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Randers to Kolding train times
Wednesday, 11 December 202416:35 | Randers St. | 2 h 20 1 stop 1 change LyntogICL 4058 IC5765 Platform 3 | 2 h 20 | 1 change 1 stop | LyntogICL 4058 IC5765 Platform 3 | LyntogICL 4058 Platform 3 | DSB |
18:17 | Fredericia St. | ||||||
18:45 | Fredericia St. | IC5765 Platform 7 | DSB | ||||
18:55 | Kolding St. |
17:00 | Randers St. | 2 h 02 1 stop 1 change IC4360 IC460 Platform 3 | 2 h 02 | 1 change 1 stop | IC4360 IC460 Platform 3 | IC4360 Platform 3 | DSB |
17:38 | Aarhus H | ||||||
17:45 | Aarhus H | IC460 Platform 5 | DSB | ||||
19:02 | Kolding St. |
18:00 | Randers St. | 2 h 01 1 stop 1 change IC4164 LyntogICL 967 Platform 3 | 2 h 01 | 1 change 1 stop | IC4164 LyntogICL 967 Platform 3 | IC4164 Platform 3 | DSB |
19:45 | Fredericia St. | ||||||
19:50 | Fredericia St. | LyntogICL 967 Platform 4 | DSB | ||||
20:01 | Kolding St. |
Travel time
Travel time between Randers and Kolding is 2h00