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Quaregnon to Kwatrecht train times
Saturday, 7 December 202415:56 | Quaregnon | 3 h 10 12 stops 2 changes IC3836 IC19747 L868 | 3 h 10 | 2 changes 12 stops | IC3836 IC19747 L868 | IC3836 | SNCB |
16:00 | Saint-Ghislain | ||||||
16:10 | Blaton | ||||||
16:16 | Péruwelz | ||||||
16:25 | Antoing | ||||||
16:32 | Tournai | ||||||
16:46 | Mouscron | ||||||
17:36 | Mouscron | IC19747 | SNCB | ||||
17:45 | Courtrai | ||||||
18:22 | Courtrai | L868 | SNCB | ||||
18:28 | Harelbeke | ||||||
18:34 | Waregem | ||||||
18:42 | Deinze | ||||||
18:48 | De Pinte | ||||||
18:57 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
19:06 | Kwatrecht |
15:56 | Quaregnon | 3 h 57 11 stops 3 changes L4665 IC3716 IC2238 L890 | 3 h 57 | 3 changes 11 stops | L4665 IC3716 IC2238 L890 | L4665 | SNCB |
15:59 | Jemappes | ||||||
16:04 | Mons | ||||||
16:19 | Mons | IC3716 | SNCB | ||||
16:30 | Jurbise | ||||||
16:40 | Soignies | ||||||
16:47 | Braine-Le-Comte | ||||||
17:05 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
17:23 | Bruxelles-Midi | IC2238 | SNCB | ||||
17:36 | Liedekerke | ||||||
17:42 | Denderleeuw | ||||||
17:51 | Alost | ||||||
17:56 | Lede | ||||||
18:02 | Wetteren | ||||||
19:49 | Wetteren | L890 | SNCB | ||||
19:53 | Kwatrecht |
16:56 | Quaregnon | 3 h 10 12 stops 2 changes IC3837 IC19731 L869 | 3 h 10 | 2 changes 12 stops | IC3837 IC19731 L869 | IC3837 | SNCB |
17:00 | Saint-Ghislain | ||||||
17:10 | Blaton | ||||||
17:16 | Péruwelz | ||||||
17:25 | Antoing | ||||||
17:32 | Tournai | ||||||
17:46 | Mouscron | ||||||
18:36 | Mouscron | IC19731 | SNCB | ||||
18:45 | Courtrai | ||||||
19:22 | Courtrai | L869 | SNCB | ||||
19:28 | Harelbeke | ||||||
19:34 | Waregem | ||||||
19:42 | Deinze | ||||||
19:48 | De Pinte | ||||||
19:57 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
20:06 | Kwatrecht |
17:56 | Quaregnon | 3 h 10 12 stops 2 changes IC3838 IC19735 L870 | 3 h 10 | 2 changes 12 stops | IC3838 IC19735 L870 | IC3838 | SNCB |
18:00 | Saint-Ghislain | ||||||
18:10 | Blaton | ||||||
18:16 | Péruwelz | ||||||
18:25 | Antoing | ||||||
18:32 | Tournai | ||||||
18:46 | Mouscron | ||||||
19:36 | Mouscron | IC19735 | SNCB | ||||
19:45 | Courtrai | ||||||
20:22 | Courtrai | L870 | SNCB | ||||
20:28 | Harelbeke | ||||||
20:34 | Waregem | ||||||
20:42 | Deinze | ||||||
20:48 | De Pinte | ||||||
20:57 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
21:06 | Kwatrecht |
18:56 | Quaregnon | 3 h 10 12 stops 2 changes IC3839 IC19737 L871 | 3 h 10 | 2 changes 12 stops | IC3839 IC19737 L871 | IC3839 | SNCB |
19:00 | Saint-Ghislain | ||||||
19:10 | Blaton | ||||||
19:16 | Péruwelz | ||||||
19:25 | Antoing | ||||||
19:32 | Tournai | ||||||
19:46 | Mouscron | ||||||
20:36 | Mouscron | IC19737 | SNCB | ||||
20:45 | Courtrai | ||||||
21:22 | Courtrai | L871 | SNCB | ||||
21:28 | Harelbeke | ||||||
21:34 | Waregem | ||||||
21:42 | Deinze | ||||||
21:48 | De Pinte | ||||||
21:57 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
22:06 | Kwatrecht |
19:56 | Quaregnon | 3 h 10 12 stops 2 changes IC3840 IC19741 L872 | 3 h 10 | 2 changes 12 stops | IC3840 IC19741 L872 | IC3840 | SNCB |
20:00 | Saint-Ghislain | ||||||
20:10 | Blaton | ||||||
20:16 | Péruwelz | ||||||
20:25 | Antoing | ||||||
20:32 | Tournai | ||||||
20:46 | Mouscron | ||||||
21:36 | Mouscron | IC19741 | SNCB | ||||
21:45 | Courtrai | ||||||
22:21 | Courtrai | L872 | SNCB | ||||
22:27 | Harelbeke | ||||||
22:33 | Waregem | ||||||
22:42 | Deinze | ||||||
22:48 | De Pinte | ||||||
22:57 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
23:06 | Kwatrecht |
20:04 | Quaregnon | 3 h 02 14 stops 3 changes IC3819 IC3720 IC2242 L872 | 3 h 02 | 3 changes 14 stops | IC3819 IC3720 IC2242 L872 | IC3819 | SNCB |
20:08 | Jemappes | ||||||
20:14 | Mons | ||||||
20:19 | Mons | IC3720 | SNCB | ||||
20:30 | Jurbise | ||||||
20:40 | Soignies | ||||||
20:47 | Braine-Le-Comte | ||||||
21:06 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
21:23 | Bruxelles-Midi | IC2242 | SNCB | ||||
21:36 | Liedekerke | ||||||
21:42 | Denderleeuw | ||||||
21:51 | Alost | ||||||
21:56 | Lede | ||||||
22:03 | Wetteren | ||||||
22:09 | Melle | ||||||
22:13 | Merelbeke | ||||||
22:19 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
22:57 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | L872 | SNCB | ||||
23:06 | Kwatrecht |
20:56 | Quaregnon | 8 h 57 11 stops 3 changes L4670 IC3721 IC2243 L876 | 8 h 57 | 3 changes 11 stops | L4670 IC3721 IC2243 L876 | L4670 | SNCB |
20:59 | Jemappes | ||||||
21:04 | Mons | ||||||
21:19 | Mons | IC3721 | SNCB | ||||
21:30 | Jurbise | ||||||
21:40 | Soignies | ||||||
21:47 | Braine-Le-Comte | ||||||
22:05 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
22:23 | Bruxelles-Midi | IC2243 | SNCB | ||||
22:36 | Liedekerke | ||||||
22:42 | Denderleeuw | ||||||
22:51 | Alost | ||||||
22:56 | Lede | ||||||
23:02 | Wetteren | ||||||
05:49 | Wetteren | L876 | SNCB | ||||
05:53 | Kwatrecht |
21:04 | Quaregnon | 9 h 49 13 stops 3 changes IC3820 IC3722 IC3628 L877 | 9 h 49 | 3 changes 13 stops | IC3820 IC3722 IC3628 L877 | IC3820 | SNCB |
21:08 | Jemappes | ||||||
21:14 | Mons | ||||||
22:19 | Mons | IC3722 | SNCB | ||||
22:30 | Jurbise | ||||||
22:40 | Soignies | ||||||
22:47 | Braine-Le-Comte | ||||||
23:05 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
05:48 | Bruxelles-Midi | IC3628 | SNCB | ||||
06:03 | Liedekerke | ||||||
06:09 | Denderleeuw | ||||||
06:14 | Erembodegem | ||||||
06:19 | Alost | ||||||
06:24 | Lede | ||||||
06:31 | Schellebelle | ||||||
06:46 | Schellebelle | L877 | SNCB | ||||
06:49 | Wetteren | ||||||
06:53 | Kwatrecht |
22:04 | Quaregnon | 9 h 49 13 stops 4 changes IC3821 IC13807 BUS11978 IC3629 L878 | 9 h 49 | 4 changes 13 stops | IC3821 IC13807 BUS11978 IC3629 L878 | IC3821 | SNCB |
22:08 | Jemappes | ||||||
22:17 | Mons | ||||||
22:32 | La louvière-Sud | ||||||
22:45 | Marchienne-Au-Pont | ||||||
23:09 | Marchienne-Au-Pont | IC13807 | SNCB | ||||
23:22 | Luttre | ||||||
23:30 | Nivelles | ||||||
00:01 | Nivelles | BUS11978 | SNCB | ||||
01:46 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
06:48 | Bruxelles-Midi | IC3629 | SNCB | ||||
07:03 | Liedekerke | ||||||
07:09 | Denderleeuw | ||||||
07:19 | Alost | ||||||
07:24 | Lede | ||||||
07:31 | Schellebelle | ||||||
07:46 | Schellebelle | L878 | SNCB | ||||
07:49 | Wetteren | ||||||
07:53 | Kwatrecht |
23:04 | Quaregnon | 9 h 49 11 stops 3 changes IC3822 IC3705 IC2227 L879 | 9 h 49 | 3 changes 11 stops | IC3822 IC3705 IC2227 L879 | IC3822 | SNCB |
23:08 | Jemappes | ||||||
23:14 | Mons | ||||||
05:19 | Mons | IC3705 | SNCB | ||||
05:30 | Jurbise | ||||||
05:40 | Soignies | ||||||
05:47 | Braine-Le-Comte | ||||||
06:05 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
06:23 | Bruxelles-Midi | IC2227 | SNCB | ||||
06:36 | Liedekerke | ||||||
06:42 | Denderleeuw | ||||||
06:51 | Alost | ||||||
06:56 | Lede | ||||||
07:02 | Wetteren | ||||||
08:49 | Wetteren | L879 | SNCB | ||||
08:53 | Kwatrecht |
Sunday, 8 December 2024
07:04 | Quaregnon | 2 h 49 11 stops 3 changes IC3806 IC3707 IC2229 L880 | 2 h 49 | 3 changes 11 stops | IC3806 IC3707 IC2229 L880 | IC3806 | SNCB |
07:08 | Jemappes | ||||||
07:14 | Mons | ||||||
07:19 | Mons | IC3707 | SNCB | ||||
07:30 | Jurbise | ||||||
07:40 | Soignies | ||||||
07:47 | Braine-Le-Comte | ||||||
08:05 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
08:23 | Bruxelles-Midi | IC2229 | SNCB | ||||
08:36 | Liedekerke | ||||||
08:42 | Denderleeuw | ||||||
08:51 | Alost | ||||||
08:56 | Lede | ||||||
09:02 | Wetteren | ||||||
09:49 | Wetteren | L880 | SNCB | ||||
09:53 | Kwatrecht |
Travel time
Travel time between Quaregnon and Kwatrecht is 2h00