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Torre del Bierzo to Legazpi train times
Saturday, January 4, 202508:34 +1d | Torre del Bierzo | 9 h 48 9 stops 3 changes Regional Exprés.12613 Alvia00625 Intercity00282 C1 | 9 h 48 | 3 changes 9 stops | Regional Exprés.12613 Alvia00625 Intercity00282 C1 | Regional Exprés.12613 | Renfe |
08:42 | Bembibre | ||||||
12:08 +1d | Bembibre | Alvia00625 | Renfe | ||||
12:52 | Astorga | ||||||
13:35 | León | ||||||
14:19 | Palencia | ||||||
14:58 | Burgos-Rosa Manzano | ||||||
15:57 | Miranda de Ebro | ||||||
16:24 | Vitoria/gasteiz | ||||||
16:45 +1d | Vitoria/gasteiz | Intercity00282 | Renfe | ||||
17:25 | Altsasu/Alsasua-Estación | ||||||
17:53 | Zumarraga | ||||||
18:18 +1d | Zumarraga | C1 | Renfe | ||||
18:22 | Legazpi |
Travel time
Travel time between Torre del Bierzo and Legazpi is 9h48