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Indooroopilly to Wulkuraka train times
Saturday, 14 December 202422:42 | Indooroopilly | 58 min 1 stop 1 change Caboolture line - Ipswich line Ipswich line - Rosewood line Platform 1 | 58 min | 1 change 1 stop | Caboolture line - Ipswich line Ipswich line - Rosewood line Platform 1 | Caboolture line - Ipswich line Platform 1 | |
23:26 | Ipswich | ||||||
23:35 | Ipswich | Ipswich line - Rosewood line Platform 2 | |||||
23:40 | Wulkuraka |
23:42 +1d | Indooroopilly | 7 h 28 1 stop 1 change Caboolture line - Ipswich line Ipswich line - Rosewood line Platform 1 | 7 h 28 | 1 change 1 stop | Caboolture line - Ipswich line Ipswich line - Rosewood line Platform 1 | Caboolture line - Ipswich line Platform 1 | |
00:26 | Ipswich | ||||||
07:05 +1d | Ipswich | Ipswich line - Rosewood line Platform 2 | |||||
07:10 | Wulkuraka |
Travel time
Travel time between Indooroopilly and Wulkuraka is 46 minutes