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Otford to Coniston Train times 15 September 2024 at 7:00 am

7:29 am
Otford Station
54 min
1 change
9 stops
Platform 2
54 min
1 change
9 stops
Platform 2
Platform 2
7:33 am
Stanwell Park Station
7:38 am
Coalcliff Station
7:42 am
Scarborough Station
7:45 am
Wombarra Station
7:48 am
Coledale Station
7:51 am
Austinmer Station
7:53 am
Thirroul Station
8:02 am
North Wollongong Station
8:05 am
Wollongong Station
8:22 am
Wollongong Station
Platform 2
8:23 am
Coniston Station
9:30 am
Otford Station
39 min
9 stops
Platform 2
39 min
9 stops
Platform 2
Platform 2
9:34 am
Stanwell Park Station
9:40 am
Coalcliff Station
9:44 am
Scarborough Station
9:47 am
Wombarra Station
9:49 am
Coledale Station
9:52 am
Austinmer Station
9:55 am
Thirroul Station
10:04 am
North Wollongong Station
10:08 am
Wollongong Station
10:09 am
Coniston Station
11:30 am
Otford Station
39 min
9 stops
Platform 2
39 min
9 stops
Platform 2
Platform 2
11:34 am
Stanwell Park Station
11:40 am
Coalcliff Station
11:44 am
Scarborough Station
11:47 am
Wombarra Station
11:49 am
Coledale Station
11:52 am
Austinmer Station
11:55 am
Thirroul Station
12:04 pm
North Wollongong Station
12:08 pm
Wollongong Station
12:09 pm
Coniston Station
1:30 pm
Otford Station
39 min
9 stops
Platform 2
39 min
9 stops
Platform 2
Platform 2
1:34 pm
Stanwell Park Station
1:40 pm
Coalcliff Station
1:44 pm
Scarborough Station
1:47 pm
Wombarra Station
1:49 pm
Coledale Station
1:52 pm
Austinmer Station
1:55 pm
Thirroul Station
2:04 pm
North Wollongong Station
2:08 pm
Wollongong Station
2:09 pm
Coniston Station
3:30 pm
Otford Station
39 min
9 stops
Platform 2
39 min
9 stops
Platform 2
Platform 2
3:34 pm
Stanwell Park Station
3:40 pm
Coalcliff Station
3:44 pm
Scarborough Station
3:47 pm
Wombarra Station
3:49 pm
Coledale Station
3:52 pm
Austinmer Station
3:55 pm
Thirroul Station
4:04 pm
North Wollongong Station
4:08 pm
Wollongong Station
4:09 pm
Coniston Station
5:30 pm
Otford Station
39 min
9 stops
Platform 2
39 min
9 stops
Platform 2
Platform 2
5:34 pm
Stanwell Park Station
5:40 pm
Coalcliff Station
5:44 pm
Scarborough Station
5:47 pm
Wombarra Station
5:49 pm
Coledale Station
5:52 pm
Austinmer Station
5:55 pm
Thirroul Station
6:04 pm
North Wollongong Station
6:08 pm
Wollongong Station
6:09 pm
Coniston Station
7:30 pm
Otford Station
39 min
9 stops
Platform 2
39 min
9 stops
Platform 2
Platform 2
7:34 pm
Stanwell Park Station
7:40 pm
Coalcliff Station
7:44 pm
Scarborough Station
7:47 pm
Wombarra Station
7:49 pm
Coledale Station
7:52 pm
Austinmer Station
7:55 pm
Thirroul Station
8:04 pm
North Wollongong Station
8:08 pm
Wollongong Station
8:09 pm
Coniston Station

Travel time

Travel time between Otford and Coniston is 36 minutes