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Sabiñan to Puerto Escandon train times
Sunday, January 19, 202520:38 | Sabiñan | 14 h 29 6 stops 1 change Regional18756 Media Distancia18511 | 14 h 29 | 1 change 6 stops | Regional18756 Media Distancia18511 | Regional18756 | Renfe |
21:28 | Grisen | ||||||
21:48 | Zaragoza-Delicias | ||||||
08:15 | Zaragoza-Delicias | Media Distancia18511 | Renfe | ||||
08:59 | Carinyena | ||||||
10:28 | Santa Eulalia del Campo | ||||||
10:37 | Cella | ||||||
10:49 | Teruel | ||||||
11:07 | Puerto Escandon |
Travel time
Travel time between Sabiñan and Puerto Escandon is 14h29