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Puebla de Sanabria to Gudillos train times
Monday, January 6, 202508:46 | PUEBLA DE SANABRIA LLEGADA | 11 h 55 6 stops 1 change AVE04864 Regional17139 | 11 h 55 | 1 change 6 stops | AVE04864 Regional17139 | AVE04864 | Renfe |
09:15 | Zamora | ||||||
09:39 | Medina del Campo Alta Velocidad | ||||||
10:06 | Segovia Guiomar | ||||||
10:34 | Madrid-Chamartin | ||||||
19:14 | Madrid-Chamartin | Regional17139 | Renfe | ||||
19:55 | Villalba de Guadarrama | ||||||
20:31 | Cercedilla | ||||||
20:41 | Gudillos |
14:03 | PUEBLA DE SANABRIA LLEGADA | 18 h 13 7 stops 2 changes Alvia04114 Regional17133 Regional17120 | 18 h 13 | 2 changes 7 stops | Alvia04114 Regional17133 Regional17120 | Alvia04114 | Renfe |
14:38 | Zamora | ||||||
15:05 | Medina del Campo Alta Velocidad | ||||||
15:36 | Segovia Guiomar | ||||||
16:07 | Madrid-Chamartin | ||||||
16:15 | Madrid-Chamartin | Regional17133 | Renfe | ||||
16:56 | Villalba de Guadarrama | ||||||
17:32 | Cercedilla | ||||||
17:44 | San Rafael | ||||||
08:12 | San Rafael | Regional17120 | Renfe | ||||
08:16 | Gudillos |
14:03 +1d | PUEBLA DE SANABRIA LLEGADA | 5 h 39 6 stops 1 change Alvia04114 Regional17135 | 5 h 39 | 1 change 6 stops | Alvia04114 Regional17135 | Alvia04114 | Renfe |
14:38 | Zamora | ||||||
15:05 | Medina del Campo Alta Velocidad | ||||||
15:36 | Segovia Guiomar | ||||||
16:07 | Madrid-Chamartin | ||||||
18:14 +1d | Madrid-Chamartin | Regional17135 | Renfe | ||||
18:55 | Villalba de Guadarrama | ||||||
19:32 | Cercedilla | ||||||
19:42 | Gudillos |
Travel time
Travel time between Puebla de Sanabria and Gudillos is 5h37