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Dragsvik to Ainola train times
Wednesday, 11 December 202414:10 | Dragsvik | 1 h 53 5 stops 2 changes HHL 1618 S 958 RHL 9693 | 1 h 53 | 2 changes 5 stops | HHL 1618 S 958 RHL 9693 | HHL 1618 | VR |
14:20 | Karjaa | ||||||
14:36 | Karjaa | S 958 | VR | ||||
15:28 | Leppävaara | ||||||
15:34 | Pasila | ||||||
15:41 | Pasila | RHL 9693 | VR | ||||
15:50 | Tikkurila | ||||||
15:59 | Kerava | ||||||
16:03 | Ainola |
16:10 | Dragsvik | 1 h 53 5 stops 2 changes HHL 1622 IC 962 RHL 9707 | 1 h 53 | 2 changes 5 stops | HHL 1622 IC 962 RHL 9707 | HHL 1622 | VR |
16:20 | Karjaa | ||||||
16:36 | Karjaa | IC 962 | VR | ||||
17:28 | Leppävaara | ||||||
17:34 | Pasila | ||||||
17:41 | Pasila | RHL 9707 | VR | ||||
17:50 | Tikkurila | ||||||
17:59 | Kerava | ||||||
18:03 | Ainola |
18:10 | Dragsvik | 1 h 53 6 stops 2 changes HHL 1626 IC 966 RHL 9719 | 1 h 53 | 2 changes 6 stops | HHL 1626 IC 966 RHL 9719 | HHL 1626 | VR |
18:20 | Karjaa | ||||||
18:36 | Karjaa | IC 966 | VR | ||||
19:02 | Kirkkonummi | ||||||
19:28 | Leppävaara | ||||||
19:34 | Pasila | ||||||
19:41 | Pasila | RHL 9719 | VR | ||||
19:50 | Tikkurila | ||||||
19:59 | Kerava | ||||||
20:03 | Ainola |
20:40 | Dragsvik | 1 h 53 9 stops 1 change HHL 1630 RHL 9731 | 1 h 53 | 1 change 9 stops | HHL 1630 RHL 9731 | HHL 1630 | VR |
20:52 | Karjaa | ||||||
21:02 | Inkoo | ||||||
21:12 | Siuntio | ||||||
21:21 | Kirkkonummi | ||||||
21:34 | Espoo | ||||||
21:42 | Leppävaara | ||||||
21:48 | Pasila | ||||||
22:11 | Pasila | RHL 9731 | VR | ||||
22:20 | Tikkurila | ||||||
22:29 | Kerava | ||||||
22:33 | Ainola |
Thursday, 12 December 2024
07:04 | Dragsvik | 1 h 59 7 stops 2 changes HHL 1604 IC 944 RHL 9645 Platform 1 | 1 h 59 | 2 changes 7 stops | HHL 1604 IC 944 RHL 9645 Platform 1 | HHL 1604 Platform 1 | VR |
07:14 | Karjaa | ||||||
07:28 | Karjaa | IC 944 Platform 2 | VR | ||||
08:15 | Leppävaara | ||||||
08:22 | Pasila | ||||||
08:27 | Helsinki | ||||||
08:36 | Helsinki | RHL 9645 Platform 5 | VR | ||||
08:41 | Pasila | ||||||
08:50 | Tikkurila | ||||||
08:59 | Kerava | ||||||
09:03 | Ainola |
09:10 | Dragsvik | 1 h 53 5 stops 2 changes HHL 1608 IC 948 RHL 9659 Platform 1 | 1 h 53 | 2 changes 5 stops | HHL 1608 IC 948 RHL 9659 Platform 1 | HHL 1608 Platform 1 | VR |
09:20 | Karjaa | ||||||
09:36 | Karjaa | IC 948 Platform 2 | VR | ||||
10:28 | Leppävaara | ||||||
10:34 | Pasila | ||||||
10:41 | Pasila | RHL 9659 Platform 3 | VR | ||||
10:50 | Tikkurila | ||||||
10:59 | Kerava | ||||||
11:03 | Ainola |
12:10 | Dragsvik | 1 h 53 5 stops 2 changes HHL 1614 S 954 RHL 9679 Platform 1 | 1 h 53 | 2 changes 5 stops | HHL 1614 S 954 RHL 9679 Platform 1 | HHL 1614 Platform 1 | VR |
12:20 | Karjaa | ||||||
12:36 | Karjaa | S 954 Platform 2 | VR | ||||
13:28 | Leppävaara | ||||||
13:34 | Pasila | ||||||
13:41 | Pasila | RHL 9679 Platform 3 | VR | ||||
13:50 | Tikkurila | ||||||
13:59 | Kerava | ||||||
14:03 | Ainola |
14:10 | Dragsvik | 1 h 53 5 stops 2 changes HHL 1618 S 958 RHL 9693 Platform 1 | 1 h 53 | 2 changes 5 stops | HHL 1618 S 958 RHL 9693 Platform 1 | HHL 1618 Platform 1 | VR |
14:20 | Karjaa | ||||||
14:36 | Karjaa | S 958 Platform 2 | VR | ||||
15:28 | Leppävaara | ||||||
15:34 | Pasila | ||||||
15:41 | Pasila | RHL 9693 Platform 3 | VR | ||||
15:50 | Tikkurila | ||||||
15:59 | Kerava | ||||||
16:03 | Ainola |
16:10 | Dragsvik | 1 h 53 5 stops 2 changes HHL 1622 IC 962 RHL 9707 Platform 1 | 1 h 53 | 2 changes 5 stops | HHL 1622 IC 962 RHL 9707 Platform 1 | HHL 1622 Platform 1 | VR |
16:20 | Karjaa | ||||||
16:36 | Karjaa | IC 962 Platform 2 | VR | ||||
17:28 | Leppävaara | ||||||
17:34 | Pasila | ||||||
17:41 | Pasila | RHL 9707 Platform 3 | VR | ||||
17:50 | Tikkurila | ||||||
17:59 | Kerava | ||||||
18:03 | Ainola |
18:10 | Dragsvik | 1 h 53 6 stops 2 changes HHL 1626 IC 966 RHL 9719 Platform 1 | 1 h 53 | 2 changes 6 stops | HHL 1626 IC 966 RHL 9719 Platform 1 | HHL 1626 Platform 1 | VR |
18:20 | Karjaa | ||||||
18:36 | Karjaa | IC 966 Platform 2 | VR | ||||
19:02 | Kirkkonummi | ||||||
19:28 | Leppävaara | ||||||
19:34 | Pasila | ||||||
19:41 | Pasila | RHL 9719 Platform 3 | VR | ||||
19:50 | Tikkurila | ||||||
19:59 | Kerava | ||||||
20:03 | Ainola |
21:40 | Dragsvik | 2 h 23 6 stops 2 changes HHL 1632 IC 972 RHL 9735 Platform 1 | 2 h 23 | 2 changes 6 stops | HHL 1632 IC 972 RHL 9735 Platform 1 | HHL 1632 Platform 1 | VR |
21:50 | Karjaa | ||||||
22:06 | Karjaa | IC 972 Platform 2 | VR | ||||
22:32 | Kirkkonummi | ||||||
22:58 | Leppävaara | ||||||
23:04 | Pasila | ||||||
23:41 | Pasila | RHL 9735 Platform 3 | VR | ||||
23:50 | Tikkurila | ||||||
23:59 | Kerava | ||||||
00:03 | Ainola |
Travel time
Travel time between Dragsvik and Ainola is 1h52