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Villanueva de Gallego to Castelldefels train times
Sunday, January 5, 202507:12 +1d | Villanueva de Gallego | 6 h 43 3 stops 3 changes Regional15648 AVE03872 AVE06303 R2S | 6 h 43 | 3 changes 3 stops | Regional15648 AVE03872 AVE06303 R2S | Regional15648 | Renfe |
07:33 | Tardienta | ||||||
08:18 +1d | Tardienta | AVE03872 | Renfe | ||||
08:50 | Zaragoza-Delicias | ||||||
11:48 +1d | Zaragoza-Delicias | AVE06303 | Renfe | ||||
13:15 | Barcelona-Sants | ||||||
13:32 +1d | Barcelona-Sants | R2S | Renfe | ||||
13:55 | Castelldefels |
Travel time
Travel time between Villanueva de Gallego and Castelldefels is 6h43