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Winkel am Zürichsee to Obermuhen train times
Sunday, 19 January 202500:51 | Winkel am Zürichsee | 5 h 07 8 stops 2 changes S1691 SN1113702 S1491 | 5 h 07 | 2 changes 8 stops | S1691 SN1113702 S1491 | S1691 | SBB |
01:03 | Zürich Tiefenbrunnen | ||||||
01:07 | Zürich Stadelhofen | ||||||
01:09 | Zürich HB | ||||||
01:30 | Zürich HB | SN1113702 | SBB | ||||
01:36 | Zürich Altstetten | ||||||
01:45 | Dietikon | ||||||
01:54 | Mellingen Heitersberg | ||||||
02:05 | Lenzburg | ||||||
02:13 | Aarau | ||||||
05:42 | Aarau | S1491 | SBB | ||||
05:58 | Obermuhen |
01:50 | Winkel am Zürichsee | 4 h 38 8 stops 2 changes SN713772 SN1113704 S1491 | 4 h 38 | 2 changes 8 stops | SN713772 SN1113704 S1491 | SN713772 | SBB |
01:56 | Küsnacht ZH | ||||||
02:06 | Zürich Stadelhofen | ||||||
02:08 | Zürich HB | ||||||
02:30 | Zürich HB | SN1113704 | SBB | ||||
02:36 | Zürich Altstetten | ||||||
02:45 | Dietikon | ||||||
02:54 | Mellingen Heitersberg | ||||||
03:05 | Lenzburg | ||||||
03:13 | Aarau | ||||||
06:12 | Aarau | S1491 | SBB | ||||
06:28 | Obermuhen |
02:50 | Winkel am Zürichsee | 4 h 08 8 stops 2 changes SN713774 SN113716 S1491 | 4 h 08 | 2 changes 8 stops | SN713774 SN113716 S1491 | SN713774 | SBB |
02:56 | Küsnacht ZH | ||||||
03:06 | Zürich Stadelhofen | ||||||
03:08 | Zürich HB | ||||||
04:00 | Zürich HB | SN113716 | SBB | ||||
04:06 | Zürich Altstetten | ||||||
04:15 | Dietikon | ||||||
04:28 | Baden | ||||||
04:44 | Brugg AG | ||||||
05:01 | Aarau | ||||||
06:42 | Aarau | S1491 | SBB | ||||
06:58 | Obermuhen |
03:50 | Winkel am Zürichsee | 4 h 08 5 stops 2 changes SN713776 IR37 S1491 | 4 h 08 | 2 changes 5 stops | SN713776 IR37 S1491 | SN713776 | SBB |
03:56 | Küsnacht ZH | ||||||
04:06 | Zürich Stadelhofen | ||||||
04:08 | Zürich HB | ||||||
05:08 | Zürich HB | IR37 | SBB | ||||
05:29 | Lenzburg | ||||||
05:35 | Aarau | ||||||
07:42 | Aarau | S1491 | SBB | ||||
07:58 | Obermuhen |
04:53 | Winkel am Zürichsee | 3 h 35 3 stops 2 changes S1691 IC1 S1491 | 3 h 35 | 2 changes 3 stops | S1691 IC1 S1491 | S1691 | SBB |
05:11 | Zürich HB | ||||||
05:19 | Zürich HB | IC1 | SBB | ||||
05:40 | Lenzburg | ||||||
05:46 | Aarau | ||||||
08:12 | Aarau | S1491 | SBB | ||||
08:28 | Obermuhen |
05:26 | Winkel am Zürichsee | 3 h 32 2 stops 2 changes S1691 IC5 S1491 | 3 h 32 | 2 changes 2 stops | S1691 IC5 S1491 | S1691 | SBB |
05:44 | Zürich HB | ||||||
06:04 | Zürich HB | IC5 | SBB | ||||
06:28 | Aarau | ||||||
08:42 | Aarau | S1491 | SBB | ||||
08:58 | Obermuhen |
05:56 | Winkel am Zürichsee | 3 h 32 3 stops 2 changes S1691 RE374808 S1491 | 3 h 32 | 2 changes 3 stops | S1691 RE374808 S1491 | S1691 | SBB |
06:14 | Zürich HB | ||||||
06:38 | Zürich HB | RE374808 | SBB | ||||
06:58 | Lenzburg | ||||||
07:05 | Aarau | ||||||
09:12 | Aarau | S1491 | SBB | ||||
09:28 | Obermuhen |
06:11 | Winkel am Zürichsee | 3 h 47 3 stops 2 changes S691 IC5 S1491 | 3 h 47 | 2 changes 3 stops | S691 IC5 S1491 | S691 | SBB |
06:27 | Zürich Stadelhofen | ||||||
06:29 | Zürich HB | ||||||
07:04 | Zürich HB | IC5 | SBB | ||||
07:28 | Aarau | ||||||
09:42 | Aarau | S1491 | SBB | ||||
09:58 | Obermuhen |
06:26 | Winkel am Zürichsee | 4 h 02 3 stops 2 changes S1691 IR37 S1491 | 4 h 02 | 2 changes 3 stops | S1691 IR37 S1491 | S1691 | SBB |
06:44 | Zürich HB | ||||||
07:08 | Zürich HB | IR37 | SBB | ||||
07:29 | Lenzburg | ||||||
07:35 | Aarau | ||||||
10:12 | Aarau | S1491 | SBB | ||||
10:28 | Obermuhen |
08:41 | Winkel am Zürichsee | 2 h 17 5 stops 2 changes S691 IR16 S1491 | 2 h 17 | 2 changes 5 stops | S691 IR16 S1491 | S691 | SBB |
08:57 | Zürich Stadelhofen | ||||||
08:59 | Zürich HB | ||||||
09:06 | Zürich HB | IR16 | SBB | ||||
09:22 | Baden | ||||||
09:32 | Brugg AG | ||||||
09:45 | Aarau | ||||||
10:42 | Aarau | S1491 | SBB | ||||
10:58 | Obermuhen |
Travel time
Travel time between Winkel am Zürichsee and Obermuhen is 1h17