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Les Neys to Bercher train times
Sunday, 19 January 202514:09 | Les Neys | 16 h 28 12 stops 3 changes R7243 RE3318470 m2339 R20107 | 16 h 28 | 3 changes 12 stops | R7243 RE3318470 m2339 R20107 | R7243 | SBB |
14:29 | Monthey-Ville | ||||||
14:45 | Ollon VD | ||||||
14:51 | Aigle | ||||||
14:57 | Aigle | RE3318470 | SBB | ||||
15:08 | Montreux | ||||||
15:28 | Lausanne | ||||||
15:37 | Lausanne, gare | m2339 | SBB | ||||
15:38 | Lausanne-Flon, pl. de l'Europe | ||||||
05:55 | Lausanne-Flon | R20107 | SBB | ||||
05:57 | Lausanne-Chauderon | ||||||
06:00 | Union-Prilly | ||||||
06:08 | Romanel-sur-Lausanne | ||||||
06:13 | Cheseaux | ||||||
06:24 | Echallens | ||||||
06:30 | Sugnens | ||||||
06:37 | Bercher |
20:09 | Les Neys | 12 h 28 12 stops 3 changes R7269 RE3318482 m2355 R20115 | 12 h 28 | 3 changes 12 stops | R7269 RE3318482 m2355 R20115 | R7269 | SBB |
20:29 | Monthey-Ville | ||||||
20:45 | Ollon VD | ||||||
20:51 | Aigle | ||||||
20:57 | Aigle | RE3318482 | SBB | ||||
21:08 | Montreux | ||||||
21:28 | Lausanne | ||||||
21:37 | Lausanne, gare | m2355 | SBB | ||||
21:38 | Lausanne-Flon, pl. de l'Europe | ||||||
07:55 | Lausanne-Flon | R20115 | SBB | ||||
07:57 | Lausanne-Chauderon | ||||||
08:00 | Union-Prilly | ||||||
08:08 | Romanel-sur-Lausanne | ||||||
08:13 | Cheseaux | ||||||
08:24 | Echallens | ||||||
08:30 | Sugnens | ||||||
08:37 | Bercher |
21:09 | Les Neys | 9 h 28 13 stops 3 changes R7271 IR95 m2205 R20107 | 9 h 28 | 3 changes 13 stops | R7271 IR95 m2205 R20107 | R7271 | SBB |
21:29 | Monthey-Ville | ||||||
21:45 | Ollon VD | ||||||
21:51 | Aigle | ||||||
22:15 | Aigle | IR95 | SBB | ||||
22:27 | Montreux | ||||||
22:33 | Vevey | ||||||
22:48 | Lausanne | ||||||
22:57 | Lausanne, gare | m2205 | SBB | ||||
22:58 | Lausanne-Flon, pl. de l'Europe | ||||||
05:55 | Lausanne-Flon | R20107 | SBB | ||||
05:57 | Lausanne-Chauderon | ||||||
06:00 | Union-Prilly | ||||||
06:08 | Romanel-sur-Lausanne | ||||||
06:13 | Cheseaux | ||||||
06:24 | Echallens | ||||||
06:30 | Sugnens | ||||||
06:37 | Bercher |
22:09 | Les Neys | 8 h 58 13 stops 3 changes R7275 IR95 m2439 R20109 | 8 h 58 | 3 changes 13 stops | R7275 IR95 m2439 R20109 | R7275 | SBB |
22:29 | Monthey-Ville | ||||||
22:45 | Ollon VD | ||||||
22:51 | Aigle | ||||||
23:20 | Aigle | IR95 | SBB | ||||
23:31 | Montreux | ||||||
23:38 | Vevey | ||||||
23:53 | Lausanne | ||||||
00:01 | Lausanne, gare | m2439 | SBB | ||||
00:03 | Lausanne-Flon, pl. de l'Europe | ||||||
06:25 | Lausanne-Flon | R20109 | SBB | ||||
06:27 | Lausanne-Chauderon | ||||||
06:30 | Union-Prilly | ||||||
06:38 | Romanel-sur-Lausanne | ||||||
06:43 | Cheseaux | ||||||
06:54 | Echallens | ||||||
07:00 | Sugnens | ||||||
07:07 | Bercher |
23:09 | Les Neys | 8 h 28 16 stops 3 changes R7279 R324390 m2165 R20111 | 8 h 28 | 3 changes 16 stops | R7279 R324390 m2165 R20111 | R7279 | SBB |
23:29 | Monthey-Ville | ||||||
23:45 | Ollon VD | ||||||
23:51 | Aigle | ||||||
00:27 | Aigle | R324390 | SBB | ||||
00:32 | Roche VD | ||||||
00:40 | Montreux | ||||||
00:42 | Clarens | ||||||
00:49 | Vevey | ||||||
01:01 | Lutry | ||||||
01:07 | Lausanne | ||||||
05:31 | Lausanne, gare | m2165 | SBB | ||||
05:32 | Lausanne-Flon, pl. de l'Europe | ||||||
06:55 | Lausanne-Flon | R20111 | SBB | ||||
06:57 | Lausanne-Chauderon | ||||||
07:00 | Union-Prilly | ||||||
07:08 | Romanel-sur-Lausanne | ||||||
07:13 | Cheseaux | ||||||
07:24 | Echallens | ||||||
07:30 | Sugnens | ||||||
07:37 | Bercher |
Travel time
Travel time between Les Neys and Bercher is 2h13