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Las Zorreras-Navalquejigo to Albacete Los Llanos train times
Tuesday, January 7, 202505:52 | Las Zorreras-Navalquejigo | 2 h 46 2 stops 1 change C8 AVE05072 | 2 h 46 | 1 change 2 stops | C8 AVE05072 | C8 | Renfe |
06:40 | Madrid-Chamartín-Clara Campoamor | ||||||
07:00 | Madrid-Chamartin | AVE05072 | Renfe | ||||
08:06 | Cuenca Fernando Zobel | ||||||
08:38 | Albacete-Los Llanos |
08:02 | Las Zorreras-Navalquejigo | 2 h 36 2 stops 1 change C8 AVE05092 | 2 h 36 | 1 change 2 stops | C8 AVE05092 | C8 | Renfe |
08:50 | Madrid-Chamartín-Clara Campoamor | ||||||
09:00 | Madrid-Chamartin | AVE05092 | Renfe | ||||
10:06 | Cuenca Fernando Zobel | ||||||
10:38 | Albacete-Los Llanos |
10:17 | Las Zorreras-Navalquejigo | 3 h 17 2 stops 1 change C8 Alvia04072 | 3 h 17 | 1 change 2 stops | C8 Alvia04072 | C8 | Renfe |
11:05 | Madrid-Chamartín-Clara Campoamor | ||||||
11:45 | Madrid-Chamartin | Alvia04072 | Renfe | ||||
12:58 | Cuenca Fernando Zobel | ||||||
13:34 | Albacete-Los Llanos |
12:17 | Las Zorreras-Navalquejigo | 3 h 15 1 stop 1 change C8 AVE05142 | 3 h 15 | 1 change 1 stop | C8 AVE05142 | C8 | Renfe |
13:05 | Madrid-Chamartín-Clara Campoamor | ||||||
14:00 | Madrid-Chamartin | AVE05142 | Renfe | ||||
15:32 | Albacete-Los Llanos |
Travel time
Travel time between Las Zorreras-Navalquejigo and Albacete Los Llanos is 2h36