Get train times
Buda to Amay train times
Thursday, 12 December 202422:11 | Haren-Sud | 9 h 59 10 stops 2 changes S23693 IC2122 L4957 | 9 h 59 | 2 changes 10 stops | S23693 IC2122 L4957 | S23693 | SNCB |
22:16 | Schaerbeek | ||||||
22:20 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
22:44 | Bruxelles-Nord | IC2122 | SNCB | ||||
22:52 | Bruxelles-Schuman | ||||||
22:56 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | ||||||
23:20 | Ottignies | ||||||
23:33 | Gembloux | ||||||
23:46 | Namur | ||||||
07:28 | Namur | L4957 | SNCB | ||||
07:49 | Andenne | ||||||
07:59 | Statte | ||||||
08:03 | Huy | ||||||
08:10 | Amay |
22:49 | Haren-Sud | 6 h 59 13 stops 2 changes S23671 IC521 L4976 | 6 h 59 | 2 changes 13 stops | S23671 IC521 L4976 | S23671 | SNCB |
22:53 | Diegem | ||||||
22:56 | Zaventem | ||||||
23:03 | Kortenberg | ||||||
23:07 | Erps-Kwerps | ||||||
23:14 | Herent | ||||||
23:19 | Louvain | ||||||
23:26 | Louvain | IC521 | SNCB | ||||
23:41 | Tirlemont | ||||||
23:51 | Landen | ||||||
00:01 | Waremme | ||||||
00:13 | Ans | ||||||
00:20 | Liège-Guillemins | ||||||
05:10 | Liège-Guillemins | L4976 | SNCB | ||||
05:18 | Pont-De-Seraing | ||||||
05:36 | Flémalle-Haute | ||||||
05:48 | Amay |
23:49 | Haren-Sud | 6 h 59 13 stops 2 changes S23672 IC522 L4977 | 6 h 59 | 2 changes 13 stops | S23672 IC522 L4977 | S23672 | SNCB |
23:53 | Diegem | ||||||
23:56 | Zaventem | ||||||
00:03 | Kortenberg | ||||||
00:07 | Erps-Kwerps | ||||||
00:14 | Herent | ||||||
00:19 | Louvain | ||||||
00:51 | Louvain | IC522 | SNCB | ||||
01:05 | Tirlemont | ||||||
01:15 | Landen | ||||||
01:24 | Waremme | ||||||
01:37 | Ans | ||||||
01:44 | Liège-Guillemins | ||||||
06:10 | Liège-Guillemins | L4977 | SNCB | ||||
06:18 | Pont-De-Seraing | ||||||
06:36 | Flémalle-Haute | ||||||
06:48 | Amay |
Friday, 13 December 2024
05:36 | Buda | 2 h 12 6 stops 2 changes S11776 IC504 L4978 | 2 h 12 | 2 changes 6 stops | S11776 IC504 L4978 | S11776 | SNCB |
05:41 | Schaerbeek | ||||||
05:45 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
06:07 | Bruxelles-Nord | IC504 | SNCB | ||||
06:25 | Louvain | ||||||
07:00 | Liège-Guillemins | ||||||
07:10 | Liège-Guillemins | L4978 | SNCB | ||||
07:18 | Pont-De-Seraing | ||||||
07:36 | Flémalle-Haute | ||||||
07:48 | Amay |
06:19 | Haren-Sud | 1 h 58 9 stops 2 changes S23755 IC405 P7481 | 1 h 58 | 2 changes 9 stops | S23755 IC405 P7481 | S23755 | SNCB |
06:23 | Diegem | ||||||
06:26 | Zaventem | ||||||
06:33 | Kortenberg | ||||||
06:43 | Herent | ||||||
06:48 | Louvain | ||||||
06:58 | Louvain | IC405 | SNCB | ||||
07:25 | Ans | ||||||
07:32 | Liège-Guillemins | ||||||
07:39 | Liège-Guillemins | P7481 | SNCB | ||||
07:47 | Pont-De-Seraing | ||||||
08:05 | Flémalle-Haute | ||||||
08:17 | Amay |
06:36 | Buda | 2 h 12 6 stops 2 changes S11777 IC505 L4979 | 2 h 12 | 2 changes 6 stops | S11777 IC505 L4979 | S11777 | SNCB |
06:41 | Schaerbeek | ||||||
06:45 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
07:07 | Bruxelles-Nord | IC505 | SNCB | ||||
07:26 | Louvain | ||||||
07:59 | Liège-Guillemins | ||||||
08:10 | Liège-Guillemins | L4979 | SNCB | ||||
08:18 | Pont-De-Seraing | ||||||
08:36 | Flémalle-Haute | ||||||
08:48 | Amay |
07:36 | Buda | 2 h 12 6 stops 2 changes S11778 IC506 L4980 | 2 h 12 | 2 changes 6 stops | S11778 IC506 L4980 | S11778 | SNCB |
07:41 | Schaerbeek | ||||||
07:44 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
08:07 | Bruxelles-Nord | IC506 | SNCB | ||||
08:26 | Louvain | ||||||
08:59 | Liège-Guillemins | ||||||
09:10 | Liège-Guillemins | L4980 | SNCB | ||||
09:18 | Pont-De-Seraing | ||||||
09:36 | Flémalle-Haute | ||||||
09:48 | Amay |
08:19 | Haren-Sud | 2 h 29 9 stops 2 changes S23757 IC407 L4981 | 2 h 29 | 2 changes 9 stops | S23757 IC407 L4981 | S23757 | SNCB |
08:23 | Diegem | ||||||
08:26 | Zaventem | ||||||
08:33 | Kortenberg | ||||||
08:43 | Herent | ||||||
08:48 | Louvain | ||||||
08:58 | Louvain | IC407 | SNCB | ||||
09:24 | Ans | ||||||
09:31 | Liège-Guillemins | ||||||
10:10 | Liège-Guillemins | L4981 | SNCB | ||||
10:18 | Pont-De-Seraing | ||||||
10:36 | Flémalle-Haute | ||||||
10:48 | Amay |
08:23 | Buda | 3 h 47 12 stops 3 changes S11757 S73479 IC2509 L4961 | 3 h 47 | 3 changes 12 stops | S11757 S73479 IC2509 L4961 | S11757 | SNCB |
08:26 | Vilvorde | ||||||
08:53 | Vilvorde | S73479 | SNCB | ||||
09:02 | Bordet | ||||||
09:08 | Meiser | ||||||
09:12 | Mérode | ||||||
09:18 | Delta | ||||||
09:21 | Etterbeek | ||||||
09:42 | Etterbeek | IC2509 | SNCB | ||||
10:02 | Ottignies | ||||||
10:15 | Gembloux | ||||||
10:28 | Namur | ||||||
11:28 | Namur | L4961 | SNCB | ||||
11:49 | Andenne | ||||||
11:59 | Statte | ||||||
12:03 | Huy | ||||||
12:10 | Amay |
09:23 | Buda | 3 h 47 12 stops 3 changes S11758 S73480 IC2510 L4962 | 3 h 47 | 3 changes 12 stops | S11758 S73480 IC2510 L4962 | S11758 | SNCB |
09:26 | Vilvorde | ||||||
09:53 | Vilvorde | S73480 | SNCB | ||||
10:02 | Bordet | ||||||
10:08 | Meiser | ||||||
10:12 | Mérode | ||||||
10:18 | Delta | ||||||
10:21 | Etterbeek | ||||||
10:42 | Etterbeek | IC2510 | SNCB | ||||
11:02 | Ottignies | ||||||
11:15 | Gembloux | ||||||
11:28 | Namur | ||||||
12:28 | Namur | L4962 | SNCB | ||||
12:49 | Andenne | ||||||
12:59 | Statte | ||||||
13:03 | Huy | ||||||
13:10 | Amay |
09:36 | Buda | 2 h 12 6 stops 2 changes S11780 IC508 L4982 | 2 h 12 | 2 changes 6 stops | S11780 IC508 L4982 | S11780 | SNCB |
09:41 | Schaerbeek | ||||||
09:45 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
10:07 | Bruxelles-Nord | IC508 | SNCB | ||||
10:26 | Louvain | ||||||
10:59 | Liège-Guillemins | ||||||
11:10 | Liège-Guillemins | L4982 | SNCB | ||||
11:18 | Pont-De-Seraing | ||||||
11:36 | Flémalle-Haute | ||||||
11:48 | Amay |
10:36 | Buda | 2 h 12 6 stops 2 changes S11781 IC509 L4983 | 2 h 12 | 2 changes 6 stops | S11781 IC509 L4983 | S11781 | SNCB |
10:41 | Schaerbeek | ||||||
10:45 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
11:07 | Bruxelles-Nord | IC509 | SNCB | ||||
11:26 | Louvain | ||||||
11:59 | Liège-Guillemins | ||||||
12:10 | Liège-Guillemins | L4983 | SNCB | ||||
12:18 | Pont-De-Seraing | ||||||
12:36 | Flémalle-Haute | ||||||
12:48 | Amay |
Travel time
Travel time between Buda and Amay is 1h51