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Saignelégier to Arbon train times
Saturday, 18 January 202507:20 +1d | Saignelégier | 5 h 13 11 stops 4 changes R36214 IR66 IC1 S591 S791 | 5 h 13 | 4 changes 11 stops | R36214 IR66 IC1 S591 S791 | R36214 | SBB |
07:56 | La Chaux-de-Fonds | ||||||
08:02 +1d | La Chaux-de-Fonds | IR66 | SBB | ||||
08:14 | Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane | ||||||
08:21 | Chambrelien | ||||||
08:32 | Neuchâtel | ||||||
09:06 | Bern | ||||||
09:31 +1d | Bern | IC1 | SBB | ||||
10:39 | Zürich HB | ||||||
11:08 | Winterthur | ||||||
11:26 | Wil SG | ||||||
11:34 | Uzwil | ||||||
11:52 | St. Gallen | ||||||
11:57 +1d | St. Gallen | S591 | SBB | ||||
12:13 | Rorschach | ||||||
12:24 +1d | Rorschach | S791 | SBB | ||||
12:33 | Arbon |
07:46 +1d | Saignelégier | 5 h 17 12 stops 3 changes R36219 S391 IC5 S791 | 5 h 17 | 3 changes 12 stops | R36219 S391 IC5 S791 | R36219 | SBB |
08:08 | Combe-Tabeillon | ||||||
08:18 | Glovelier | ||||||
08:25 +1d | Glovelier | S391 | SBB | ||||
08:33 | Courfaivre | ||||||
08:43 | Delémont | ||||||
09:31 | Basel SBB | ||||||
09:48 | Liestal | ||||||
10:10 | Olten | ||||||
10:20 +1d | Olten | IC5 | SBB | ||||
10:31 | Aarau | ||||||
11:03 | Zürich HB | ||||||
11:29 | Winterthur | ||||||
12:05 | St. Gallen | ||||||
12:21 | Rorschach | ||||||
12:54 +1d | Rorschach | S791 | SBB | ||||
13:03 | Arbon |
08:20 +1d | Saignelégier | 5 h 34 10 stops 3 changes R36220 IR66 IC8 S791 | 5 h 34 | 3 changes 10 stops | R36220 IR66 IC8 S791 | R36220 | SBB |
08:56 | La Chaux-de-Fonds | ||||||
09:02 +1d | La Chaux-de-Fonds | IR66 | SBB | ||||
09:14 | Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane | ||||||
09:21 | Chambrelien | ||||||
09:32 | Neuchâtel | ||||||
10:06 | Bern | ||||||
11:02 +1d | Bern | IC8 | SBB | ||||
12:05 | Zürich HB | ||||||
12:31 | Winterthur | ||||||
12:55 | Weinfelden | ||||||
13:06 | Amriswil | ||||||
13:36 +1d | Amriswil | S791 | SBB | ||||
13:46 | Romanshorn | ||||||
13:54 | Arbon |
08:46 +1d | Saignelégier | 5 h 17 12 stops 3 changes R36223 S391 IC5 S791 | 5 h 17 | 3 changes 12 stops | R36223 S391 IC5 S791 | R36223 | SBB |
09:08 | Combe-Tabeillon | ||||||
09:18 | Glovelier | ||||||
09:25 +1d | Glovelier | S391 | SBB | ||||
09:33 | Courfaivre | ||||||
09:43 | Delémont | ||||||
10:31 | Basel SBB | ||||||
10:48 | Liestal | ||||||
11:10 | Olten | ||||||
11:20 +1d | Olten | IC5 | SBB | ||||
11:31 | Aarau | ||||||
12:03 | Zürich HB | ||||||
12:29 | Winterthur | ||||||
13:05 | St. Gallen | ||||||
13:21 | Rorschach | ||||||
13:54 +1d | Rorschach | S791 | SBB | ||||
14:03 | Arbon |
09:20 +1d | Saignelégier | 5 h 13 11 stops 4 changes R36224 IR66 IC5 S491 S791 | 5 h 13 | 4 changes 11 stops | R36224 IR66 IC5 S491 S791 | R36224 | SBB |
09:56 | La Chaux-de-Fonds | ||||||
10:02 +1d | La Chaux-de-Fonds | IR66 | SBB | ||||
10:14 | Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane | ||||||
10:21 | Chambrelien | ||||||
10:30 | Neuchâtel | ||||||
10:53 +1d | Neuchâtel | IC5 | SBB | ||||
11:16 | Biel/Bienne | ||||||
11:34 | Solothurn | ||||||
11:59 | Olten | ||||||
12:33 | Zürich HB | ||||||
12:59 | Winterthur | ||||||
13:32 | St. Gallen | ||||||
13:38 +1d | St. Gallen | S491 | SBB | ||||
13:56 | Rorschach | ||||||
14:24 +1d | Rorschach | S791 | SBB | ||||
14:33 | Arbon |
09:46 +1d | Saignelégier | 5 h 17 12 stops 3 changes R36225 S391 IC5 S791 | 5 h 17 | 3 changes 12 stops | R36225 S391 IC5 S791 | R36225 | SBB |
10:08 | Combe-Tabeillon | ||||||
10:18 | Glovelier | ||||||
10:25 +1d | Glovelier | S391 | SBB | ||||
10:33 | Courfaivre | ||||||
10:43 | Delémont | ||||||
11:31 | Basel SBB | ||||||
11:48 | Liestal | ||||||
12:10 | Olten | ||||||
12:20 +1d | Olten | IC5 | SBB | ||||
12:31 | Aarau | ||||||
13:03 | Zürich HB | ||||||
13:29 | Winterthur | ||||||
14:05 | St. Gallen | ||||||
14:21 | Rorschach | ||||||
14:54 +1d | Rorschach | S791 | SBB | ||||
15:03 | Arbon |
10:20 +1d | Saignelégier | 5 h 13 11 stops 4 changes R36230 IR66 IC1 S591 S791 | 5 h 13 | 4 changes 11 stops | R36230 IR66 IC1 S591 S791 | R36230 | SBB |
10:56 | La Chaux-de-Fonds | ||||||
11:02 +1d | La Chaux-de-Fonds | IR66 | SBB | ||||
11:14 | Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane | ||||||
11:21 | Chambrelien | ||||||
11:32 | Neuchâtel | ||||||
12:06 | Bern | ||||||
12:31 +1d | Bern | IC1 | SBB | ||||
13:39 | Zürich HB | ||||||
14:08 | Winterthur | ||||||
14:26 | Wil SG | ||||||
14:34 | Uzwil | ||||||
14:52 | St. Gallen | ||||||
14:57 +1d | St. Gallen | S591 | SBB | ||||
15:13 | Rorschach | ||||||
15:24 +1d | Rorschach | S791 | SBB | ||||
15:33 | Arbon |
10:46 +1d | Saignelégier | 5 h 17 12 stops 3 changes R36231 S391 IC5 S791 | 5 h 17 | 3 changes 12 stops | R36231 S391 IC5 S791 | R36231 | SBB |
11:08 | Combe-Tabeillon | ||||||
11:18 | Glovelier | ||||||
11:25 +1d | Glovelier | S391 | SBB | ||||
11:33 | Courfaivre | ||||||
11:43 | Delémont | ||||||
12:31 | Basel SBB | ||||||
12:48 | Liestal | ||||||
13:10 | Olten | ||||||
13:20 +1d | Olten | IC5 | SBB | ||||
13:31 | Aarau | ||||||
14:03 | Zürich HB | ||||||
14:29 | Winterthur | ||||||
15:05 | St. Gallen | ||||||
15:21 | Rorschach | ||||||
15:54 +1d | Rorschach | S791 | SBB | ||||
16:03 | Arbon |
11:20 +1d | Saignelégier | 5 h 13 11 stops 4 changes R36232 IR66 IC5 S491 S791 | 5 h 13 | 4 changes 11 stops | R36232 IR66 IC5 S491 S791 | R36232 | SBB |
11:56 | La Chaux-de-Fonds | ||||||
12:02 +1d | La Chaux-de-Fonds | IR66 | SBB | ||||
12:14 | Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane | ||||||
12:21 | Chambrelien | ||||||
12:30 | Neuchâtel | ||||||
12:53 +1d | Neuchâtel | IC5 | SBB | ||||
13:16 | Biel/Bienne | ||||||
13:34 | Solothurn | ||||||
13:59 | Olten | ||||||
14:33 | Zürich HB | ||||||
14:59 | Winterthur | ||||||
15:32 | St. Gallen | ||||||
15:38 +1d | St. Gallen | S491 | SBB | ||||
15:56 | Rorschach | ||||||
16:24 +1d | Rorschach | S791 | SBB | ||||
16:33 | Arbon |
11:46 +1d | Saignelégier | 5 h 17 12 stops 3 changes R36237 S391 IC5 S791 | 5 h 17 | 3 changes 12 stops | R36237 S391 IC5 S791 | R36237 | SBB |
12:08 | Combe-Tabeillon | ||||||
12:18 | Glovelier | ||||||
12:25 +1d | Glovelier | S391 | SBB | ||||
12:33 | Courfaivre | ||||||
12:43 | Delémont | ||||||
13:31 | Basel SBB | ||||||
13:48 | Liestal | ||||||
14:10 | Olten | ||||||
14:20 +1d | Olten | IC5 | SBB | ||||
14:31 | Aarau | ||||||
15:03 | Zürich HB | ||||||
15:29 | Winterthur | ||||||
16:05 | St. Gallen | ||||||
16:21 | Rorschach | ||||||
16:54 +1d | Rorschach | S791 | SBB | ||||
17:03 | Arbon |
12:20 +1d | Saignelégier | 5 h 13 11 stops 4 changes R36238 IR66 IC1 S591 S791 | 5 h 13 | 4 changes 11 stops | R36238 IR66 IC1 S591 S791 | R36238 | SBB |
12:56 | La Chaux-de-Fonds | ||||||
13:02 +1d | La Chaux-de-Fonds | IR66 | SBB | ||||
13:14 | Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane | ||||||
13:21 | Chambrelien | ||||||
13:32 | Neuchâtel | ||||||
14:06 | Bern | ||||||
14:31 +1d | Bern | IC1 | SBB | ||||
15:39 | Zürich HB | ||||||
16:08 | Winterthur | ||||||
16:26 | Wil SG | ||||||
16:34 | Uzwil | ||||||
16:52 | St. Gallen | ||||||
16:57 +1d | St. Gallen | S591 | SBB | ||||
17:13 | Rorschach | ||||||
17:24 +1d | Rorschach | S791 | SBB | ||||
17:33 | Arbon |
12:46 +1d | Saignelégier | 5 h 17 12 stops 3 changes R36245 S391 IC5 S791 | 5 h 17 | 3 changes 12 stops | R36245 S391 IC5 S791 | R36245 | SBB |
13:08 | Combe-Tabeillon | ||||||
13:18 | Glovelier | ||||||
13:25 +1d | Glovelier | S391 | SBB | ||||
13:33 | Courfaivre | ||||||
13:43 | Delémont | ||||||
14:31 | Basel SBB | ||||||
14:48 | Liestal | ||||||
15:10 | Olten | ||||||
15:20 +1d | Olten | IC5 | SBB | ||||
15:31 | Aarau | ||||||
16:03 | Zürich HB | ||||||
16:29 | Winterthur | ||||||
17:05 | St. Gallen | ||||||
17:21 | Rorschach | ||||||
17:54 +1d | Rorschach | S791 | SBB | ||||
18:03 | Arbon |
Travel time
Travel time between Saignelégier and Arbon is 4h04