Get train times
Tongres to Gent-Sint-Pieters train times
Sunday, 19 January 202506:16 | Tongres | 2 h 17 10 stops 2 changes S415376 IC4927 IC707 | 2 h 17 | 2 changes 10 stops | S415376 IC4927 IC707 | S415376 | SNCB |
06:24 | Bilzen | ||||||
06:31 | Diepenbeek | ||||||
06:38 | Hasselt | ||||||
06:43 | Hasselt | IC4927 | SNCB | ||||
06:57 | Diest | ||||||
07:16 | Heist-Op-Den-Berg | ||||||
07:28 | Lierre | ||||||
07:37 | Anvers-Berchem | ||||||
07:42 | Anvers-Berchem | IC707 | SNCB | ||||
08:00 | Saint-Nicolas | ||||||
08:10 | Lokeren | ||||||
08:24 | Gand-Dampoort | ||||||
08:33 | Gand-Saint-Pierre |
06:43 | Tongres | 2 h 48 10 stops 1 change S415356 IC530 | 2 h 48 | 1 change 10 stops | S415356 IC530 | S415356 | SNCB |
07:00 | Liers | ||||||
07:04 | Milmort | ||||||
07:10 | Herstal | ||||||
07:16 | Liège-Saint-Lambert | ||||||
07:19 | Liège-Carré | ||||||
07:23 | Liège-Guillemins | ||||||
08:00 | Liège-Guillemins | IC530 | SNCB | ||||
08:33 | Louvain | ||||||
08:51 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
08:56 | Bruxelles-Central | ||||||
09:03 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
09:31 | Gand-Saint-Pierre |
07:16 | Tongres | 2 h 17 10 stops 2 changes S415377 IC4928 IC708 | 2 h 17 | 2 changes 10 stops | S415377 IC4928 IC708 | S415377 | SNCB |
07:24 | Bilzen | ||||||
07:31 | Diepenbeek | ||||||
07:38 | Hasselt | ||||||
07:43 | Hasselt | IC4928 | SNCB | ||||
07:57 | Diest | ||||||
08:16 | Heist-Op-Den-Berg | ||||||
08:28 | Lierre | ||||||
08:37 | Anvers-Berchem | ||||||
08:42 | Anvers-Berchem | IC708 | SNCB | ||||
09:00 | Saint-Nicolas | ||||||
09:10 | Lokeren | ||||||
09:24 | Gand-Dampoort | ||||||
09:33 | Gand-Saint-Pierre |
07:43 | Tongres | 2 h 48 10 stops 1 change S415357 IC531 | 2 h 48 | 1 change 10 stops | S415357 IC531 | S415357 | SNCB |
08:00 | Liers | ||||||
08:04 | Milmort | ||||||
08:10 | Herstal | ||||||
08:16 | Liège-Saint-Lambert | ||||||
08:19 | Liège-Carré | ||||||
08:23 | Liège-Guillemins | ||||||
09:00 | Liège-Guillemins | IC531 | SNCB | ||||
09:33 | Louvain | ||||||
09:51 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
09:56 | Bruxelles-Central | ||||||
10:03 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
10:31 | Gand-Saint-Pierre |
08:16 | Tongres | 2 h 17 10 stops 2 changes S415378 IC4929 IC709 | 2 h 17 | 2 changes 10 stops | S415378 IC4929 IC709 | S415378 | SNCB |
08:24 | Bilzen | ||||||
08:31 | Diepenbeek | ||||||
08:38 | Hasselt | ||||||
08:43 | Hasselt | IC4929 | SNCB | ||||
08:57 | Diest | ||||||
09:16 | Heist-Op-Den-Berg | ||||||
09:28 | Lierre | ||||||
09:37 | Anvers-Berchem | ||||||
09:42 | Anvers-Berchem | IC709 | SNCB | ||||
10:00 | Saint-Nicolas | ||||||
10:10 | Lokeren | ||||||
10:24 | Gand-Dampoort | ||||||
10:33 | Gand-Saint-Pierre |
08:43 | Tongres | 2 h 48 10 stops 1 change S415358 IC532 | 2 h 48 | 1 change 10 stops | S415358 IC532 | S415358 | SNCB |
09:00 | Liers | ||||||
09:04 | Milmort | ||||||
09:10 | Herstal | ||||||
09:16 | Liège-Saint-Lambert | ||||||
09:19 | Liège-Carré | ||||||
09:23 | Liège-Guillemins | ||||||
10:00 | Liège-Guillemins | IC532 | SNCB | ||||
10:34 | Louvain | ||||||
10:51 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
10:56 | Bruxelles-Central | ||||||
11:03 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
11:31 | Gand-Saint-Pierre |
09:16 | Tongres | 2 h 17 10 stops 2 changes S415379 IC4930 IC710 | 2 h 17 | 2 changes 10 stops | S415379 IC4930 IC710 | S415379 | SNCB |
09:24 | Bilzen | ||||||
09:31 | Diepenbeek | ||||||
09:38 | Hasselt | ||||||
09:43 | Hasselt | IC4930 | SNCB | ||||
09:57 | Diest | ||||||
10:16 | Heist-Op-Den-Berg | ||||||
10:28 | Lierre | ||||||
10:37 | Anvers-Berchem | ||||||
10:42 | Anvers-Berchem | IC710 | SNCB | ||||
11:00 | Saint-Nicolas | ||||||
11:10 | Lokeren | ||||||
11:24 | Gand-Dampoort | ||||||
11:33 | Gand-Saint-Pierre |
09:43 | Tongres | 2 h 48 10 stops 1 change S415359 IC533 | 2 h 48 | 1 change 10 stops | S415359 IC533 | S415359 | SNCB |
10:00 | Liers | ||||||
10:04 | Milmort | ||||||
10:10 | Herstal | ||||||
10:16 | Liège-Saint-Lambert | ||||||
10:19 | Liège-Carré | ||||||
10:23 | Liège-Guillemins | ||||||
11:00 | Liège-Guillemins | IC533 | SNCB | ||||
11:34 | Louvain | ||||||
11:51 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
11:56 | Bruxelles-Central | ||||||
12:03 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
12:31 | Gand-Saint-Pierre |
10:16 | Tongres | 2 h 17 10 stops 2 changes S415380 IC4931 IC711 | 2 h 17 | 2 changes 10 stops | S415380 IC4931 IC711 | S415380 | SNCB |
10:24 | Bilzen | ||||||
10:31 | Diepenbeek | ||||||
10:38 | Hasselt | ||||||
10:43 | Hasselt | IC4931 | SNCB | ||||
10:57 | Diest | ||||||
11:16 | Heist-Op-Den-Berg | ||||||
11:28 | Lierre | ||||||
11:37 | Anvers-Berchem | ||||||
11:42 | Anvers-Berchem | IC711 | SNCB | ||||
12:00 | Saint-Nicolas | ||||||
12:10 | Lokeren | ||||||
12:24 | Gand-Dampoort | ||||||
12:33 | Gand-Saint-Pierre |
10:43 | Tongres | 2 h 48 10 stops 1 change S415360 IC534 | 2 h 48 | 1 change 10 stops | S415360 IC534 | S415360 | SNCB |
11:00 | Liers | ||||||
11:04 | Milmort | ||||||
11:10 | Herstal | ||||||
11:16 | Liège-Saint-Lambert | ||||||
11:19 | Liège-Carré | ||||||
11:23 | Liège-Guillemins | ||||||
12:00 | Liège-Guillemins | IC534 | SNCB | ||||
12:34 | Louvain | ||||||
12:51 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
12:56 | Bruxelles-Central | ||||||
13:03 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
13:31 | Gand-Saint-Pierre |
11:16 | Tongres | 2 h 17 10 stops 2 changes S415381 IC4932 IC712 | 2 h 17 | 2 changes 10 stops | S415381 IC4932 IC712 | S415381 | SNCB |
11:24 | Bilzen | ||||||
11:31 | Diepenbeek | ||||||
11:38 | Hasselt | ||||||
11:43 | Hasselt | IC4932 | SNCB | ||||
11:57 | Diest | ||||||
12:16 | Heist-Op-Den-Berg | ||||||
12:28 | Lierre | ||||||
12:37 | Anvers-Berchem | ||||||
12:42 | Anvers-Berchem | IC712 | SNCB | ||||
13:00 | Saint-Nicolas | ||||||
13:10 | Lokeren | ||||||
13:24 | Gand-Dampoort | ||||||
13:33 | Gand-Saint-Pierre |
12:16 | Tongres | 2 h 17 10 stops 2 changes S415382 IC4933 IC713 | 2 h 17 | 2 changes 10 stops | S415382 IC4933 IC713 | S415382 | SNCB |
12:24 | Bilzen | ||||||
12:31 | Diepenbeek | ||||||
12:38 | Hasselt | ||||||
12:43 | Hasselt | IC4933 | SNCB | ||||
12:57 | Diest | ||||||
13:16 | Heist-Op-Den-Berg | ||||||
13:28 | Lierre | ||||||
13:37 | Anvers-Berchem | ||||||
13:42 | Anvers-Berchem | IC713 | SNCB | ||||
14:00 | Saint-Nicolas | ||||||
14:10 | Lokeren | ||||||
14:24 | Gand-Dampoort | ||||||
14:33 | Gand-Saint-Pierre |
12:43 | Tongres | 2 h 48 10 stops 1 change S415362 IC536 | 2 h 48 | 1 change 10 stops | S415362 IC536 | S415362 | SNCB |
13:00 | Liers | ||||||
13:04 | Milmort | ||||||
13:10 | Herstal | ||||||
13:16 | Liège-Saint-Lambert | ||||||
13:19 | Liège-Carré | ||||||
13:23 | Liège-Guillemins | ||||||
14:00 | Liège-Guillemins | IC536 | SNCB | ||||
14:34 | Louvain | ||||||
14:51 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
14:56 | Bruxelles-Central | ||||||
15:03 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
15:31 | Gand-Saint-Pierre |
13:16 | Tongres | 2 h 17 10 stops 2 changes S415383 IC4934 IC714 | 2 h 17 | 2 changes 10 stops | S415383 IC4934 IC714 | S415383 | SNCB |
13:24 | Bilzen | ||||||
13:31 | Diepenbeek | ||||||
13:38 | Hasselt | ||||||
13:43 | Hasselt | IC4934 | SNCB | ||||
13:57 | Diest | ||||||
14:16 | Heist-Op-Den-Berg | ||||||
14:28 | Lierre | ||||||
14:37 | Anvers-Berchem | ||||||
14:42 | Anvers-Berchem | IC714 | SNCB | ||||
15:00 | Saint-Nicolas | ||||||
15:10 | Lokeren | ||||||
15:24 | Gand-Dampoort | ||||||
15:33 | Gand-Saint-Pierre |
13:43 | Tongres | 2 h 48 10 stops 1 change S415363 IC537 | 2 h 48 | 1 change 10 stops | S415363 IC537 | S415363 | SNCB |
14:00 | Liers | ||||||
14:04 | Milmort | ||||||
14:10 | Herstal | ||||||
14:16 | Liège-Saint-Lambert | ||||||
14:19 | Liège-Carré | ||||||
14:23 | Liège-Guillemins | ||||||
15:00 | Liège-Guillemins | IC537 | SNCB | ||||
15:34 | Louvain | ||||||
15:51 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
15:56 | Bruxelles-Central | ||||||
16:03 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
16:31 | Gand-Saint-Pierre |
Travel time
Travel time between Tongres and Gent-Sint-Pieters is 2h03