Get train times
Virton to Beersel train times
Sunday, 8 December 202408:24 | Virton | 4 h 39 11 stops 3 changes L5979 L6081 IC13654 S53383 | 4 h 39 | 3 changes 11 stops | L5979 L6081 IC13654 S53383 | L5979 | SNCB |
08:52 | Bertrix | ||||||
09:32 | Bertrix | L6081 | SNCB | ||||
09:55 | Gedinne | ||||||
10:21 | Houyet | ||||||
10:38 | Dinant | ||||||
11:03 | Jambes | ||||||
11:08 | Namur | ||||||
11:15 | Namur | IC13654 | SNCB | ||||
11:29 | Gembloux | ||||||
11:44 | Ottignies | ||||||
12:04 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | ||||||
12:38 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | S53383 | SNCB | ||||
12:44 | Etterbeek | ||||||
12:55 | Saint-Job | ||||||
13:03 | Beersel |
08:38 | Virton | 5 h 25 14 stops 4 changes L5957 IC2132 BUS12354 IC13655 S53384 | 5 h 25 | 4 changes 14 stops | L5957 IC2132 BUS12354 IC13655 S53384 | L5957 | SNCB |
09:02 | Athus | ||||||
09:07 | Messancy | ||||||
09:18 | Arlon | ||||||
09:36 | Arlon | IC2132 | SNCB | ||||
09:49 | Marbehan | ||||||
10:07 | Libramont | ||||||
10:31 | Rochefort-Jemelle | ||||||
10:38 | Marloie | ||||||
10:52 | Marloie | BUS12354 | SNCB | ||||
11:27 | Ciney | ||||||
11:56 | Ciney | IC13655 | SNCB | ||||
12:15 | Namur | ||||||
12:29 | Gembloux | ||||||
12:44 | Ottignies | ||||||
13:04 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | ||||||
13:38 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | S53384 | SNCB | ||||
13:44 | Etterbeek | ||||||
13:55 | Saint-Job | ||||||
14:03 | Beersel |
10:19 | Virton | 4 h 44 11 stops 3 changes L5981 L6083 IC13656 S53385 | 4 h 44 | 3 changes 11 stops | L5981 L6083 IC13656 S53385 | L5981 | SNCB |
10:47 | Bertrix | ||||||
11:32 | Bertrix | L6083 | SNCB | ||||
11:55 | Gedinne | ||||||
12:21 | Houyet | ||||||
12:38 | Dinant | ||||||
13:03 | Jambes | ||||||
13:08 | Namur | ||||||
13:15 | Namur | IC13656 | SNCB | ||||
13:29 | Gembloux | ||||||
13:44 | Ottignies | ||||||
14:04 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | ||||||
14:38 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | S53385 | SNCB | ||||
14:44 | Etterbeek | ||||||
14:55 | Saint-Job | ||||||
15:03 | Beersel |
10:43 | Virton | 5 h 20 14 stops 4 changes L5959 IC2134 BUS12356 IC13657 S53386 | 5 h 20 | 4 changes 14 stops | L5959 IC2134 BUS12356 IC13657 S53386 | L5959 | SNCB |
11:05 | Athus | ||||||
11:10 | Messancy | ||||||
11:21 | Arlon | ||||||
11:36 | Arlon | IC2134 | SNCB | ||||
11:49 | Marbehan | ||||||
12:07 | Libramont | ||||||
12:31 | Rochefort-Jemelle | ||||||
12:38 | Marloie | ||||||
12:52 | Marloie | BUS12356 | SNCB | ||||
13:27 | Ciney | ||||||
13:56 | Ciney | IC13657 | SNCB | ||||
14:15 | Namur | ||||||
14:29 | Gembloux | ||||||
14:44 | Ottignies | ||||||
15:04 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | ||||||
15:38 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | S53386 | SNCB | ||||
15:44 | Etterbeek | ||||||
15:55 | Saint-Job | ||||||
16:03 | Beersel |
12:19 | Virton | 4 h 44 11 stops 3 changes L5983 L6085 IC13658 S53387 | 4 h 44 | 3 changes 11 stops | L5983 L6085 IC13658 S53387 | L5983 | SNCB |
12:47 | Bertrix | ||||||
13:32 | Bertrix | L6085 | SNCB | ||||
13:55 | Gedinne | ||||||
14:21 | Houyet | ||||||
14:38 | Dinant | ||||||
15:03 | Jambes | ||||||
15:08 | Namur | ||||||
15:15 | Namur | IC13658 | SNCB | ||||
15:29 | Gembloux | ||||||
15:44 | Ottignies | ||||||
16:04 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | ||||||
16:38 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | S53387 | SNCB | ||||
16:44 | Etterbeek | ||||||
16:55 | Saint-Job | ||||||
17:03 | Beersel |
12:43 | Virton | 5 h 20 14 stops 4 changes L5961 IC2136 BUS12358 IC13659 S53388 | 5 h 20 | 4 changes 14 stops | L5961 IC2136 BUS12358 IC13659 S53388 | L5961 | SNCB |
13:05 | Athus | ||||||
13:10 | Messancy | ||||||
13:21 | Arlon | ||||||
13:36 | Arlon | IC2136 | SNCB | ||||
13:49 | Marbehan | ||||||
14:07 | Libramont | ||||||
14:31 | Rochefort-Jemelle | ||||||
14:38 | Marloie | ||||||
14:52 | Marloie | BUS12358 | SNCB | ||||
15:27 | Ciney | ||||||
15:56 | Ciney | IC13659 | SNCB | ||||
16:15 | Namur | ||||||
16:29 | Gembloux | ||||||
16:44 | Ottignies | ||||||
17:04 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | ||||||
17:38 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | S53388 | SNCB | ||||
17:44 | Etterbeek | ||||||
17:55 | Saint-Job | ||||||
18:03 | Beersel |
14:19 | Virton | 4 h 45 12 stops 3 changes L5985 L6087 IC13660 S53389 | 4 h 45 | 3 changes 12 stops | L5985 L6087 IC13660 S53389 | L5985 | SNCB |
14:47 | Bertrix | ||||||
15:32 | Bertrix | L6087 | SNCB | ||||
15:55 | Gedinne | ||||||
16:21 | Houyet | ||||||
16:38 | Dinant | ||||||
17:03 | Jambes | ||||||
17:08 | Namur | ||||||
17:15 | Namur | IC13660 | SNCB | ||||
17:29 | Gembloux | ||||||
17:44 | Ottignies | ||||||
18:04 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | ||||||
18:38 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | S53389 | SNCB | ||||
18:44 | Etterbeek | ||||||
18:55 | Saint-Job | ||||||
19:00 | Moensberg | ||||||
19:04 | Beersel |
14:43 | Virton | 5 h 20 14 stops 4 changes L5963 IC2138 BUS12360 IC13661 S53390 | 5 h 20 | 4 changes 14 stops | L5963 IC2138 BUS12360 IC13661 S53390 | L5963 | SNCB |
15:05 | Athus | ||||||
15:10 | Messancy | ||||||
15:21 | Arlon | ||||||
15:36 | Arlon | IC2138 | SNCB | ||||
15:49 | Marbehan | ||||||
16:06 | Libramont | ||||||
16:30 | Rochefort-Jemelle | ||||||
16:37 | Marloie | ||||||
16:52 | Marloie | BUS12360 | SNCB | ||||
17:27 | Ciney | ||||||
17:56 | Ciney | IC13661 | SNCB | ||||
18:15 | Namur | ||||||
18:29 | Gembloux | ||||||
18:44 | Ottignies | ||||||
19:04 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | ||||||
19:38 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | S53390 | SNCB | ||||
19:44 | Etterbeek | ||||||
19:55 | Saint-Job | ||||||
20:03 | Beersel |
16:24 | Virton | 4 h 39 6 stops 2 changes L5987 P13667 S53391 | 4 h 39 | 2 changes 6 stops | L5987 P13667 S53391 | L5987 | SNCB |
16:52 | Bertrix | ||||||
18:12 | Bertrix | P13667 | SNCB | ||||
19:33 | Namur | ||||||
19:48 | Gembloux | ||||||
20:03 | Ottignies | ||||||
20:21 | Etterbeek | ||||||
20:44 | Etterbeek | S53391 | SNCB | ||||
20:55 | Saint-Job | ||||||
21:03 | Beersel |
18:24 | Virton | 3 h 39 6 stops 2 changes L5989 P13668 S53392 | 3 h 39 | 2 changes 6 stops | L5989 P13668 S53392 | L5989 | SNCB |
18:52 | Bertrix | ||||||
19:10 | Bertrix | P13668 | SNCB | ||||
20:27 | Namur | ||||||
20:43 | Gembloux | ||||||
20:58 | Ottignies | ||||||
21:16 | Etterbeek | ||||||
21:44 | Etterbeek | S53392 | SNCB | ||||
21:55 | Saint-Job | ||||||
22:03 | Beersel |
18:40 | Virton | 11 h 41 14 stops 4 changes L5967 IC2142 BUS12364 IC13665 S53376 | 11 h 41 | 4 changes 14 stops | L5967 IC2142 BUS12364 IC13665 S53376 | L5967 | SNCB |
19:02 | Athus | ||||||
19:07 | Messancy | ||||||
19:18 | Arlon | ||||||
19:36 | Arlon | IC2142 | SNCB | ||||
19:49 | Marbehan | ||||||
20:07 | Libramont | ||||||
20:31 | Rochefort-Jemelle | ||||||
20:38 | Marloie | ||||||
20:52 | Marloie | BUS12364 | SNCB | ||||
21:27 | Ciney | ||||||
21:56 | Ciney | IC13665 | SNCB | ||||
22:15 | Namur | ||||||
22:29 | Gembloux | ||||||
22:44 | Ottignies | ||||||
23:04 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | ||||||
05:55 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | S53376 | SNCB | ||||
06:02 | Etterbeek | ||||||
06:14 | Saint-Job | ||||||
06:21 | Beersel |
20:38 | Virton | 10 h 43 14 stops 3 changes L5969 IC2144 IC2126 S53377 | 10 h 43 | 3 changes 14 stops | L5969 IC2144 IC2126 S53377 | L5969 | SNCB |
21:02 | Athus | ||||||
21:07 | Messancy | ||||||
21:18 | Arlon | ||||||
21:36 | Arlon | IC2144 | SNCB | ||||
21:49 | Marbehan | ||||||
22:07 | Libramont | ||||||
22:30 | Rochefort-Jemelle | ||||||
04:36 | Rochefort-Jemelle | IC2126 | SNCB | ||||
04:44 | Marloie | ||||||
05:02 | Ciney | ||||||
05:19 | Namur | ||||||
05:32 | Gembloux | ||||||
05:45 | Ottignies | ||||||
06:05 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | ||||||
06:55 | Bruxelles-Luxembourg | S53377 | SNCB | ||||
07:02 | Etterbeek | ||||||
07:14 | Saint-Job | ||||||
07:21 | Beersel |
Travel time
Travel time between Virton and Beersel is 3h12