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Leipzig Nord to Rackwitz (B Leipzig) train times
Saturday, 4 January 202518:52 | Leipzig, Nord | 7 min 2 stops S2 Platform 2 | 7 min | 2 stops | S2 Platform 2 | S2 Platform 2 | ddb:8004 |
18:54 | Leipzig Essener Straße | ||||||
18:56 | Leipzig, Bf. Messe | ||||||
18:59 | Rackwitz, Bahnhof |
19:22 | Leipzig, Nord | 8 min 2 stops S2 Platform 2 | 8 min | 2 stops | S2 Platform 2 | S2 Platform 2 | ddb:8004 |
19:25 | Leipzig Essener Straße | ||||||
19:27 | Leipzig, Bf. Messe | ||||||
19:30 | Rackwitz, Bahnhof |
19:51 | Leipzig, Nord | 7 min 2 stops S2 Platform 2 | 7 min | 2 stops | S2 Platform 2 | S2 Platform 2 | ddb:8004 |
19:53 | Leipzig Essener Straße | ||||||
19:55 | Leipzig, Bf. Messe | ||||||
19:58 | Rackwitz, Bahnhof |
Travel time
Travel time between Leipzig Nord and Rackwitz (B Leipzig) is 7 minutes