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Les Charbonnières to Neuchâtel, Serrières Ruau train times
Monday, 30 December 202411:26 | Les Charbonnières | 2 h 27 6 stops 4 changes R417443 R424443 R124128 R136043 R155708 | 2 h 27 | 4 changes 6 stops | R417443 R424443 R124128 R136043 R155708 | R417443 | SBB |
11:28 | Le Pont | ||||||
11:41 | Le Day | ||||||
11:52 | Le Day | R424443 | SBB | ||||
12:16 | Cossonay-Penthalaz | ||||||
12:25 | Cossonay-Penthalaz | R124128 | SBB | ||||
12:45 | Yverdon-les-Bains | ||||||
13:05 | Yverdon-les-Bains | R136043 | SBB | ||||
13:25 | Boudry | ||||||
13:32 | Neuchâtel-Serrières | ||||||
13:53 | Neuchâtel Port-de-Serrières | R155708 | SBB | ||||
13:53 | Neuchâtel Serrières Ruau |
12:26 | Les Charbonnières | 2 h 27 6 stops 4 changes R417447 R424447 R124134 R136047 R155720 | 2 h 27 | 4 changes 6 stops | R417447 R424447 R124134 R136047 R155720 | R417447 | SBB |
12:28 | Le Pont | ||||||
12:41 | Le Day | ||||||
12:52 | Le Day | R424447 | SBB | ||||
13:17 | Cossonay-Penthalaz | ||||||
13:25 | Cossonay-Penthalaz | R124134 | SBB | ||||
13:45 | Yverdon-les-Bains | ||||||
14:05 | Yverdon-les-Bains | R136047 | SBB | ||||
14:25 | Boudry | ||||||
14:32 | Neuchâtel-Serrières | ||||||
14:53 | Neuchâtel Port-de-Serrières | R155720 | SBB | ||||
14:53 | Neuchâtel Serrières Ruau |
13:26 | Les Charbonnières | 2 h 27 6 stops 4 changes R417453 R424453 R124138 R136051 R155732 | 2 h 27 | 4 changes 6 stops | R417453 R424453 R124138 R136051 R155732 | R417453 | SBB |
13:28 | Le Pont | ||||||
13:41 | Le Day | ||||||
13:52 | Le Day | R424453 | SBB | ||||
14:17 | Cossonay-Penthalaz | ||||||
14:25 | Cossonay-Penthalaz | R124138 | SBB | ||||
14:45 | Yverdon-les-Bains | ||||||
15:05 | Yverdon-les-Bains | R136051 | SBB | ||||
15:25 | Boudry | ||||||
15:32 | Neuchâtel-Serrières | ||||||
15:53 | Neuchâtel Port-de-Serrières | R155732 | SBB | ||||
15:53 | Neuchâtel Serrières Ruau |
14:26 | Les Charbonnières | 2 h 25 6 stops 4 changes R417457 R424457 R124144 R136055 R155744 | 2 h 25 | 4 changes 6 stops | R417457 R424457 R124144 R136055 R155744 | R417457 | SBB |
14:28 | Le Pont | ||||||
14:41 | Le Day | ||||||
14:52 | Le Day | R424457 | SBB | ||||
15:17 | Cossonay-Penthalaz | ||||||
15:25 | Cossonay-Penthalaz | R124144 | SBB | ||||
15:45 | Yverdon-les-Bains | ||||||
16:05 | Yverdon-les-Bains | R136055 | SBB | ||||
16:25 | Boudry | ||||||
16:32 | Neuchâtel-Serrières | ||||||
16:51 | Neuchâtel Port-de-Serrières | R155744 | SBB | ||||
16:51 | Neuchâtel Serrières Ruau |
15:26 | Les Charbonnières | 2 h 25 7 stops 4 changes R417463 R424463 R124148 R136059 R155756 | 2 h 25 | 4 changes 7 stops | R417463 R424463 R124148 R136059 R155756 | R417463 | SBB |
15:28 | Le Pont | ||||||
15:41 | Le Day | ||||||
15:52 | Le Day | R424463 | SBB | ||||
16:01 | Croy-Romainmôtier | ||||||
16:17 | Cossonay-Penthalaz | ||||||
16:25 | Cossonay-Penthalaz | R124148 | SBB | ||||
16:45 | Yverdon-les-Bains | ||||||
17:05 | Yverdon-les-Bains | R136059 | SBB | ||||
17:25 | Boudry | ||||||
17:32 | Neuchâtel-Serrières | ||||||
17:51 | Neuchâtel Port-de-Serrières | R155756 | SBB | ||||
17:51 | Neuchâtel Serrières Ruau |
16:26 | Les Charbonnières | 2 h 27 6 stops 4 changes R417467 R424467 R124154 R136063 R155768 | 2 h 27 | 4 changes 6 stops | R417467 R424467 R124154 R136063 R155768 | R417467 | SBB |
16:28 | Le Pont | ||||||
16:41 | Le Day | ||||||
16:52 | Le Day | R424467 | SBB | ||||
17:17 | Cossonay-Penthalaz | ||||||
17:25 | Cossonay-Penthalaz | R124154 | SBB | ||||
17:45 | Yverdon-les-Bains | ||||||
18:05 | Yverdon-les-Bains | R136063 | SBB | ||||
18:25 | Boudry | ||||||
18:32 | Neuchâtel-Serrières | ||||||
18:53 | Neuchâtel Port-de-Serrières | R155768 | SBB | ||||
18:53 | Neuchâtel Serrières Ruau |
17:26 | Les Charbonnières | 2 h 27 6 stops 4 changes R417473 R424473 R124158 R136067 R155780 | 2 h 27 | 4 changes 6 stops | R417473 R424473 R124158 R136067 R155780 | R417473 | SBB |
17:28 | Le Pont | ||||||
17:41 | Le Day | ||||||
17:52 | Le Day | R424473 | SBB | ||||
18:17 | Cossonay-Penthalaz | ||||||
18:25 | Cossonay-Penthalaz | R124158 | SBB | ||||
18:45 | Yverdon-les-Bains | ||||||
19:05 | Yverdon-les-Bains | R136067 | SBB | ||||
19:25 | Boudry | ||||||
19:32 | Neuchâtel-Serrières | ||||||
19:53 | Neuchâtel Port-de-Serrières | R155780 | SBB | ||||
19:53 | Neuchâtel Serrières Ruau |
18:26 | Les Charbonnières | 2 h 27 6 stops 4 changes R417477 R424477 R124164 R136071 R155792 | 2 h 27 | 4 changes 6 stops | R417477 R424477 R124164 R136071 R155792 | R417477 | SBB |
18:28 | Le Pont | ||||||
18:41 | Le Day | ||||||
18:52 | Le Day | R424477 | SBB | ||||
19:17 | Cossonay-Penthalaz | ||||||
19:25 | Cossonay-Penthalaz | R124164 | SBB | ||||
19:45 | Yverdon-les-Bains | ||||||
20:05 | Yverdon-les-Bains | R136071 | SBB | ||||
20:25 | Boudry | ||||||
20:32 | Neuchâtel-Serrières | ||||||
20:53 | Neuchâtel Port-de-Serrières | R155792 | SBB | ||||
20:53 | Neuchâtel Serrières Ruau |
19:26 | Les Charbonnières | 2 h 41 8 stops 4 changes R417481 R424481 R124168 R136075 R155804 | 2 h 41 | 4 changes 8 stops | R417481 R424481 R124168 R136075 R155804 | R417481 | SBB |
19:28 | Le Pont | ||||||
19:41 | Le Day | ||||||
19:52 | Le Day | R424481 | SBB | ||||
20:17 | Cossonay-Penthalaz | ||||||
20:25 | Cossonay-Penthalaz | R124168 | SBB | ||||
20:45 | Yverdon-les-Bains | ||||||
21:09 | Yverdon-les-Bains | R136075 | SBB | ||||
21:16 | Concise | ||||||
21:31 | Colombier NE | ||||||
21:34 | Auvernier | ||||||
21:36 | Neuchâtel-Serrières | ||||||
22:07 | Neuchâtel Port-de-Serrières | R155804 | SBB | ||||
22:07 | Neuchâtel Serrières Ruau |
20:26 | Les Charbonnières | 2 h 37 8 stops 4 changes R417485 R424485 R124174 R136079 R155814 | 2 h 37 | 4 changes 8 stops | R417485 R424485 R124174 R136079 R155814 | R417485 | SBB |
20:28 | Le Pont | ||||||
20:41 | Le Day | ||||||
20:52 | Le Day | R424485 | SBB | ||||
21:17 | Cossonay-Penthalaz | ||||||
21:25 | Cossonay-Penthalaz | R124174 | SBB | ||||
21:45 | Yverdon-les-Bains | ||||||
22:09 | Yverdon-les-Bains | R136079 | SBB | ||||
22:16 | Concise | ||||||
22:31 | Colombier NE | ||||||
22:34 | Auvernier | ||||||
22:36 | Neuchâtel-Serrières | ||||||
23:03 | Neuchâtel Port-de-Serrières | R155814 | SBB | ||||
23:03 | Neuchâtel Serrières Ruau |
21:26 | Les Charbonnières | 2 h 53 8 stops 4 changes R417489 R424489 R124178 R136083 R155826 | 2 h 53 | 4 changes 8 stops | R417489 R424489 R124178 R136083 R155826 | R417489 | SBB |
21:28 | Le Pont | ||||||
21:41 | Le Day | ||||||
21:52 | Le Day | R424489 | SBB | ||||
22:17 | Cossonay-Penthalaz | ||||||
22:25 | Cossonay-Penthalaz | R124178 | SBB | ||||
22:45 | Yverdon-les-Bains | ||||||
23:09 | Yverdon-les-Bains | R136083 | SBB | ||||
23:16 | Concise | ||||||
23:31 | Colombier NE | ||||||
23:34 | Auvernier | ||||||
23:36 | Neuchâtel-Serrières | ||||||
00:19 | Neuchâtel Port-de-Serrières | R155826 | SBB | ||||
00:19 | Neuchâtel Serrières Ruau |
22:26 | Les Charbonnières | 7 h 27 8 stops 4 changes R417493 R424493 IC5 R136006 R155612 | 7 h 27 | 4 changes 8 stops | R417493 R424493 IC5 R136006 R155612 | R417493 | SBB |
22:28 | Le Pont | ||||||
22:41 | Le Day | ||||||
22:52 | Le Day | R424493 | SBB | ||||
23:26 | Renens VD | ||||||
23:33 | Lausanne | ||||||
00:04 | Lausanne | IC5 | SBB | ||||
00:10 | Renens VD | ||||||
00:36 | Yverdon-les-Bains | ||||||
00:56 | Neuchâtel | ||||||
05:22 | Neuchâtel | R136006 | SBB | ||||
05:25 | Neuchâtel-Serrières | ||||||
05:53 | Neuchâtel Port-de-Serrières | R155612 | SBB | ||||
05:53 | Neuchâtel Serrières Ruau |
Travel time
Travel time between Les Charbonnières and Neuchâtel, Serrières Ruau is 1h47