | 2 h 24 | 3 changes 7 stops | R446062 A1169 CJX96599 R986475 Platform 1 | R446062 Platform 1 | OBB |
21:43 | Herzogenburg-Wielandsthal | ||||||
21:46 | Herzogenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
21:54 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
22:03 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | A1169 Platform 3 | OBB | ||||
22:25 | Wien Meidling | ||||||
22:32 | Wien Meidling | CJX96599 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
23:01 | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
23:37 | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | R986475 Platform 8 | OBB | ||||
23:48 | Brunn an der Schneebergbahn Bhf. | ||||||
23:53 | Winzendorf Bahnhof | ||||||
00:00 | Willendorf Bahnhof |
22:36 | Statzendorf Bahnhof | 8 h 08 12 stops 3 changes R446066 A3663 REX12377 R986407 Platform 1 | 8 h 08 | 3 changes 12 stops | R446066 A3663 REX12377 R986407 Platform 1 | R446066 Platform 1 | OBB |
22:43 | Herzogenburg-Wielandsthal | ||||||
22:46 | Herzogenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
22:54 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
23:03 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | A3663 Platform 3 | OBB | ||||
23:25 | Wien Meidling | ||||||
23:37 | Wien Meidling | REX12377 Platform 1 | OBB | ||||
23:44 | Wien Liesing | ||||||
23:49 | Mödling Bahnhof | ||||||
23:57 | Baden Bahnhof | ||||||
00:02 | Bad Vöslau Bahnhof | ||||||
00:06 | Leobersdorf Bahnhof | ||||||
00:12 | Felixdorf Bahnhof | ||||||
00:21 | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
06:09 | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | R986407 Platform 8 | OBB | ||||
06:30 | Bad Fischau-Brunn Bahnhof | ||||||
06:44 | Willendorf Bahnhof |
23:36 | Statzendorf Bahnhof | 8 h 24 13 stops 3 changes R446070 A1367 REX12381 R986411 Platform 1 | 8 h 24 | 3 changes 13 stops | R446070 A1367 REX12381 R986411 Platform 1 | R446070 Platform 1 | OBB |
23:43 | Herzogenburg-Wielandsthal | ||||||
23:46 | Herzogenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
23:54 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
00:06 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | A1367 Platform 3 | OBB | ||||
00:28 | Wien Meidling | ||||||
00:37 | Wien Meidling | REX12381 Platform 1 | OBB | ||||
00:44 | Wien Liesing | ||||||
00:49 | Mödling Bahnhof | ||||||
00:57 | Baden Bahnhof | ||||||
01:02 | Bad Vöslau Bahnhof | ||||||
01:06 | Leobersdorf Bahnhof | ||||||
01:12 | Felixdorf Bahnhof | ||||||
01:21 | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
07:37 | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | R986411 Platform 8 | OBB | ||||
07:48 | Brunn an der Schneebergbahn Bhf. | ||||||
07:53 | Winzendorf Bahnhof | ||||||
08:00 | Willendorf Bahnhof |
04:36 +1d | Statzendorf Bahnhof | 8 h 24 8 stops 3 changes R446096 A13821 CJX92905 R986431 Platform 1 | 8 h 24 | 3 changes 8 stops | R446096 A13821 CJX92905 R986431 Platform 1 | R446096 Platform 1 | OBB |
04:43 | Herzogenburg-Wielandsthal | ||||||
04:46 | Herzogenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
04:54 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
05:02 +1d | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | A13821 Platform 3 | OBB | ||||
05:15 | Tullnerfeld Bahnhof | ||||||
05:28 | Wien Meidling | ||||||
05:35 +1d | Wien Meidling | CJX92905 Platform 2 | OBB | ||||
06:00 | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
12:37 +1d | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | R986431 Platform 8 | OBB | ||||
12:48 | Brunn an der Schneebergbahn Bhf. | ||||||
12:53 | Winzendorf Bahnhof | ||||||
13:00 | Willendorf Bahnhof |
05:03 +1d | Statzendorf Bahnhof | 8 h 57 7 stops 3 changes REX446098 A13461 A92551 R986435 Platform 1 | 8 h 57 | 3 changes 7 stops | REX446098 A13461 A92551 R986435 Platform 1 | REX446098 Platform 1 | OBB |
05:13 | Herzogenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
05:22 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
05:32 +1d | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | A13461 Platform 3 | OBB | ||||
05:45 | Tullnerfeld Bahnhof | ||||||
05:58 | Wien Meidling | ||||||
06:05 +1d | Wien Meidling | A92551 Platform 5 | OBB | ||||
06:30 | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
13:37 +1d | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | R986435 Platform 8 | OBB | ||||
13:48 | Brunn an der Schneebergbahn Bhf. | ||||||
13:53 | Winzendorf Bahnhof | ||||||
14:00 | Willendorf Bahnhof |
05:36 +1d | Statzendorf Bahnhof | 9 h 24 7 stops 3 changes R446000 A340467 A9131 R986439 Platform 1 | 9 h 24 | 3 changes 7 stops | R446000 A340467 A9131 R986439 Platform 1 | R446000 Platform 1 | OBB |
05:43 | Herzogenburg-Wielandsthal | ||||||
05:46 | Herzogenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
05:54 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
06:00 +1d | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | A340467 Platform 3 | OBB | ||||
06:24 | Wien Meidling | ||||||
06:31 +1d | Wien Meidling | A9131 Platform 1 | OBB | ||||
06:54 | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
14:37 +1d | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | R986439 Platform 8 | OBB | ||||
14:48 | Brunn an der Schneebergbahn Bhf. | ||||||
14:53 | Winzendorf Bahnhof | ||||||
15:00 | Willendorf Bahnhof |
06:03 +1d | Statzendorf Bahnhof | 9 h 57 7 stops 3 changes REX446002 A13823 A12553 R986443 Platform 1 | 9 h 57 | 3 changes 7 stops | REX446002 A13823 A12553 R986443 Platform 1 | REX446002 Platform 1 | OBB |
06:13 | Herzogenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
06:22 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
06:32 +1d | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | A13823 Platform 3 | OBB | ||||
06:45 | Tullnerfeld Bahnhof | ||||||
06:58 | Wien Meidling | ||||||
07:05 +1d | Wien Meidling | A12553 Platform 5 | OBB | ||||
07:30 | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
15:37 +1d | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | R986443 Platform 8 | OBB | ||||
15:48 | Brunn an der Schneebergbahn Bhf. | ||||||
15:53 | Winzendorf Bahnhof | ||||||
16:00 | Willendorf Bahnhof |
06:36 +1d | Statzendorf Bahnhof | 10 h 24 7 stops 3 changes R446004 A1769 A4733 R986447 Platform 1 | 10 h 24 | 3 changes 7 stops | R446004 A1769 A4733 R986447 Platform 1 | R446004 Platform 1 | OBB |
06:43 | Herzogenburg-Wielandsthal | ||||||
06:46 | Herzogenburg Bahnhof | ||||||
06:54 | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
07:03 +1d | St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof | A1769 Platform 3 | OBB | ||||
07:25 | Wien Meidling | ||||||
07:31 +1d | Wien Meidling | A4733 Platform 5 | OBB | ||||
07:54 | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | ||||||
16:37 +1d | Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof | R986447 Platform 8 | OBB | ||||
16:48 | Brunn an der Schneebergbahn Bhf. | ||||||
16:53 | Winzendorf Bahnhof | ||||||
17:00 | Willendorf Bahnhof |
Travel time
Travel time between Statzendorf Bahnhof and Willendorf am Steinfeld Bahnhof is 1h57