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Tafalla to Vinaròs train times
Monday, January 6, 202509:31 | Tafalla | 9 h 36 7 stops 2 changes Alvia00533 Euromed01161 Intercity00460 | 9 h 36 | 2 changes 7 stops | Alvia00533 Euromed01161 Intercity00460 | Alvia00533 | Renfe |
10:02 | Castejon de Ebro | ||||||
10:19 | Tudela de Navarra | ||||||
11:09 | Zaragoza-Delicias | ||||||
12:00 | Lleida | ||||||
12:31 | Camp Tarragona | ||||||
16:51 | Camp Tarragona | Euromed01161 | Renfe | ||||
18:10 | Castelló | ||||||
18:21 | Castelló | Intercity00460 | Renfe | ||||
19:03 | Benicarló-Peñíscola | ||||||
19:07 | Vinaròs |
Travel time
Travel time between Tafalla and Vinaròs is 6h41