Get train times
Frameries to Duinbergen train times
Friday, 6 December 2024Saturday, 7 December 2024
07:16 | Frameries | 4 h 31 13 stops 3 changes L4878 S521879 IC1830 IC13019 | 4 h 31 | 3 changes 13 stops | L4878 S521879 IC1830 IC13019 | L4878 | SNCB |
07:25 | Mons | ||||||
07:37 | Jurbise | ||||||
07:45 | Cambron-Casteau | ||||||
08:01 | Ath | ||||||
08:17 | Lessines | ||||||
08:25 | Grammont | ||||||
09:06 | Grammont | S521879 | SNCB | ||||
09:22 | Zottegem | ||||||
09:33 | Scheldewindeke | ||||||
09:46 | Melle | ||||||
09:50 | Merelbeke | ||||||
09:57 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
10:14 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | IC1830 | SNCB | ||||
10:38 | Bruges | ||||||
11:30 | Bruges | IC13019 | SNCB | ||||
11:44 | Heist | ||||||
11:47 | Duinbergen |
08:16 | Frameries | 4 h 31 13 stops 3 changes L4879 S521880 IC1831 IC13020 | 4 h 31 | 3 changes 13 stops | L4879 S521880 IC1831 IC13020 | L4879 | SNCB |
08:25 | Mons | ||||||
08:37 | Jurbise | ||||||
08:45 | Cambron-Casteau | ||||||
09:01 | Ath | ||||||
09:17 | Lessines | ||||||
09:25 | Grammont | ||||||
10:06 | Grammont | S521880 | SNCB | ||||
10:22 | Zottegem | ||||||
10:33 | Scheldewindeke | ||||||
10:46 | Melle | ||||||
10:50 | Merelbeke | ||||||
10:56 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
11:14 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | IC1831 | SNCB | ||||
11:38 | Bruges | ||||||
12:30 | Bruges | IC13020 | SNCB | ||||
12:44 | Heist | ||||||
12:47 | Duinbergen |
09:16 | Frameries | 4 h 31 13 stops 3 changes L4880 S521881 IC1832 IC13021 | 4 h 31 | 3 changes 13 stops | L4880 S521881 IC1832 IC13021 | L4880 | SNCB |
09:25 | Mons | ||||||
09:37 | Jurbise | ||||||
09:45 | Cambron-Casteau | ||||||
10:01 | Ath | ||||||
10:17 | Lessines | ||||||
10:25 | Grammont | ||||||
11:06 | Grammont | S521881 | SNCB | ||||
11:22 | Zottegem | ||||||
11:33 | Scheldewindeke | ||||||
11:46 | Melle | ||||||
11:50 | Merelbeke | ||||||
11:56 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
12:14 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | IC1832 | SNCB | ||||
12:38 | Bruges | ||||||
13:30 | Bruges | IC13021 | SNCB | ||||
13:44 | Heist | ||||||
13:47 | Duinbergen |
10:16 | Frameries | 4 h 31 13 stops 3 changes L4881 S521882 IC1833 IC13022 | 4 h 31 | 3 changes 13 stops | L4881 S521882 IC1833 IC13022 | L4881 | SNCB |
10:25 | Mons | ||||||
10:37 | Jurbise | ||||||
10:45 | Cambron-Casteau | ||||||
11:01 | Ath | ||||||
11:17 | Lessines | ||||||
11:25 | Grammont | ||||||
12:06 | Grammont | S521882 | SNCB | ||||
12:22 | Zottegem | ||||||
12:33 | Scheldewindeke | ||||||
12:46 | Melle | ||||||
12:50 | Merelbeke | ||||||
12:56 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
13:14 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | IC1833 | SNCB | ||||
13:38 | Bruges | ||||||
14:30 | Bruges | IC13022 | SNCB | ||||
14:44 | Heist | ||||||
14:47 | Duinbergen |
11:16 | Frameries | 4 h 31 13 stops 3 changes L4882 S521883 IC1834 IC13023 | 4 h 31 | 3 changes 13 stops | L4882 S521883 IC1834 IC13023 | L4882 | SNCB |
11:25 | Mons | ||||||
11:37 | Jurbise | ||||||
11:45 | Cambron-Casteau | ||||||
12:01 | Ath | ||||||
12:17 | Lessines | ||||||
12:25 | Grammont | ||||||
13:06 | Grammont | S521883 | SNCB | ||||
13:22 | Zottegem | ||||||
13:33 | Scheldewindeke | ||||||
13:46 | Melle | ||||||
13:50 | Merelbeke | ||||||
13:56 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
14:14 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | IC1834 | SNCB | ||||
14:38 | Bruges | ||||||
15:30 | Bruges | IC13023 | SNCB | ||||
15:44 | Heist | ||||||
15:47 | Duinbergen |
12:16 | Frameries | 4 h 31 13 stops 3 changes L4883 S521884 IC1835 IC13024 | 4 h 31 | 3 changes 13 stops | L4883 S521884 IC1835 IC13024 | L4883 | SNCB |
12:25 | Mons | ||||||
12:37 | Jurbise | ||||||
12:45 | Cambron-Casteau | ||||||
13:01 | Ath | ||||||
13:17 | Lessines | ||||||
13:25 | Grammont | ||||||
14:06 | Grammont | S521884 | SNCB | ||||
14:22 | Zottegem | ||||||
14:33 | Scheldewindeke | ||||||
14:46 | Melle | ||||||
14:50 | Merelbeke | ||||||
14:56 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
15:14 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | IC1835 | SNCB | ||||
15:38 | Bruges | ||||||
16:30 | Bruges | IC13024 | SNCB | ||||
16:44 | Heist | ||||||
16:47 | Duinbergen |
13:16 | Frameries | 4 h 31 13 stops 3 changes L4884 S521885 IC1836 IC13025 | 4 h 31 | 3 changes 13 stops | L4884 S521885 IC1836 IC13025 | L4884 | SNCB |
13:25 | Mons | ||||||
13:37 | Jurbise | ||||||
13:45 | Cambron-Casteau | ||||||
14:01 | Ath | ||||||
14:17 | Lessines | ||||||
14:25 | Grammont | ||||||
15:06 | Grammont | S521885 | SNCB | ||||
15:22 | Zottegem | ||||||
15:33 | Scheldewindeke | ||||||
15:46 | Melle | ||||||
15:50 | Merelbeke | ||||||
15:56 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
16:14 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | IC1836 | SNCB | ||||
16:38 | Bruges | ||||||
17:30 | Bruges | IC13025 | SNCB | ||||
17:44 | Heist | ||||||
17:47 | Duinbergen |
14:16 | Frameries | 4 h 31 13 stops 3 changes L4885 S521886 IC1837 IC13026 | 4 h 31 | 3 changes 13 stops | L4885 S521886 IC1837 IC13026 | L4885 | SNCB |
14:25 | Mons | ||||||
14:37 | Jurbise | ||||||
14:45 | Cambron-Casteau | ||||||
15:01 | Ath | ||||||
15:17 | Lessines | ||||||
15:25 | Grammont | ||||||
16:06 | Grammont | S521886 | SNCB | ||||
16:22 | Zottegem | ||||||
16:33 | Scheldewindeke | ||||||
16:46 | Melle | ||||||
16:50 | Merelbeke | ||||||
16:56 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
17:14 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | IC1837 | SNCB | ||||
17:38 | Bruges | ||||||
18:30 | Bruges | IC13026 | SNCB | ||||
18:44 | Heist | ||||||
18:47 | Duinbergen |
15:16 | Frameries | 4 h 31 13 stops 3 changes L4886 S521887 IC1838 IC13027 | 4 h 31 | 3 changes 13 stops | L4886 S521887 IC1838 IC13027 | L4886 | SNCB |
15:25 | Mons | ||||||
15:37 | Jurbise | ||||||
15:45 | Cambron-Casteau | ||||||
16:01 | Ath | ||||||
16:17 | Lessines | ||||||
16:25 | Grammont | ||||||
17:06 | Grammont | S521887 | SNCB | ||||
17:22 | Zottegem | ||||||
17:33 | Scheldewindeke | ||||||
17:46 | Melle | ||||||
17:50 | Merelbeke | ||||||
17:56 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
18:14 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | IC1838 | SNCB | ||||
18:38 | Bruges | ||||||
19:30 | Bruges | IC13027 | SNCB | ||||
19:44 | Heist | ||||||
19:47 | Duinbergen |
16:16 | Frameries | 4 h 31 13 stops 3 changes L4887 S521888 IC1839 IC13028 | 4 h 31 | 3 changes 13 stops | L4887 S521888 IC1839 IC13028 | L4887 | SNCB |
16:25 | Mons | ||||||
16:37 | Jurbise | ||||||
16:45 | Cambron-Casteau | ||||||
17:01 | Ath | ||||||
17:17 | Lessines | ||||||
17:25 | Grammont | ||||||
18:06 | Grammont | S521888 | SNCB | ||||
18:22 | Zottegem | ||||||
18:33 | Scheldewindeke | ||||||
18:46 | Melle | ||||||
18:50 | Merelbeke | ||||||
18:56 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
19:14 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | IC1839 | SNCB | ||||
19:38 | Bruges | ||||||
20:30 | Bruges | IC13028 | SNCB | ||||
20:44 | Heist | ||||||
20:47 | Duinbergen |
17:16 | Frameries | 4 h 31 13 stops 3 changes L4888 S521889 IC1840 IC13029 | 4 h 31 | 3 changes 13 stops | L4888 S521889 IC1840 IC13029 | L4888 | SNCB |
17:25 | Mons | ||||||
17:37 | Jurbise | ||||||
17:45 | Cambron-Casteau | ||||||
18:01 | Ath | ||||||
18:17 | Lessines | ||||||
18:25 | Grammont | ||||||
19:06 | Grammont | S521889 | SNCB | ||||
19:22 | Zottegem | ||||||
19:33 | Scheldewindeke | ||||||
19:46 | Melle | ||||||
19:50 | Merelbeke | ||||||
19:56 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
20:14 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | IC1840 | SNCB | ||||
20:38 | Bruges | ||||||
21:30 | Bruges | IC13029 | SNCB | ||||
21:44 | Heist | ||||||
21:47 | Duinbergen |
18:16 | Frameries | 4 h 31 13 stops 3 changes L4889 S521890 IC1841 IC13030 | 4 h 31 | 3 changes 13 stops | L4889 S521890 IC1841 IC13030 | L4889 | SNCB |
18:25 | Mons | ||||||
18:37 | Jurbise | ||||||
18:45 | Cambron-Casteau | ||||||
19:01 | Ath | ||||||
19:17 | Lessines | ||||||
19:25 | Grammont | ||||||
20:06 | Grammont | S521890 | SNCB | ||||
20:22 | Zottegem | ||||||
20:33 | Scheldewindeke | ||||||
20:46 | Melle | ||||||
20:50 | Merelbeke | ||||||
20:56 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
21:14 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | IC1841 | SNCB | ||||
21:38 | Bruges | ||||||
22:30 | Bruges | IC13030 | SNCB | ||||
22:44 | Heist | ||||||
22:47 | Duinbergen |
Travel time
Travel time between Frameries and Duinbergen is 2h23