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Cetina to Silla train times
Tuesday, January 7, 202507:13 +1d | Cetina | 7 h 49 7 stops 4 changes Regional18750 AVE03862 AVE05890 Intercity00463 C1 | 7 h 49 | 4 changes 7 stops | Regional18750 AVE03862 AVE05890 Intercity00463 C1 | Regional18750 | Renfe |
07:36 | Calatayud | ||||||
08:01 +1d | Calatayud | AVE03862 | Renfe | ||||
08:40 | Guadalajara - Yebes | ||||||
09:10 | Madrid-Puerta de Atocha | ||||||
09:44 +1d | Madrid-Puerta de Atocha | AVE05890 | Renfe | ||||
10:45 | Cuenca Fernando Zobel | ||||||
11:22 | Requena Utiel | ||||||
13:15 | Castelló | ||||||
13:32 +1d | Castelló | Intercity00463 | Renfe | ||||
14:32 | Valencia-Estacio del Nord | ||||||
14:45 +1d | Valencia-Estaciò Del Nord | C1 | Renfe | ||||
15:02 | Silla |
Travel time
Travel time between Cetina and Silla is 7h37