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Puçol to Caminreal-Fuentes Claras train times
Monday, January 6, 202515:49 | Puçol | 3 h 43 4 stops 1 change C5 Media Distancia18506 | 3 h 43 | 1 change 4 stops | C5 Media Distancia18506 | C5 | Renfe |
16:38 | Segorbe | ||||||
17:21 | Segorbe | Media Distancia18506 | Renfe | ||||
18:50 | Teruel | ||||||
19:01 | Cella | ||||||
19:11 | Santa Eulalia del Campo | ||||||
19:32 | Caminreal-Fuentes Claras |
Travel time
Travel time between Puçol and Caminreal-Fuentes Claras is 3h43