Get train times
Scheldewindeke to Courriere train times
Wednesday, 4 December 202418:28 | Scheldewindeke | 3 h 15 S521868 IC2316 IC2420 L5771 | 3 h 15 | 3 changes 12 stops | S521868 IC2316 IC2420 L5771 | S521868 | SNCB |
18:40 | Zottegem | ||||||
18:45 | Zottegem | IC2316 | SNCB | ||||
19:01 | Denderleeuw | ||||||
19:14 | Anderlecht | ||||||
19:23 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
19:28 | Bruxelles-Central | ||||||
19:32 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
20:12 | Bruxelles-Nord | IC2420 | SNCB | ||||
20:20 | Bruxelles-Schuman | ||||||
20:25 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | ||||||
20:49 | Ottignies | ||||||
21:04 | Gembloux | ||||||
21:17 | Namur | ||||||
21:25 | Namur | L5771 | SNCB | ||||
21:39 | Sart-Bernard | ||||||
21:43 | Courrière 3 changes 12 stops |
18:31 | Scheldewindeke | 11 h 43 S521888 IC2218 IC2120 L5776 | 11 h 43 | 3 changes 14 stops | S521888 IC2218 IC2120 L5776 | S521888 | SNCB |
18:44 | Melle | ||||||
18:52 | Melle | IC2218 | SNCB | ||||
18:58 | Wetteren | ||||||
19:06 | Lede | ||||||
19:14 | Alost | ||||||
19:25 | Denderleeuw | ||||||
19:44 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
19:49 | Bruxelles-Central | ||||||
19:53 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
20:44 | Bruxelles-Nord | IC2120 | SNCB | ||||
20:52 | Bruxelles-Schuman | ||||||
20:56 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | ||||||
21:17 | Ottignies | ||||||
21:31 | Gembloux | ||||||
21:47 | Namur | ||||||
22:02 | Ciney | ||||||
06:01 | Ciney | L5776 | SNCB | ||||
06:14 | Courrière 3 changes 14 stops |
19:31 | Scheldewindeke | 11 h 10 S521889 IC2219 IC2421 L5756 | 11 h 10 | 3 changes 14 stops | S521889 IC2219 IC2421 L5756 | S521889 | SNCB |
19:44 | Melle | ||||||
19:52 | Melle | IC2219 | SNCB | ||||
19:58 | Wetteren | ||||||
20:06 | Lede | ||||||
20:14 | Alost | ||||||
20:25 | Denderleeuw | ||||||
20:44 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
20:49 | Bruxelles-Central | ||||||
20:53 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
21:12 | Bruxelles-Nord | IC2421 | SNCB | ||||
21:20 | Bruxelles-Schuman | ||||||
21:25 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | ||||||
21:47 | Ottignies | ||||||
22:03 | Gembloux | ||||||
22:17 | Namur | ||||||
06:23 | Namur | L5756 | SNCB | ||||
06:37 | Sart-Bernard | ||||||
06:41 | Courrière 3 changes 14 stops |
20:28 | Scheldewindeke | 10 h 42 S521870 S32270 IC2422 P7670 | 10 h 42 | 3 changes 16 stops | S521870 S32270 IC2422 P7670 | S521870 | SNCB |
20:40 | Zottegem | ||||||
20:49 | Zottegem | S32270 | SNCB | ||||
20:56 | Herzele | ||||||
21:01 | Burst | ||||||
21:09 | Haaltert | ||||||
21:17 | Denderleeuw | ||||||
21:21 | Liedekerke | ||||||
21:31 | Anderlecht | ||||||
21:40 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
21:44 | Bruxelles-Central | ||||||
21:48 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
22:12 | Bruxelles-Nord | IC2422 | SNCB | ||||
22:20 | Bruxelles-Schuman | ||||||
22:25 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | ||||||
22:47 | Ottignies | ||||||
23:03 | Gembloux | ||||||
23:17 | Namur | ||||||
06:53 | Namur | P7670 | SNCB | ||||
07:00 | Dave-Saint-Martin | ||||||
07:10 | Courrière 3 changes 16 stops |
21:28 | Scheldewindeke | 10 h 15 S521871 S32271 IC2406 L5757 | 10 h 15 | 3 changes 16 stops | S521871 S32271 IC2406 L5757 | S521871 | SNCB |
21:40 | Zottegem | ||||||
21:49 | Zottegem | S32271 | SNCB | ||||
21:56 | Herzele | ||||||
22:01 | Burst | ||||||
22:09 | Haaltert | ||||||
22:17 | Denderleeuw | ||||||
22:21 | Liedekerke | ||||||
22:31 | Anderlecht | ||||||
22:40 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
22:44 | Bruxelles-Central | ||||||
22:48 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
06:12 | Bruxelles-Nord | IC2406 | SNCB | ||||
06:20 | Bruxelles-Schuman | ||||||
06:25 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | ||||||
06:47 | Ottignies | ||||||
07:03 | Gembloux | ||||||
07:17 | Namur | ||||||
07:25 | Namur | L5757 | SNCB | ||||
07:39 | Sart-Bernard | ||||||
07:43 | Courrière 3 changes 16 stops |
21:31 | Scheldewindeke | 9 h 10 S521891 IC521 IC2426 L5756 | 9 h 10 | 3 changes 18 stops | S521891 IC521 IC2426 L5756 | S521891 | SNCB |
21:45 | Melle | ||||||
21:49 | Merelbeke | ||||||
21:56 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
22:24 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | IC521 | SNCB | ||||
22:55 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
23:00 | Bruxelles-Central | ||||||
23:07 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
23:26 | Louvain | ||||||
23:41 | Tirlemont | ||||||
23:51 | Landen | ||||||
00:01 | Waremme | ||||||
00:13 | Ans | ||||||
00:20 | Liège-Guillemins | ||||||
04:51 | Liège-Guillemins | IC2426 | SNCB | ||||
05:01 | Flémalle-Haute | ||||||
05:14 | Huy | ||||||
05:17 | Statte | ||||||
05:25 | Andenne | ||||||
05:41 | Namur | ||||||
06:23 | Namur | L5756 | SNCB | ||||
06:37 | Sart-Bernard | ||||||
06:41 | Courrière 3 changes 18 stops |
22:28 | Scheldewindeke | 8 h 42 S521872 IC2320 S11994 IC3804 P7670 | 8 h 42 | 4 changes 12 stops | S521872 IC2320 S11994 IC3804 P7670 | S521872 | SNCB |
22:40 | Zottegem | ||||||
22:45 | Zottegem | IC2320 | SNCB | ||||
23:01 | Denderleeuw | ||||||
23:17 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
23:32 | Bruxelles-Midi | S11994 | SNCB | ||||
00:10 | Luttre | ||||||
00:21 | Marchienne-Au-Pont | ||||||
00:25 | Charleroi-Central | ||||||
05:13 | Charleroi-Central | IC3804 | SNCB | ||||
05:19 | Châtelet | ||||||
05:26 | Tamines | ||||||
05:30 | Auvelais | ||||||
05:34 | Jemeppe-Sur-Sambre | ||||||
05:50 | Namur | ||||||
06:53 | Namur | P7670 | SNCB | ||||
07:00 | Dave-Saint-Martin | ||||||
07:10 | Courrière 4 changes 12 stops |
22:31 | Scheldewindeke | 9 h 12 S521892 IC522 IC3827 L5757 | 9 h 12 | 3 changes 14 stops | S521892 IC522 IC3827 L5757 | S521892 | SNCB |
22:45 | Melle | ||||||
22:49 | Merelbeke | ||||||
22:56 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
23:48 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | IC522 | SNCB | ||||
00:20 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
00:25 | Bruxelles-Central | ||||||
00:31 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
00:50 | Louvain | ||||||
01:16 | Ans | ||||||
01:23 | Liège-Guillemins | ||||||
05:24 | Liège-Guillemins | IC3827 | SNCB | ||||
05:33 | Flémalle-Haute | ||||||
05:45 | Huy | ||||||
05:54 | Andenne | ||||||
06:08 | Namur | ||||||
07:25 | Namur | L5757 | SNCB | ||||
07:39 | Sart-Bernard | ||||||
07:43 | Courrière 3 changes 14 stops |
23:28 | Scheldewindeke | 8 h 17 S521873 S61553 IC2105 P7673 | 8 h 17 | 3 changes 15 stops | S521873 S61553 IC2105 P7673 | S521873 | SNCB |
23:42 | Zottegem | ||||||
23:56 | Grammont | ||||||
04:24 | Grammont | S61553 | SNCB | ||||
04:39 | Herne | ||||||
04:45 | Enghien | ||||||
04:58 | Hal | ||||||
05:10 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
05:14 | Bruxelles-Central | ||||||
05:18 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
05:44 | Bruxelles-Nord | IC2105 | SNCB | ||||
05:52 | Bruxelles-Schuman | ||||||
05:56 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | ||||||
06:17 | Ottignies | ||||||
06:31 | Gembloux | ||||||
06:47 | Namur | ||||||
07:02 | Ciney | ||||||
07:31 | Ciney | P7673 | SNCB | ||||
07:42 | Assesse | ||||||
07:45 | Courrière 3 changes 15 stops |
Thursday, 5 December 2024
05:31 | Scheldewindeke | 3 h 12 S521875 IC2205 IC2407 L5758 | 3 h 12 | 3 changes 14 stops | S521875 IC2205 IC2407 L5758 | S521875 | SNCB |
05:44 | Melle | ||||||
05:52 | Melle | IC2205 | SNCB | ||||
05:58 | Wetteren | ||||||
06:06 | Lede | ||||||
06:14 | Alost | ||||||
06:25 | Denderleeuw | ||||||
06:44 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
06:49 | Bruxelles-Central | ||||||
06:53 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
07:13 | Bruxelles-Nord | IC2407 | SNCB | ||||
07:21 | Bruxelles-Schuman | ||||||
07:25 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | ||||||
07:47 | Ottignies | ||||||
08:03 | Gembloux | ||||||
08:17 | Namur | ||||||
08:25 | Namur | L5758 | SNCB | ||||
08:39 | Sart-Bernard | ||||||
08:43 | Courrière 3 changes 14 stops |
06:28 | Scheldewindeke | 3 h 15 S521856 IC2304 IC2107 L5759 | 3 h 15 | 3 changes 12 stops | S521856 IC2304 IC2107 L5759 | S521856 | SNCB |
06:40 | Zottegem | ||||||
06:45 | Zottegem | IC2304 | SNCB | ||||
07:01 | Denderleeuw | ||||||
07:14 | Anderlecht | ||||||
07:23 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
07:28 | Bruxelles-Central | ||||||
07:32 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
07:44 | Bruxelles-Nord | IC2107 | SNCB | ||||
07:52 | Bruxelles-Schuman | ||||||
07:56 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | ||||||
08:17 | Ottignies | ||||||
08:31 | Gembloux | ||||||
08:44 | Namur | ||||||
09:25 | Namur | L5759 | SNCB | ||||
09:39 | Sart-Bernard | ||||||
09:43 | Courrière 3 changes 12 stops |
06:31 | Scheldewindeke | 4 h 12 S521876 P7013 IC2408 L5760 | 4 h 12 | 3 changes 10 stops | S521876 P7013 IC2408 L5760 | S521876 | SNCB |
06:44 | Melle | ||||||
07:01 | Melle | P7013 | SNCB | ||||
07:32 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
07:37 | Bruxelles-Central | ||||||
07:41 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
08:13 | Bruxelles-Nord | IC2408 | SNCB | ||||
08:21 | Bruxelles-Schuman | ||||||
08:26 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | ||||||
08:49 | Ottignies | ||||||
09:03 | Gembloux | ||||||
09:17 | Namur | ||||||
10:25 | Namur | L5760 | SNCB | ||||
10:39 | Sart-Bernard | ||||||
10:43 | Courrière 3 changes 10 stops |
Travel time
Travel time between Scheldewindeke and Courriere is 2h38