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Cardeñosa de Avila to Jodar-Ubeda train times
Monday, December 2, 202409:20 | Cardeñosa de Avila | 26 h 26 Media Distancia18901 Alvia04918 Intercity00276 | 26 h 26 | 2 changes 8 stops | Media Distancia18901 Alvia04918 Intercity00276 | Media Distancia18901 | Renfe |
09:36 | San Pedro del Arroyo | ||||||
10:05 | Peñaranda de Bracamonte | ||||||
10:20 | Babilafuente | ||||||
10:40 | Salamanca | ||||||
10:50 | Salamanca | Alvia04918 | Renfe | ||||
11:59 | Segovia Guiomar | ||||||
12:26 | Madrid-Chamartin | ||||||
08:02 | Madrid-Chamartin | Intercity00276 | Renfe | ||||
09:43 | Alcazar de San Juan | ||||||
11:21 | Linares-Baeza | ||||||
11:46 | Jodar-Ubeda 2 changes 8 stops |
Travel time
Travel time between Cardeñosa de Avila and Jodar-Ubeda is 17h50