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A Friela-Maside to Las Zorreras-Navalquejigo train times
Wednesday, January 8, 202520:00 | A Friela-Maside | 4 h 30 3 stops 2 changes Regional12967 AVE04404 C8 | 4 h 30 | 2 changes 3 stops | Regional12967 AVE04404 C8 | Regional12967 | Renfe |
20:21 | Ourense | ||||||
20:41 | Ourense | AVE04404 | Renfe | ||||
21:58 | Zamora | ||||||
23:04 | Madrid-Chamartin | ||||||
23:43 | Madrid-ChamartÃn-Clara Campoamor | C8 | Renfe | ||||
00:30 | Las Zorreras-Navalquejigo |
Travel time
Travel time between A Friela-Maside and Las Zorreras-Navalquejigo is 4h30