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San Clodio-Quiroga to El Espinar train times
Tuesday, January 7, 202507:33 +1d | San Clodio-Quiroga | 12 h 16 7 stops 2 changes Regional Exprés.12611 AVE04454 Regional17135 | 12 h 16 | 2 changes 7 stops | Regional Exprés.12611 AVE04454 Regional17135 | Regional Exprés.12611 | Renfe |
08:06 | Monforte de Lemos | ||||||
08:13 | Canabal | ||||||
08:57 | Ourense | ||||||
11:14 +1d | Ourense | AVE04454 | Renfe | ||||
12:31 | Zamora | ||||||
13:38 | Madrid-Chamartin | ||||||
18:14 +1d | Madrid-Chamartin | Regional17135 | Renfe | ||||
18:55 | Villalba de Guadarrama | ||||||
19:32 | Cercedilla | ||||||
19:49 | El Espinar |
Travel time
Travel time between San Clodio-Quiroga and El Espinar is 9h03