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Medina del Campo to Castillejo-Añover train times
Monday, January 6, 202519:33 | Medina del Campo Alta Velocidad | 2 h 55 4 stops 1 change Alvia04988 Media Distancia17000 | 2 h 55 | 1 change 4 stops | Alvia04988 Media Distancia17000 | Alvia04988 | Renfe |
20:03 | Segovia Guiomar | ||||||
20:30 | Madrid-Chamartin | ||||||
21:29 | Madrid-Chamartin | Media Distancia17000 | Renfe | ||||
21:42 | Madrid - Atocha Cercanias | ||||||
22:21 | Aranjuez | ||||||
22:28 | Castillejo-Añover |
Travel time
Travel time between Medina del Campo and Castillejo-Añover is 2h55