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Vijfhuizen to Melsele train times
Friday, 13 December 202407:10 | Vijfhuizen | 2 h 11 6 stops 4 changes P7982 IC5106 P7975 IC729 S342679 | 2 h 11 | 4 changes 6 stops | P7982 IC5106 P7975 IC729 S342679 | P7982 | SNCB |
07:20 | Burst | ||||||
07:25 | Burst | IC5106 | SNCB | ||||
07:34 | Denderleeuw | ||||||
07:51 | Denderleeuw | P7975 | SNCB | ||||
08:11 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
08:27 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | IC729 | SNCB | ||||
08:36 | Gand-Dampoort | ||||||
08:49 | Lokeren | ||||||
08:58 | Saint-Nicolas | ||||||
09:10 | Saint-Nicolas | S342679 | SNCB | ||||
09:21 | Melsele |
07:49 | Vijfhuizen | 1 h 55 9 stops 3 changes P7983 IC3630 IC1808 S341480 | 1 h 55 | 3 changes 9 stops | P7983 IC3630 IC1808 S341480 | P7983 | SNCB |
07:55 | Alost | ||||||
08:19 | Alost | IC3630 | SNCB | ||||
08:24 | Lede | ||||||
08:32 | Schellebelle | ||||||
08:36 | Wetteren | ||||||
08:47 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
08:53 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | IC1808 | SNCB | ||||
09:02 | Gand-Dampoort | ||||||
09:15 | Lokeren | ||||||
09:26 | Saint-Nicolas | ||||||
09:32 | Beveren | ||||||
09:41 | Beveren | S341480 | SNCB | ||||
09:44 | Melsele |
08:10 | Vijfhuizen | 2 h 11 11 stops 4 changes P7984 IC5107 IC2229 IC730 S342680 | 2 h 11 | 4 changes 11 stops | P7984 IC5107 IC2229 IC730 S342680 | P7984 | SNCB |
08:20 | Burst | ||||||
08:25 | Burst | IC5107 | SNCB | ||||
08:34 | Denderleeuw | ||||||
08:39 | Denderleeuw | IC2229 | SNCB | ||||
08:49 | Alost | ||||||
08:55 | Lede | ||||||
09:03 | Wetteren | ||||||
09:09 | Melle | ||||||
09:13 | Merelbeke | ||||||
09:20 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
09:27 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | IC730 | SNCB | ||||
09:36 | Gand-Dampoort | ||||||
09:49 | Lokeren | ||||||
09:58 | Saint-Nicolas | ||||||
10:10 | Saint-Nicolas | S342680 | SNCB | ||||
10:21 | Melsele |
08:49 | Vijfhuizen | 1 h 55 9 stops 3 changes P7985 IC3631 IC1809 S341481 | 1 h 55 | 3 changes 9 stops | P7985 IC3631 IC1809 S341481 | P7985 | SNCB |
08:55 | Alost | ||||||
09:19 | Alost | IC3631 | SNCB | ||||
09:24 | Lede | ||||||
09:32 | Schellebelle | ||||||
09:36 | Wetteren | ||||||
09:47 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
09:53 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | IC1809 | SNCB | ||||
10:02 | Gand-Dampoort | ||||||
10:15 | Lokeren | ||||||
10:26 | Saint-Nicolas | ||||||
10:32 | Beveren | ||||||
10:41 | Beveren | S341481 | SNCB | ||||
10:44 | Melsele |
12:31 | Vijfhuizen | 2 h 44 11 stops 3 changes P7986 S32262 IC2012 S341464 | 2 h 44 | 3 changes 11 stops | P7986 S32262 IC2012 S341464 | P7986 | SNCB |
12:41 | Burst | ||||||
13:01 | Burst | S32262 | SNCB | ||||
13:09 | Haaltert | ||||||
13:17 | Denderleeuw | ||||||
13:21 | Liedekerke | ||||||
13:31 | Anderlecht | ||||||
13:40 | Bruxelles-Midi | ||||||
13:44 | Bruxelles-Central | ||||||
13:48 | Bruxelles-Nord | ||||||
14:02 | Bruxelles-Nord | IC2012 | SNCB | ||||
14:18 | Malines | ||||||
14:30 | Anvers-Berchem | ||||||
15:01 | Anvers-Berchem | S341464 | SNCB | ||||
15:06 | Anvers-Sud | ||||||
15:15 | Melsele |
13:21 | Vijfhuizen | 2 h 00 9 stops 3 changes P7987 IC2234 IC735 S342685 | 2 h 00 | 3 changes 9 stops | P7987 IC2234 IC735 S342685 | P7987 | SNCB |
13:27 | Alost | ||||||
13:49 | Alost | IC2234 | SNCB | ||||
13:55 | Lede | ||||||
14:03 | Wetteren | ||||||
14:09 | Melle | ||||||
14:13 | Merelbeke | ||||||
14:20 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
14:27 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | IC735 | SNCB | ||||
14:36 | Gand-Dampoort | ||||||
14:49 | Lokeren | ||||||
14:58 | Saint-Nicolas | ||||||
15:10 | Saint-Nicolas | S342685 | SNCB | ||||
15:21 | Melsele |
17:08 | Vijfhuizen | 1 h 36 9 stops 3 changes P8981 IC3639 IC1817 S341489 | 1 h 36 | 3 changes 9 stops | P8981 IC3639 IC1817 S341489 | P8981 | SNCB |
17:14 | Alost | ||||||
17:19 | Alost | IC3639 | SNCB | ||||
17:24 | Lede | ||||||
17:32 | Schellebelle | ||||||
17:36 | Wetteren | ||||||
17:47 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
17:53 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | IC1817 | SNCB | ||||
18:02 | Gand-Dampoort | ||||||
18:15 | Lokeren | ||||||
18:26 | Saint-Nicolas | ||||||
18:32 | Beveren | ||||||
18:41 | Beveren | S341489 | SNCB | ||||
18:44 | Melsele |
17:58 | Vijfhuizen | 1 h 46 9 stops 3 changes P8983 IC3640 IC1818 S341490 | 1 h 46 | 3 changes 9 stops | P8983 IC3640 IC1818 S341490 | P8983 | SNCB |
18:04 | Alost | ||||||
18:19 | Alost | IC3640 | SNCB | ||||
18:24 | Lede | ||||||
18:32 | Schellebelle | ||||||
18:36 | Wetteren | ||||||
18:47 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
18:53 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | IC1818 | SNCB | ||||
19:02 | Gand-Dampoort | ||||||
19:15 | Lokeren | ||||||
19:26 | Saint-Nicolas | ||||||
19:32 | Beveren | ||||||
19:41 | Beveren | S341490 | SNCB | ||||
19:44 | Melsele |
19:04 | Vijfhuizen | 1 h 28 8 stops 2 changes P8985 IC3641 IC1819 | 1 h 28 | 2 changes 8 stops | P8985 IC3641 IC1819 | P8985 | SNCB |
19:10 | Alost | ||||||
19:19 | Alost | IC3641 | SNCB | ||||
19:24 | Lede | ||||||
19:32 | Schellebelle | ||||||
19:36 | Wetteren | ||||||
19:47 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | ||||||
19:53 | Gand-Saint-Pierre | IC1819 | SNCB | ||||
20:02 | Gand-Dampoort | ||||||
20:15 | Lokeren | ||||||
20:26 | Saint-Nicolas | ||||||
20:32 | Beveren |
Travel time
Travel time between Vijfhuizen and Melsele is 1h24