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Vitoria/Gasteiz to Daimiel train times
Monday, January 6, 202506:48 | Vitoria/gasteiz | 8 h 30 10 stops 1 change Intercity04056 Media Distancia18170 | 8 h 30 | 1 change 10 stops | Intercity04056 Media Distancia18170 | Intercity04056 | Renfe |
07:10 | Miranda de Ebro | ||||||
08:06 | Burgos-Rosa Manzano | ||||||
08:47 | Valladolid | ||||||
09:53 | Madrid-Chamartin | ||||||
12:57 | Madrid-Chamartin | Media Distancia18170 | Renfe | ||||
13:11 | Madrid - Atocha Cercanias | ||||||
13:45 | Aranjuez | ||||||
14:18 | VillacaƱas | ||||||
14:35 | Alcazar de San Juan | ||||||
14:49 | Cinco Casas | ||||||
15:02 | Manzanares | ||||||
15:18 | Daimiel |
Travel time
Travel time between Vitoria/Gasteiz and Daimiel is 7h00