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Gandía to Valdestillas train times
Sunday, January 19, 202509:05 | Gandía | 7 h 46 6 stops 4 changes C1 C6 AVE05721 Intercity04257 PROXIMDAD18218 | 7 h 46 | 4 changes 6 stops | C1 C6 AVE05721 Intercity04257 PROXIMDAD18218 | C1 | Renfe |
10:16 | Valencia-Estaciò Del Nord | ||||||
10:20 | Valencia-Estaciò Del Nord | C6 | Renfe | ||||
10:57 | Sagunt/Sagunto | ||||||
11:43 | Sagunt/sagunto | AVE05721 | Renfe | ||||
12:27 | Valencia Joaquin Sorolla | ||||||
13:31 | Cuenca Fernando Zobel | ||||||
14:37 | Madrid-Chamartin | ||||||
14:46 | Madrid-Chamartin | Intercity04257 | Renfe | ||||
15:45 | Valladolid | ||||||
16:33 | Valladolid | PROXIMDAD18218 | Renfe | ||||
16:51 | Valdestillas |
Travel time
Travel time between Gandía and Valdestillas is 7h01