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Svenstrup (Jylland) to Hadsten train times
Wednesday, 11 December 202409:14 | Svenstrup St. (Jylland) | 1 h 01 IC4132 Platform 2 | 1 h 01 | Direct | IC4132 Platform 2 | IC4132 Platform 2 | DSB |
10:15 | Hadsten St. |
10:14 | Svenstrup St. (Jylland) | 1 h 01 IC4336 Platform 2 | 1 h 01 | Direct | IC4336 Platform 2 | IC4336 Platform 2 | DSB |
11:15 | Hadsten St. |
11:14 | Svenstrup St. (Jylland) | 1 h 01 IC4140 Platform 2 | 1 h 01 | Direct | IC4140 Platform 2 | IC4140 Platform 2 | DSB |
12:15 | Hadsten St. |
Travel time
Travel time between Svenstrup (Jylland) and Hadsten is 54 minutes