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Pello to Orivesi train times
Saturday, 14 December 202420:32 | Pello | 12 h 59 18 stops 1 change PYO 276 IC 155 Platform 1 | 12 h 59 | 1 change 18 stops | PYO 276 IC 155 Platform 1 | PYO 276 Platform 1 | VR |
21:23 | Ylitornio | ||||||
22:16 | Tornio-Itäinen | ||||||
22:36 | Laurila | ||||||
22:50 | Kemi | ||||||
23:11 | Simo | ||||||
00:57 | Oulu | ||||||
01:17 | Kempele | ||||||
01:38 | Hirvineva | ||||||
02:44 | Ylivieska | ||||||
03:35 | Kokkola | ||||||
04:00 | Pännäinen | ||||||
04:44 | Kauhava | ||||||
05:19 | Seinäjoki | ||||||
06:14 | Ratikylä | ||||||
07:34 | Tampere | ||||||
08:00 | Toijala | ||||||
08:31 | Toijala | IC 155 Platform 4 | VR | ||||
08:41 | Lempäälä | ||||||
09:07 | Tampere | ||||||
09:31 | Orivesi |
Travel time
Travel time between Pello and Orivesi is 10h58