Get train times
Couvin to Bertrix train times
Sunday, 1 December 202412:39 | Couvin | 4 h 45 S643933 IC5714 IC2114 L6089 | 4 h 45 | 3 changes 13 stops | S643933 IC5714 IC2114 L6089 | S643933 | SNCB |
12:49 | Mariembourg | ||||||
13:02 | Philippeville | ||||||
13:16 | Walcourt | ||||||
13:46 | Charleroi-Central | ||||||
14:37 | Charleroi-Central | IC5714 | SNCB | ||||
14:49 | Fleurus | ||||||
15:05 | Court-Saint-Etienne | ||||||
15:10 | Ottignies | ||||||
15:17 | Ottignies | IC2114 | SNCB | ||||
15:31 | Gembloux | ||||||
15:47 | Namur | ||||||
16:03 | Ciney | ||||||
16:22 | Marloie | ||||||
16:29 | Rochefort-Jemelle | ||||||
16:52 | Libramont | ||||||
17:15 | Libramont | L6089 | SNCB | ||||
17:24 | Bertrix 3 changes 13 stops |
14:39 | Couvin | 4 h 45 S643935 IC5716 IC2116 L6091 | 4 h 45 | 3 changes 13 stops | S643935 IC5716 IC2116 L6091 | S643935 | SNCB |
14:49 | Mariembourg | ||||||
15:02 | Philippeville | ||||||
15:16 | Walcourt | ||||||
15:46 | Charleroi-Central | ||||||
16:37 | Charleroi-Central | IC5716 | SNCB | ||||
16:49 | Fleurus | ||||||
17:05 | Court-Saint-Etienne | ||||||
17:10 | Ottignies | ||||||
17:17 | Ottignies | IC2116 | SNCB | ||||
17:31 | Gembloux | ||||||
17:47 | Namur | ||||||
18:03 | Ciney | ||||||
18:22 | Marloie | ||||||
18:29 | Rochefort-Jemelle | ||||||
18:52 | Libramont | ||||||
19:15 | Libramont | L6091 | SNCB | ||||
19:24 | Bertrix 3 changes 13 stops |
16:39 | Couvin | 3 h 28 S643937 IC3816 IC2117 L5969 | 3 h 28 | 3 changes 10 stops | S643937 IC3816 IC2117 L5969 | S643937 | SNCB |
16:49 | Mariembourg | ||||||
17:02 | Philippeville | ||||||
17:16 | Walcourt | ||||||
17:46 | Charleroi-Central | ||||||
17:54 | Charleroi-Central | IC3816 | SNCB | ||||
18:05 | Tamines | ||||||
18:25 | Namur | ||||||
18:47 | Namur | IC2117 | SNCB | ||||
19:03 | Ciney | ||||||
19:22 | Marloie | ||||||
19:29 | Rochefort-Jemelle | ||||||
19:52 | Libramont | ||||||
19:58 | Libramont | L5969 | SNCB | ||||
20:07 | Bertrix 3 changes 10 stops |
18:39 | Couvin | 3 h 28 S643939 IC3818 IC2119 L5971 | 3 h 28 | 3 changes 10 stops | S643939 IC3818 IC2119 L5971 | S643939 | SNCB |
18:49 | Mariembourg | ||||||
19:02 | Philippeville | ||||||
19:16 | Walcourt | ||||||
19:46 | Charleroi-Central | ||||||
19:54 | Charleroi-Central | IC3818 | SNCB | ||||
20:05 | Tamines | ||||||
20:25 | Namur | ||||||
20:47 | Namur | IC2119 | SNCB | ||||
21:04 | Ciney | ||||||
21:23 | Marloie | ||||||
21:29 | Rochefort-Jemelle | ||||||
21:52 | Libramont | ||||||
21:58 | Libramont | L5971 | SNCB | ||||
22:07 | Bertrix 3 changes 10 stops |
20:39 | Couvin | 9 h 45 S643941 IC3820 IC2121 P7672 L6078 | 9 h 45 | 4 changes 10 stops | S643941 IC3820 IC2121 P7672 L6078 | S643941 | SNCB |
20:49 | Mariembourg | ||||||
21:02 | Philippeville | ||||||
21:16 | Walcourt | ||||||
21:46 | Charleroi-Central | ||||||
21:54 | Charleroi-Central | IC3820 | SNCB | ||||
22:05 | Tamines | ||||||
22:25 | Namur | ||||||
22:47 | Namur | IC2121 | SNCB | ||||
23:03 | Ciney | ||||||
23:22 | Marloie | ||||||
23:27 | Rochefort-Jemelle | ||||||
04:49 | Rochefort-Jemelle | P7672 | SNCB | ||||
05:16 | Libramont | ||||||
06:12 | Libramont | L6078 | SNCB | ||||
06:24 | Bertrix 4 changes 10 stops |
Monday, 2 December 2024
05:23 | Couvin | 4 h 05 S643926 IC905 L6057 | 4 h 05 | 2 changes 12 stops | S643926 IC905 L6057 | S643926 | SNCB |
05:33 | Mariembourg | ||||||
05:44 | Philippeville | ||||||
06:04 | Walcourt | ||||||
06:33 | Charleroi-Central | ||||||
06:50 | Charleroi-Central | IC905 | SNCB | ||||
07:02 | Tamines | ||||||
07:22 | Namur | ||||||
07:52 | Namur | L6057 | SNCB | ||||
07:57 | Jambes | ||||||
08:06 | Lustin | ||||||
08:23 | Dinant | ||||||
08:34 | Gendron-Celles | ||||||
09:06 | Gedinne | ||||||
09:12 | Graide | ||||||
09:28 | Bertrix 2 changes 12 stops |
06:32 | Couvin | 3 h 52 P7764 IC906 IC2107 L6082 | 3 h 52 | 3 changes 15 stops | P7764 IC906 IC2107 L6082 | P7764 | SNCB |
06:42 | Mariembourg | ||||||
06:53 | Philippeville | ||||||
07:01 | Yves-Gomezée | ||||||
07:08 | Walcourt | ||||||
07:13 | Pry | ||||||
07:17 | Berzée | ||||||
07:24 | Ham-Sur-Heure | ||||||
07:27 | Beignée | ||||||
07:43 | Charleroi-Central | ||||||
07:50 | Charleroi-Central | IC906 | SNCB | ||||
08:02 | Tamines | ||||||
08:22 | Namur | ||||||
08:47 | Namur | IC2107 | SNCB | ||||
09:04 | Ciney | ||||||
09:23 | Marloie | ||||||
09:29 | Rochefort-Jemelle | ||||||
09:52 | Libramont | ||||||
10:12 | Libramont | L6082 | SNCB | ||||
10:24 | Bertrix 3 changes 15 stops |
07:23 | Couvin | 4 h 05 S643928 IC907 L6059 | 4 h 05 | 2 changes 14 stops | S643928 IC907 L6059 | S643928 | SNCB |
07:33 | Mariembourg | ||||||
07:46 | Philippeville | ||||||
08:00 | Walcourt | ||||||
08:07 | Berzée | ||||||
08:13 | Ham-Sur-Heure | ||||||
08:29 | Charleroi-Central | ||||||
08:50 | Charleroi-Central | IC907 | SNCB | ||||
09:02 | Tamines | ||||||
09:22 | Namur | ||||||
09:52 | Namur | L6059 | SNCB | ||||
09:57 | Jambes | ||||||
10:06 | Lustin | ||||||
10:23 | Dinant | ||||||
10:34 | Gendron-Celles | ||||||
11:06 | Gedinne | ||||||
11:12 | Graide | ||||||
11:28 | Bertrix 2 changes 14 stops |
08:09 | Couvin | 4 h 19 S643929 S614558 L6060 | 4 h 19 | 2 changes 16 stops | S643929 S614558 L6060 | S643929 | SNCB |
08:17 | Mariembourg | ||||||
08:28 | Philippeville | ||||||
08:42 | Walcourt | ||||||
08:48 | Berzée | ||||||
09:08 | Charleroi-Central | ||||||
09:16 | Charleroi-Central | S614558 | SNCB | ||||
09:27 | Châtelet | ||||||
09:40 | Tamines | ||||||
09:47 | Jemeppe-Sur-Sambre | ||||||
09:59 | Floreffe | ||||||
10:14 | Namur | ||||||
10:18 | Jambes | ||||||
10:57 | Jambes | L6060 | SNCB | ||||
11:06 | Lustin | ||||||
11:23 | Dinant | ||||||
11:34 | Gendron-Celles | ||||||
12:06 | Gedinne | ||||||
12:12 | Graide | ||||||
12:28 | Bertrix 2 changes 16 stops |
09:06 | Couvin | 4 h 22 S643930 S614559 L6061 | 4 h 22 | 2 changes 15 stops | S643930 S614559 L6061 | S643930 | SNCB |
09:16 | Mariembourg | ||||||
09:27 | Philippeville | ||||||
09:42 | Walcourt | ||||||
10:08 | Charleroi-Central | ||||||
10:16 | Charleroi-Central | S614559 | SNCB | ||||
10:27 | Châtelet | ||||||
10:40 | Tamines | ||||||
10:47 | Jemeppe-Sur-Sambre | ||||||
10:59 | Floreffe | ||||||
11:14 | Namur | ||||||
11:18 | Jambes | ||||||
11:57 | Jambes | L6061 | SNCB | ||||
12:06 | Lustin | ||||||
12:23 | Dinant | ||||||
12:34 | Gendron-Celles | ||||||
13:06 | Gedinne | ||||||
13:12 | Graide | ||||||
13:28 | Bertrix 2 changes 15 stops |
10:06 | Couvin | 4 h 22 S643931 S614560 L6062 | 4 h 22 | 2 changes 15 stops | S643931 S614560 L6062 | S643931 | SNCB |
10:16 | Mariembourg | ||||||
10:27 | Philippeville | ||||||
10:42 | Walcourt | ||||||
11:08 | Charleroi-Central | ||||||
11:16 | Charleroi-Central | S614560 | SNCB | ||||
11:27 | Châtelet | ||||||
11:40 | Tamines | ||||||
11:47 | Jemeppe-Sur-Sambre | ||||||
11:59 | Floreffe | ||||||
12:14 | Namur | ||||||
12:18 | Jambes | ||||||
12:57 | Jambes | L6062 | SNCB | ||||
13:06 | Lustin | ||||||
13:23 | Dinant | ||||||
13:34 | Gendron-Celles | ||||||
14:06 | Gedinne | ||||||
14:12 | Graide | ||||||
14:28 | Bertrix 2 changes 15 stops |
11:06 | Couvin | 4 h 22 S643932 S614561 L6063 | 4 h 22 | 2 changes 15 stops | S643932 S614561 L6063 | S643932 | SNCB |
11:16 | Mariembourg | ||||||
11:27 | Philippeville | ||||||
11:42 | Walcourt | ||||||
12:08 | Charleroi-Central | ||||||
12:16 | Charleroi-Central | S614561 | SNCB | ||||
12:27 | Châtelet | ||||||
12:40 | Tamines | ||||||
12:47 | Jemeppe-Sur-Sambre | ||||||
12:59 | Floreffe | ||||||
13:14 | Namur | ||||||
13:18 | Jambes | ||||||
13:57 | Jambes | L6063 | SNCB | ||||
14:06 | Lustin | ||||||
14:23 | Dinant | ||||||
14:34 | Gendron-Celles | ||||||
15:06 | Gedinne | ||||||
15:12 | Graide | ||||||
15:28 | Bertrix 2 changes 15 stops |
Travel time
Travel time between Couvin and Bertrix is 3h26