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Bassecourt to Ardez train times
Monday, 6 January 202505:29 | Bassecourt | 5 h 37 11 stops 3 changes S391 IC3 RE241025 RE41229 | 5 h 37 | 3 changes 11 stops | S391 IC3 RE241025 RE41229 | S391 | SBB |
05:33 | Courfaivre | ||||||
05:43 | Delémont | ||||||
06:23 | Basel SBB | ||||||
06:33 | Basel SBB | IC3 | SBB | ||||
07:38 | Zürich HB | ||||||
08:33 | Sargans | ||||||
08:41 | Landquart | ||||||
08:49 | Landquart | RE241025 | SBB | ||||
09:00 | Schiers | ||||||
09:11 | Küblis | ||||||
09:28 | Klosters Platz | ||||||
10:32 | Klosters Platz | RE41229 | SBB | ||||
10:54 | Sagliains | ||||||
10:58 | Lavin | ||||||
11:06 | Ardez |
06:29 | Bassecourt | 5 h 37 11 stops 3 changes S391 IC3 RE241029 RE41233 | 5 h 37 | 3 changes 11 stops | S391 IC3 RE241029 RE41233 | S391 | SBB |
06:33 | Courfaivre | ||||||
06:43 | Delémont | ||||||
07:23 | Basel SBB | ||||||
07:33 | Basel SBB | IC3 | SBB | ||||
08:38 | Zürich HB | ||||||
09:33 | Sargans | ||||||
09:41 | Landquart | ||||||
09:49 | Landquart | RE241029 | SBB | ||||
10:00 | Schiers | ||||||
10:11 | Küblis | ||||||
10:28 | Klosters Platz | ||||||
11:32 | Klosters Platz | RE41233 | SBB | ||||
11:54 | Sagliains | ||||||
11:58 | Lavin | ||||||
12:06 | Ardez |
07:29 | Bassecourt | 5 h 37 11 stops 3 changes S391 IC3 RE241033 RE41237 | 5 h 37 | 3 changes 11 stops | S391 IC3 RE241033 RE41237 | S391 | SBB |
07:33 | Courfaivre | ||||||
07:43 | Delémont | ||||||
08:23 | Basel SBB | ||||||
08:33 | Basel SBB | IC3 | SBB | ||||
09:38 | Zürich HB | ||||||
10:33 | Sargans | ||||||
10:41 | Landquart | ||||||
10:49 | Landquart | RE241033 | SBB | ||||
11:00 | Schiers | ||||||
11:11 | Küblis | ||||||
11:28 | Klosters Platz | ||||||
12:32 | Klosters Platz | RE41237 | SBB | ||||
12:54 | Sagliains | ||||||
12:58 | Lavin | ||||||
13:06 | Ardez |
Travel time
Travel time between Bassecourt and Ardez is 4h37