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Koivukylä to Järvelä train times
Wednesday, 4 December 202408:25 | Koivukylä | 2 h 55 KHL 9085 ZHL 9823 GHL 9928 Platform 3 | 2 h 55 | 2 changes 9 stops | KHL 9085 ZHL 9823 GHL 9928 Platform 3 | KHL 9085 Platform 3 | VR |
08:27 | Rekola | ||||||
08:29 | Korso | ||||||
08:32 | Savio | ||||||
08:35 | Kerava | ||||||
08:55 | Kerava | ZHL 9823 Platform 4 | VR | ||||
09:02 | Haarajoki | ||||||
09:12 | Mäntsälä | ||||||
09:23 | Henna | ||||||
09:37 | Lahti | ||||||
11:04 | Lahti | GHL 9928 Platform 4 | VR | ||||
11:13 | Herrala | ||||||
11:20 | Järvelä 2 changes 9 stops |
08:35 | Koivukylä | 1 h 45 KHL 9089 ZHL 9823 GHL 9924 Platform 3 | 1 h 45 | 2 changes 9 stops | KHL 9089 ZHL 9823 GHL 9924 Platform 3 | KHL 9089 Platform 3 | VR |
08:37 | Rekola | ||||||
08:39 | Korso | ||||||
08:42 | Savio | ||||||
08:45 | Kerava | ||||||
08:55 | Kerava | ZHL 9823 Platform 4 | VR | ||||
09:02 | Haarajoki | ||||||
09:12 | Mäntsälä | ||||||
09:23 | Henna | ||||||
09:37 | Lahti | ||||||
10:04 | Lahti | GHL 9924 Platform 4 | VR | ||||
10:13 | Herrala | ||||||
10:20 | Järvelä 2 changes 9 stops |
08:45 | Koivukylä | 2 h 35 KHL 9093 ZHL 9827 GHL 9928 Platform 3 | 2 h 35 | 2 changes 9 stops | KHL 9093 ZHL 9827 GHL 9928 Platform 3 | KHL 9093 Platform 3 | VR |
08:47 | Rekola | ||||||
08:49 | Korso | ||||||
08:52 | Savio | ||||||
08:55 | Kerava | ||||||
09:55 | Kerava | ZHL 9827 Platform 4 | VR | ||||
10:02 | Haarajoki | ||||||
10:12 | Mäntsälä | ||||||
10:23 | Henna | ||||||
10:37 | Lahti | ||||||
11:04 | Lahti | GHL 9928 Platform 4 | VR | ||||
11:13 | Herrala | ||||||
11:20 | Järvelä 2 changes 9 stops |
08:51 | Koivukylä | 3 h 29 KHL 9086 IC 3 GHL 9932 Platform 4 | 3 h 29 | 2 changes 4 stops | KHL 9086 IC 3 GHL 9932 Platform 4 | KHL 9086 Platform 4 | VR |
08:54 | Hiekkaharju | ||||||
08:55 | Tikkurila | ||||||
10:36 | Tikkurila | IC 3 Platform 3 | VR | ||||
11:11 | Lahti | ||||||
12:04 | Lahti | GHL 9932 Platform 4 | VR | ||||
12:13 | Herrala | ||||||
12:20 | Järvelä 2 changes 4 stops |
09:01 | Koivukylä | 3 h 36 KHL 9090 RHL 9649 GHL 9933 Platform 4 | 3 h 36 | 2 changes 13 stops | KHL 9090 RHL 9649 GHL 9933 Platform 4 | KHL 9090 Platform 4 | VR |
09:04 | Hiekkaharju | ||||||
09:05 | Tikkurila | ||||||
09:20 | Tikkurila | RHL 9649 Platform 4 | VR | ||||
09:29 | Kerava | ||||||
09:33 | Ainola | ||||||
09:36 | Järvenpää | ||||||
09:39 | Saunakallio | ||||||
09:45 | Jokela | ||||||
09:52 | Hyvinkää | ||||||
10:01 | Riihimäki | ||||||
12:13 | Riihimäki | GHL 9933 Platform 8 | VR | ||||
12:19 | Hikiä | ||||||
12:24 | Oitti | ||||||
12:28 | Mommila | ||||||
12:33 | Lappila | ||||||
12:37 | Järvelä 2 changes 13 stops |
10:11 | Koivukylä | 3 h 09 KHL 9118 ZHL 9831 GHL 9936 Platform 4 | 3 h 09 | 2 changes 8 stops | KHL 9118 ZHL 9831 GHL 9936 Platform 4 | KHL 9118 Platform 4 | VR |
10:14 | Hiekkaharju | ||||||
10:15 | Tikkurila | ||||||
10:46 | Tikkurila | ZHL 9831 Platform 4 | VR | ||||
10:55 | Kerava | ||||||
11:02 | Haarajoki | ||||||
11:12 | Mäntsälä | ||||||
11:23 | Henna | ||||||
11:37 | Lahti | ||||||
13:04 | Lahti | GHL 9936 Platform 4 | VR | ||||
13:13 | Herrala | ||||||
13:20 | Järvelä 2 changes 8 stops |
11:11 | Koivukylä | 3 h 09 KHL 9138 IC 65 GHL 9940 Platform 4 | 3 h 09 | 2 changes 4 stops | KHL 9138 IC 65 GHL 9940 Platform 4 | KHL 9138 Platform 4 | VR |
11:14 | Hiekkaharju | ||||||
11:15 | Tikkurila | ||||||
11:36 | Tikkurila | IC 65 Platform 3 | VR | ||||
12:14 | Lahti | ||||||
14:04 | Lahti | GHL 9940 Platform 4 | VR | ||||
14:13 | Herrala | ||||||
14:20 | Järvelä 2 changes 4 stops |
11:21 | Koivukylä | 1 h 59 KHL 9140 IC 65 GHL 9936 Platform 4 | 1 h 59 | 2 changes 4 stops | KHL 9140 IC 65 GHL 9936 Platform 4 | KHL 9140 Platform 4 | VR |
11:24 | Hiekkaharju | ||||||
11:25 | Tikkurila | ||||||
11:36 | Tikkurila | IC 65 Platform 3 | VR | ||||
12:14 | Lahti | ||||||
13:04 | Lahti | GHL 9936 Platform 4 | VR | ||||
13:13 | Herrala | ||||||
13:20 | Järvelä 2 changes 4 stops |
12:01 | Koivukylä | 1 h 36 KHL 9154 RHL 9669 GHL 9937 Platform 4 | 1 h 36 | 2 changes 13 stops | KHL 9154 RHL 9669 GHL 9937 Platform 4 | KHL 9154 Platform 4 | VR |
12:04 | Hiekkaharju | ||||||
12:05 | Tikkurila | ||||||
12:20 | Tikkurila | RHL 9669 Platform 4 | VR | ||||
12:29 | Kerava | ||||||
12:33 | Ainola | ||||||
12:36 | Järvenpää | ||||||
12:39 | Saunakallio | ||||||
12:45 | Jokela | ||||||
12:52 | Hyvinkää | ||||||
13:01 | Riihimäki | ||||||
13:13 | Riihimäki | GHL 9937 Platform 8 | VR | ||||
13:19 | Hikiä | ||||||
13:24 | Oitti | ||||||
13:28 | Mommila | ||||||
13:33 | Lappila | ||||||
13:37 | Järvelä 2 changes 13 stops |
12:11 | Koivukylä | 3 h 09 KHL 9158 ZHL 9839 GHL 9944 Platform 4 | 3 h 09 | 2 changes 8 stops | KHL 9158 ZHL 9839 GHL 9944 Platform 4 | KHL 9158 Platform 4 | VR |
12:14 | Hiekkaharju | ||||||
12:15 | Tikkurila | ||||||
12:46 | Tikkurila | ZHL 9839 Platform 4 | VR | ||||
12:55 | Kerava | ||||||
13:02 | Haarajoki | ||||||
13:12 | Mäntsälä | ||||||
13:23 | Henna | ||||||
13:37 | Lahti | ||||||
15:04 | Lahti | GHL 9944 Platform 2 | VR | ||||
15:13 | Herrala | ||||||
15:20 | Järvelä 2 changes 8 stops |
13:21 | Koivukylä | 2 h 59 KHL 9180 IC 5 GHL 9948 Platform 4 | 2 h 59 | 2 changes 4 stops | KHL 9180 IC 5 GHL 9948 Platform 4 | KHL 9180 Platform 4 | VR |
13:24 | Hiekkaharju | ||||||
13:25 | Tikkurila | ||||||
13:36 | Tikkurila | IC 5 Platform 3 | VR | ||||
14:11 | Lahti | ||||||
16:04 | Lahti | GHL 9948 Platform 4 | VR | ||||
16:13 | Herrala | ||||||
16:20 | Järvelä 2 changes 4 stops |
13:51 | Koivukylä | 3 h 46 KHL 9190 RHL 9681 GHL 9955 Platform 4 | 3 h 46 | 2 changes 13 stops | KHL 9190 RHL 9681 GHL 9955 Platform 4 | KHL 9190 Platform 4 | VR |
13:54 | Hiekkaharju | ||||||
13:55 | Tikkurila | ||||||
14:20 | Tikkurila | RHL 9681 Platform 4 | VR | ||||
14:29 | Kerava | ||||||
14:33 | Ainola | ||||||
14:36 | Järvenpää | ||||||
14:39 | Saunakallio | ||||||
14:45 | Jokela | ||||||
14:52 | Hyvinkää | ||||||
15:01 | Riihimäki | ||||||
17:13 | Riihimäki | GHL 9955 Platform 8 | VR | ||||
17:19 | Hikiä | ||||||
17:24 | Oitti | ||||||
17:28 | Mommila | ||||||
17:33 | Lappila | ||||||
17:37 | Järvelä 2 changes 13 stops |
Travel time
Travel time between Koivukylä and Järvelä is 1h20