Get train times
Landegem to Gendron-celles train times
Wednesday, 4 December 202421:05 | Landegem | 9 h 28 L570 IC520 IC2422 L6055 | 9 h 28 | 3 changes 12 stops | L570 IC520 IC2422 L6055 | L570 | SNCB |
21:15 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
21:24 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | IC520 | SNCB | ||||
21:55 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
22:00 | Bruxelles-Central | ||||||
22:04 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
22:12 | Bruxelles-Nord | IC2422 | SNCB | ||||
22:20 | Bruxelles-Schuman | ||||||
22:25 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | ||||||
22:47 | Ottignies | ||||||
23:03 | Gembloux | ||||||
23:17 | Namur | ||||||
05:52 | Namur | L6055 | SNCB | ||||
05:57 | Jambes | ||||||
06:06 | Lustin | ||||||
06:23 | Dinant | ||||||
06:33 | Gendron-Celles 3 changes 12 stops |
23:05 | Landegem | 9 h 28 L572 IC522 IC2426 L6057 | 9 h 28 | 3 changes 15 stops | L572 IC522 IC2426 L6057 | L572 | SNCB |
23:15 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
23:48 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | IC522 | SNCB | ||||
00:20 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
00:25 | Bruxelles-Central | ||||||
00:31 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
00:50 | Louvain | ||||||
01:16 | Ans | ||||||
01:23 | Liège-Guillemins | ||||||
04:51 | Liège-Guillemins | IC2426 | SNCB | ||||
05:01 | Flémalle-Haute | ||||||
05:14 | Huy | ||||||
05:17 | Statte | ||||||
05:25 | Andenne | ||||||
05:41 | Namur | ||||||
07:52 | Namur | L6057 | SNCB | ||||
07:57 | Jambes | ||||||
08:06 | Lustin | ||||||
08:23 | Dinant | ||||||
08:33 | Gendron-Celles 3 changes 15 stops |
Thursday, 5 December 2024
05:05 | Landegem | 3 h 28 L554 IC504 IC2406 L6057 | 3 h 28 | 3 changes 12 stops | L554 IC504 IC2406 L6057 | L554 | SNCB |
05:15 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
05:23 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | IC504 | SNCB | ||||
05:55 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
06:00 | Bruxelles-Central | ||||||
06:04 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
06:12 | Bruxelles-Nord | IC2406 | SNCB | ||||
06:20 | Bruxelles-Schuman | ||||||
06:25 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | ||||||
06:47 | Ottignies | ||||||
07:03 | Gembloux | ||||||
07:17 | Namur | ||||||
07:52 | Namur | L6057 | SNCB | ||||
07:57 | Jambes | ||||||
08:06 | Lustin | ||||||
08:23 | Dinant | ||||||
08:33 | Gendron-Celles 3 changes 12 stops |
06:19 | Landegem | 3 h 14 P7001 IC2107 L6058 | 3 h 14 | 2 changes 13 stops | P7001 IC2107 L6058 | P7001 | SNCB |
06:24 | Tronchiennes | ||||||
06:32 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
07:06 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
07:11 | Bruxelles-Central | ||||||
07:15 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
07:44 | Bruxelles-Nord | IC2107 | SNCB | ||||
07:52 | Bruxelles-Schuman | ||||||
07:56 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | ||||||
08:17 | Ottignies | ||||||
08:31 | Gembloux | ||||||
08:44 | Namur | ||||||
08:52 | Namur | L6058 | SNCB | ||||
08:57 | Jambes | ||||||
09:06 | Lustin | ||||||
09:23 | Dinant | ||||||
09:33 | Gendron-Celles 2 changes 13 stops |
07:07 | Landegem | 3 h 26 L556 IC506 IC2408 L6059 | 3 h 26 | 3 changes 12 stops | L556 IC506 IC2408 L6059 | L556 | SNCB |
07:17 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
07:23 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | IC506 | SNCB | ||||
07:55 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
08:00 | Bruxelles-Central | ||||||
08:04 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
08:13 | Bruxelles-Nord | IC2408 | SNCB | ||||
08:21 | Bruxelles-Schuman | ||||||
08:26 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | ||||||
08:49 | Ottignies | ||||||
09:03 | Gembloux | ||||||
09:17 | Namur | ||||||
09:52 | Namur | L6059 | SNCB | ||||
09:57 | Jambes | ||||||
10:06 | Lustin | ||||||
10:23 | Dinant | ||||||
10:33 | Gendron-Celles 3 changes 12 stops |
07:40 | Landegem | 4 h 46 P7052 IC407 IC2108 L6083 | 4 h 46 | 3 changes 15 stops | P7052 IC407 IC2108 L6083 | P7052 | SNCB |
07:50 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
07:55 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | IC407 | SNCB | ||||
08:28 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
08:33 | Bruxelles-Central | ||||||
08:37 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
08:44 | Bruxelles-Nord | IC2108 | SNCB | ||||
08:52 | Bruxelles-Schuman | ||||||
08:56 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | ||||||
09:17 | Ottignies | ||||||
09:31 | Gembloux | ||||||
09:47 | Namur | ||||||
10:04 | Ciney | ||||||
10:23 | Marloie | ||||||
10:29 | Rochefort-Jemelle | ||||||
10:52 | Libramont | ||||||
11:12 | Libramont | L6083 | SNCB | ||||
11:32 | Bertrix | ||||||
11:56 | Gedinne | ||||||
12:26 | Gendron-Celles 3 changes 15 stops |
08:05 | Landegem | 6 h 21 L557 IC507 L5559 L961 L6085 | 6 h 21 | 4 changes 19 stops | L557 IC507 L5559 L961 L6085 | L557 | SNCB |
08:15 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
08:24 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | IC507 | SNCB | ||||
08:55 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
09:00 | Bruxelles-Central | ||||||
09:07 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
09:26 | Louvain | ||||||
09:59 | Liège-Guillemins | ||||||
10:12 | Liège-Guillemins | L5559 | SNCB | ||||
10:17 | Angleur | ||||||
10:33 | Esneux | ||||||
10:42 | Rivage | ||||||
10:47 | Comblain-La-Tour | ||||||
10:57 | Sy | ||||||
11:02 | Bomal | ||||||
11:06 | Barvaux | ||||||
11:20 | Marche-En-Famenne | ||||||
11:24 | Marloie | ||||||
11:29 | Marloie | L961 | SNCB | ||||
11:35 | Rochefort-Jemelle | ||||||
12:02 | Libramont | ||||||
13:12 | Libramont | L6085 | SNCB | ||||
13:32 | Bertrix | ||||||
13:56 | Gedinne | ||||||
14:26 | Gendron-Celles 4 changes 19 stops |
11:05 | Landegem | 4 h 28 L560 S73483 IC2513 L6064 | 4 h 28 | 3 changes 23 stops | L560 S73483 IC2513 L6064 | L560 | SNCB |
11:21 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
11:29 | Merelbeke | ||||||
11:33 | Melle | ||||||
11:40 | Wetteren | ||||||
11:44 | Schellebelle | ||||||
12:00 | Termonde | ||||||
12:15 | Londerzeel | ||||||
12:28 | Malines | ||||||
12:34 | Malines | S73483 | SNCB | ||||
12:42 | Weerde | ||||||
12:46 | Eppegem | ||||||
12:53 | Vilvorde | ||||||
13:01 | Bordet | ||||||
13:26 | Bordet | IC2513 | SNCB | ||||
13:33 | Bruxelles-Schuman | ||||||
13:38 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | ||||||
13:42 | Etterbeek | ||||||
14:02 | Ottignies | ||||||
14:15 | Gembloux | ||||||
14:31 | Namur | ||||||
14:36 | Jambes | ||||||
14:45 | Lustin | ||||||
14:50 | Godinne | ||||||
14:56 | Yvoir | ||||||
15:03 | Dinant | ||||||
15:23 | Dinant | L6064 | SNCB | ||||
15:33 | Gendron-Celles 3 changes 23 stops |
12:05 | Landegem | 3 h 28 L561 IC511 IC2413 L6064 | 3 h 28 | 3 changes 12 stops | L561 IC511 IC2413 L6064 | L561 | SNCB |
12:15 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
12:24 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | IC511 | SNCB | ||||
12:55 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
13:00 | Bruxelles-Central | ||||||
13:04 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
13:12 | Bruxelles-Nord | IC2413 | SNCB | ||||
13:20 | Bruxelles-Schuman | ||||||
13:25 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | ||||||
13:47 | Ottignies | ||||||
14:03 | Gembloux | ||||||
14:16 | Namur | ||||||
14:52 | Namur | L6064 | SNCB | ||||
14:57 | Jambes | ||||||
15:06 | Lustin | ||||||
15:23 | Dinant | ||||||
15:33 | Gendron-Celles 3 changes 12 stops |
12:40 | Landegem | 3 h 53 P7053 IC412 IC2113 L6065 | 3 h 53 | 3 changes 12 stops | P7053 IC412 IC2113 L6065 | P7053 | SNCB |
12:50 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
12:55 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | IC412 | SNCB | ||||
13:28 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
13:33 | Bruxelles-Central | ||||||
13:37 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
13:44 | Bruxelles-Nord | IC2113 | SNCB | ||||
13:52 | Bruxelles-Schuman | ||||||
13:56 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | ||||||
14:17 | Ottignies | ||||||
14:31 | Gembloux | ||||||
14:44 | Namur | ||||||
15:52 | Namur | L6065 | SNCB | ||||
15:57 | Jambes | ||||||
16:06 | Lustin | ||||||
16:23 | Dinant | ||||||
16:33 | Gendron-Celles 3 changes 12 stops |
12:55 | Landegem | 4 h 38 L583 IC1512 IC2415 IC2515 L6066 | 4 h 38 | 4 changes 15 stops | L583 IC1512 IC2415 IC2515 L6066 | L583 | SNCB |
13:06 | Aalter | ||||||
13:23 | Aalter | IC1512 | SNCB | ||||
13:39 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
14:11 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
14:16 | Bruxelles-Central | ||||||
14:20 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
15:12 | Bruxelles-Nord | IC2415 | SNCB | ||||
15:20 | Bruxelles-Schuman | ||||||
15:25 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | ||||||
15:47 | Ottignies | ||||||
16:00 | Gembloux | ||||||
16:15 | Gembloux | IC2515 | SNCB | ||||
16:31 | Namur | ||||||
16:36 | Jambes | ||||||
16:45 | Lustin | ||||||
16:50 | Godinne | ||||||
16:56 | Yvoir | ||||||
17:03 | Dinant | ||||||
17:23 | Dinant | L6066 | SNCB | ||||
17:33 | Gendron-Celles 4 changes 15 stops |
14:05 | Landegem | 4 h 28 L563 IC513 IC2416 L6067 | 4 h 28 | 3 changes 12 stops | L563 IC513 IC2416 L6067 | L563 | SNCB |
14:15 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
14:24 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | IC513 | SNCB | ||||
14:55 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
15:00 | Bruxelles-Central | ||||||
15:04 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
16:13 | Bruxelles-Nord | IC2416 | SNCB | ||||
16:21 | Bruxelles-Schuman | ||||||
16:25 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | ||||||
16:47 | Ottignies | ||||||
17:03 | Gembloux | ||||||
17:17 | Namur | ||||||
17:52 | Namur | L6067 | SNCB | ||||
17:57 | Jambes | ||||||
18:06 | Lustin | ||||||
18:23 | Dinant | ||||||
18:33 | Gendron-Celles 3 changes 12 stops |
Travel time
Travel time between Landegem and Gendron-celles is 3h10