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San Vicente de Alcantara to Casatejada train times
Sunday, December 15, 202417:35 | San Vicente de Alcantara | 14 h 23 7 stops 1 change Regional17029 Regional Exprés.17021 | 14 h 23 | 1 change 7 stops | Regional17029 Regional Exprés.17021 | Regional17029 | Renfe |
18:32 | Arroyo-Malpartida | ||||||
18:49 | Caceres | ||||||
06:09 | Caceres | Regional Exprés.17021 | Renfe | ||||
06:41 | Canyaveral | ||||||
06:47 | Casas de Millan | ||||||
06:57 | Mirabel | ||||||
07:19 | Plasencia | ||||||
07:35 | Monfrague | ||||||
07:58 | Casatejada |
Travel time
Travel time between San Vicente de Alcantara and Casatejada is 3h11