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Arveyes to Haldenstein train times
Monday, 6 January 202506:29 | Arveyes | 5 h 56 10 stops 4 changes R74507 RE3318410 IC1 IC3 S191 | 5 h 56 | 4 changes 10 stops | R74507 RE3318410 IC1 IC3 S191 | R74507 | SBB |
07:11 | Bex | ||||||
07:19 | Bex | RE3318410 | SBB | ||||
07:26 | Aigle | ||||||
07:38 | Montreux | ||||||
07:58 | Lausanne | ||||||
08:17 | Lausanne | IC1 | SBB | ||||
09:03 | Fribourg/Freiburg | ||||||
09:31 | Bern | ||||||
10:28 | Zürich HB | ||||||
10:38 | Zürich HB | IC3 | SBB | ||||
11:33 | Sargans | ||||||
11:42 | Landquart | ||||||
11:52 | Chur | ||||||
12:21 | Chur | S191 | SBB | ||||
12:25 | Haldenstein |
07:29 | Arveyes | 5 h 56 10 stops 4 changes R74509 RE3318412 IC1 IC3 S191 | 5 h 56 | 4 changes 10 stops | R74509 RE3318412 IC1 IC3 S191 | R74509 | SBB |
08:11 | Bex | ||||||
08:19 | Bex | RE3318412 | SBB | ||||
08:26 | Aigle | ||||||
08:38 | Montreux | ||||||
08:58 | Lausanne | ||||||
09:17 | Lausanne | IC1 | SBB | ||||
10:03 | Fribourg/Freiburg | ||||||
10:31 | Bern | ||||||
11:28 | Zürich HB | ||||||
11:38 | Zürich HB | IC3 | SBB | ||||
12:33 | Sargans | ||||||
12:42 | Landquart | ||||||
12:52 | Chur | ||||||
13:21 | Chur | S191 | SBB | ||||
13:25 | Haldenstein |
08:29 | Arveyes | 5 h 56 10 stops 4 changes R74511 RE3318414 IC1 IC3 S191 | 5 h 56 | 4 changes 10 stops | R74511 RE3318414 IC1 IC3 S191 | R74511 | SBB |
09:11 | Bex | ||||||
09:19 | Bex | RE3318414 | SBB | ||||
09:26 | Aigle | ||||||
09:38 | Montreux | ||||||
09:58 | Lausanne | ||||||
10:17 | Lausanne | IC1 | SBB | ||||
11:03 | Fribourg/Freiburg | ||||||
11:31 | Bern | ||||||
12:28 | Zürich HB | ||||||
12:38 | Zürich HB | IC3 | SBB | ||||
13:33 | Sargans | ||||||
13:42 | Landquart | ||||||
13:52 | Chur | ||||||
14:21 | Chur | S191 | SBB | ||||
14:25 | Haldenstein |
09:29 | Arveyes | 5 h 56 10 stops 4 changes R74515 RE3318416 IC1 IC3 S191 | 5 h 56 | 4 changes 10 stops | R74515 RE3318416 IC1 IC3 S191 | R74515 | SBB |
10:11 | Bex | ||||||
10:19 | Bex | RE3318416 | SBB | ||||
10:26 | Aigle | ||||||
10:38 | Montreux | ||||||
10:58 | Lausanne | ||||||
11:17 | Lausanne | IC1 | SBB | ||||
12:03 | Fribourg/Freiburg | ||||||
12:31 | Bern | ||||||
13:28 | Zürich HB | ||||||
13:38 | Zürich HB | IC3 | SBB | ||||
14:33 | Sargans | ||||||
14:42 | Landquart | ||||||
14:52 | Chur | ||||||
15:21 | Chur | S191 | SBB | ||||
15:25 | Haldenstein |
10:29 | Arveyes | 5 h 56 10 stops 4 changes R74523 RE3318418 IC1 IC3 S191 | 5 h 56 | 4 changes 10 stops | R74523 RE3318418 IC1 IC3 S191 | R74523 | SBB |
11:11 | Bex | ||||||
11:19 | Bex | RE3318418 | SBB | ||||
11:26 | Aigle | ||||||
11:38 | Montreux | ||||||
11:58 | Lausanne | ||||||
12:17 | Lausanne | IC1 | SBB | ||||
13:03 | Fribourg/Freiburg | ||||||
13:31 | Bern | ||||||
14:28 | Zürich HB | ||||||
14:38 | Zürich HB | IC3 | SBB | ||||
15:33 | Sargans | ||||||
15:42 | Landquart | ||||||
15:52 | Chur | ||||||
16:21 | Chur | S191 | SBB | ||||
16:25 | Haldenstein |
11:29 | Arveyes | 5 h 56 10 stops 4 changes R74531 RE3318420 IC1 IC3 S191 | 5 h 56 | 4 changes 10 stops | R74531 RE3318420 IC1 IC3 S191 | R74531 | SBB |
12:11 | Bex | ||||||
12:19 | Bex | RE3318420 | SBB | ||||
12:26 | Aigle | ||||||
12:38 | Montreux | ||||||
12:58 | Lausanne | ||||||
13:17 | Lausanne | IC1 | SBB | ||||
14:03 | Fribourg/Freiburg | ||||||
14:31 | Bern | ||||||
15:28 | Zürich HB | ||||||
15:38 | Zürich HB | IC3 | SBB | ||||
16:33 | Sargans | ||||||
16:42 | Landquart | ||||||
16:52 | Chur | ||||||
17:21 | Chur | S191 | SBB | ||||
17:25 | Haldenstein |
12:29 | Arveyes | 5 h 56 10 stops 4 changes R74539 RE3318422 IC1 IC3 S191 | 5 h 56 | 4 changes 10 stops | R74539 RE3318422 IC1 IC3 S191 | R74539 | SBB |
13:11 | Bex | ||||||
13:19 | Bex | RE3318422 | SBB | ||||
13:26 | Aigle | ||||||
13:38 | Montreux | ||||||
13:58 | Lausanne | ||||||
14:17 | Lausanne | IC1 | SBB | ||||
15:03 | Fribourg/Freiburg | ||||||
15:31 | Bern | ||||||
16:28 | Zürich HB | ||||||
16:38 | Zürich HB | IC3 | SBB | ||||
17:33 | Sargans | ||||||
17:42 | Landquart | ||||||
17:52 | Chur | ||||||
18:21 | Chur | S191 | SBB | ||||
18:25 | Haldenstein |
13:29 | Arveyes | 5 h 56 10 stops 4 changes R74547 RE3318424 IC1 IC3 S191 | 5 h 56 | 4 changes 10 stops | R74547 RE3318424 IC1 IC3 S191 | R74547 | SBB |
14:11 | Bex | ||||||
14:19 | Bex | RE3318424 | SBB | ||||
14:26 | Aigle | ||||||
14:38 | Montreux | ||||||
14:58 | Lausanne | ||||||
15:17 | Lausanne | IC1 | SBB | ||||
16:03 | Fribourg/Freiburg | ||||||
16:31 | Bern | ||||||
17:28 | Zürich HB | ||||||
17:38 | Zürich HB | IC3 | SBB | ||||
18:33 | Sargans | ||||||
18:42 | Landquart | ||||||
18:52 | Chur | ||||||
19:21 | Chur | S191 | SBB | ||||
19:25 | Haldenstein |
14:29 | Arveyes | 6 h 03 10 stops 4 changes R74555 RE3318426 IC1 IC3 S191 | 6 h 03 | 4 changes 10 stops | R74555 RE3318426 IC1 IC3 S191 | R74555 | SBB |
15:11 | Bex | ||||||
15:19 | Bex | RE3318426 | SBB | ||||
15:26 | Aigle | ||||||
15:38 | Montreux | ||||||
15:58 | Lausanne | ||||||
16:17 | Lausanne | IC1 | SBB | ||||
17:03 | Fribourg/Freiburg | ||||||
17:31 | Bern | ||||||
18:28 | Zürich HB | ||||||
18:38 | Zürich HB | IC3 | SBB | ||||
19:33 | Sargans | ||||||
19:41 | Landquart | ||||||
20:18 | Landquart | S191 | SBB | ||||
20:28 | Untervaz-Trimmis | ||||||
20:32 | Haldenstein |
15:29 | Arveyes | 13 h 28 10 stops 4 changes R74563 RE3318428 IC1 IC3 S191 | 13 h 28 | 4 changes 10 stops | R74563 RE3318428 IC1 IC3 S191 | R74563 | SBB |
16:11 | Bex | ||||||
16:19 | Bex | RE3318428 | SBB | ||||
16:26 | Aigle | ||||||
16:38 | Montreux | ||||||
16:58 | Lausanne | ||||||
17:17 | Lausanne | IC1 | SBB | ||||
18:03 | Fribourg/Freiburg | ||||||
18:31 | Bern | ||||||
19:28 | Zürich HB | ||||||
19:38 | Zürich HB | IC3 | SBB | ||||
20:33 | Sargans | ||||||
20:42 | Landquart | ||||||
20:52 | Chur | ||||||
04:53 | Chur | S191 | SBB | ||||
04:57 | Haldenstein |
Travel time
Travel time between Arveyes and Haldenstein is 5h56