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Villamanin to Torre del Bierzo train times
Monday, January 6, 202522:48 | Villamanin | 9 h 46 2 stops 1 change Regional12102 Regional Exprés.12613 | 9 h 46 | 1 change 2 stops | Regional12102 Regional Exprés.12613 | Regional12102 | Renfe |
23:37 | León | ||||||
07:05 | León | Regional Exprés.12613 | Renfe | ||||
07:51 | Astorga | ||||||
08:34 | Torre del Bierzo |
16:52 +1d | Villamanin | 4 h 20 7 stops 1 change Regional12100 Media Distancia37179 | 4 h 20 | 1 change 7 stops | Regional12100 Media Distancia37179 | Regional12100 | Renfe |
17:11 | La Pola de Gordón | ||||||
17:21 | La Robla | ||||||
17:38 | León | ||||||
19:53 +1d | León | Media Distancia37179 | Renfe | ||||
20:17 | Veguellina | ||||||
20:30 | Astorga | ||||||
20:39 | Vega-Magaz | ||||||
20:52 | Brañuelas | ||||||
21:12 | Torre del Bierzo |
Travel time
Travel time between Villamanin and Torre del Bierzo is 3h12