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Turenki to Villähde train times
Tuesday, 17 December 202406:23 | Turenki | 3 h 29 9 stops 2 changes DHL 9626 GHL 9913 OHL 1663 Platform 1 | 3 h 29 | 2 changes 9 stops | DHL 9626 GHL 9913 OHL 1663 Platform 1 | DHL 9626 Platform 1 | VR |
06:31 | Ryttylä | ||||||
06:38 | Riihimäki | ||||||
07:00 | Riihimäki | GHL 9913 Platform 8 | VR | ||||
07:06 | Hikiä | ||||||
07:11 | Oitti | ||||||
07:15 | Mommila | ||||||
07:20 | Lappila | ||||||
07:25 | Järvelä | ||||||
07:33 | Herrala | ||||||
07:43 | Lahti | ||||||
09:46 | Lahti | OHL 1663 Platform 2 | VR | ||||
09:52 | Villähde |
07:30 | Turenki | 3 h 35 14 stops 3 changes RHL 9636 GHL 9917 IC 63 OHL 1664 Platform 1 | 3 h 35 | 3 changes 14 stops | RHL 9636 GHL 9917 IC 63 OHL 1664 Platform 1 | RHL 9636 Platform 1 | VR |
07:38 | Ryttylä | ||||||
07:45 | Riihimäki | ||||||
08:13 | Riihimäki | GHL 9917 Platform 8 | VR | ||||
08:19 | Hikiä | ||||||
08:24 | Oitti | ||||||
08:28 | Mommila | ||||||
08:33 | Lappila | ||||||
08:38 | Järvelä | ||||||
08:46 | Herrala | ||||||
08:56 | Lahti | ||||||
09:13 | Lahti | IC 63 Platform 1 | VR | ||||
09:41 | Kouvola | ||||||
10:30 | Kouvola | OHL 1664 Platform 3 | VR | ||||
10:36 | Koria | ||||||
10:47 | Kausala | ||||||
10:59 | Uusikylä | ||||||
11:02 | Nastola | ||||||
11:05 | Villähde |
08:28 | Turenki | 5 h 37 14 stops 3 changes RHL 9606 GHL 9921 IC 3 OHL 1666 Platform 1 | 5 h 37 | 3 changes 14 stops | RHL 9606 GHL 9921 IC 3 OHL 1666 Platform 1 | RHL 9606 Platform 1 | VR |
08:37 | Ryttylä | ||||||
08:45 | Riihimäki | ||||||
09:13 | Riihimäki | GHL 9921 Platform 8 | VR | ||||
09:19 | Hikiä | ||||||
09:24 | Oitti | ||||||
09:28 | Mommila | ||||||
09:33 | Lappila | ||||||
09:38 | Järvelä | ||||||
09:46 | Herrala | ||||||
09:56 | Lahti | ||||||
11:13 | Lahti | IC 3 Platform 1 | VR | ||||
11:41 | Kouvola | ||||||
13:30 | Kouvola | OHL 1666 Platform 3 | VR | ||||
13:36 | Koria | ||||||
13:46 | Kausala | ||||||
13:58 | Uusikylä | ||||||
14:02 | Nastola | ||||||
14:05 | Villähde |
09:30 | Turenki | 7 h 26 12 stops 1 change RHL 9646 ZHL 9849 Platform 1 | 7 h 26 | 1 change 12 stops | RHL 9646 ZHL 9849 Platform 1 | RHL 9646 Platform 1 | VR |
09:38 | Ryttylä | ||||||
09:55 | Riihimäki | ||||||
10:03 | Hyvinkää | ||||||
10:09 | Jokela | ||||||
10:15 | Saunakallio | ||||||
10:18 | Järvenpää | ||||||
10:21 | Ainola | ||||||
10:25 | Kerava | ||||||
15:58 | Kerava | ZHL 9849 Platform 4 | VR | ||||
16:06 | Haarajoki | ||||||
16:18 | Mäntsälä | ||||||
16:30 | Henna | ||||||
16:50 | Lahti | ||||||
16:56 | Villähde |
11:30 | Turenki | 7 h 07 17 stops 2 changes RHL 9660 IC 5 OHL 1670 Platform 1 | 7 h 07 | 2 changes 17 stops | RHL 9660 IC 5 OHL 1670 Platform 1 | RHL 9660 Platform 1 | VR |
11:38 | Ryttylä | ||||||
11:55 | Riihimäki | ||||||
12:03 | Hyvinkää | ||||||
12:09 | Jokela | ||||||
12:15 | Saunakallio | ||||||
12:18 | Järvenpää | ||||||
12:21 | Ainola | ||||||
12:26 | Kerava | ||||||
12:35 | Tikkurila | ||||||
12:43 | Pasila | ||||||
13:25 | Pasila | IC 5 Platform 4 | VR | ||||
13:36 | Tikkurila | ||||||
14:13 | Lahti | ||||||
14:41 | Kouvola | ||||||
18:02 | Kouvola | OHL 1670 Platform 3 | VR | ||||
18:08 | Koria | ||||||
18:18 | Kausala | ||||||
18:30 | Uusikylä | ||||||
18:34 | Nastola | ||||||
18:37 | Villähde |
13:30 | Turenki | 6 h 06 9 stops 2 changes RHL 9672 GHL 9941 OHL 1671 Platform 1 | 6 h 06 | 2 changes 9 stops | RHL 9672 GHL 9941 OHL 1671 Platform 1 | RHL 9672 Platform 1 | VR |
13:38 | Ryttylä | ||||||
13:45 | Riihimäki | ||||||
14:13 | Riihimäki | GHL 9941 Platform 8 | VR | ||||
14:19 | Hikiä | ||||||
14:24 | Oitti | ||||||
14:28 | Mommila | ||||||
14:33 | Lappila | ||||||
14:38 | Järvelä | ||||||
14:46 | Herrala | ||||||
14:56 | Lahti | ||||||
19:30 | Lahti | OHL 1671 Platform 2 | VR | ||||
19:36 | Villähde |
14:30 | Turenki | 2 h 26 8 stops 2 changes RHL 9675 IC 178 ZHL 9849 Platform 3 | 2 h 26 | 2 changes 8 stops | RHL 9675 IC 178 ZHL 9849 Platform 3 | RHL 9675 Platform 3 | VR |
14:37 | Hämeenlinna | ||||||
14:47 | Hämeenlinna | IC 178 Platform 1 | VR | ||||
15:08 | Riihimäki | ||||||
15:39 | Tikkurila | ||||||
15:49 | Tikkurila | ZHL 9849 Platform 4 | VR | ||||
15:58 | Kerava | ||||||
16:06 | Haarajoki | ||||||
16:18 | Mäntsälä | ||||||
16:30 | Henna | ||||||
16:50 | Lahti | ||||||
16:56 | Villähde |
15:30 | Turenki | 2 h 26 12 stops 1 change RHL 9686 ZHL 9853 Platform 1 | 2 h 26 | 1 change 12 stops | RHL 9686 ZHL 9853 Platform 1 | RHL 9686 Platform 1 | VR |
15:38 | Ryttylä | ||||||
15:55 | Riihimäki | ||||||
16:03 | Hyvinkää | ||||||
16:09 | Jokela | ||||||
16:15 | Saunakallio | ||||||
16:18 | Järvenpää | ||||||
16:21 | Ainola | ||||||
16:25 | Kerava | ||||||
16:58 | Kerava | ZHL 9853 Platform 4 | VR | ||||
17:06 | Haarajoki | ||||||
17:18 | Mäntsälä | ||||||
17:30 | Henna | ||||||
17:50 | Lahti | ||||||
17:56 | Villähde |
17:30 | Turenki | 2 h 06 9 stops 2 changes RHL 9700 GHL 9957 OHL 1671 Platform 1 | 2 h 06 | 2 changes 9 stops | RHL 9700 GHL 9957 OHL 1671 Platform 1 | RHL 9700 Platform 1 | VR |
17:38 | Ryttylä | ||||||
17:45 | Riihimäki | ||||||
18:13 | Riihimäki | GHL 9957 Platform 8 | VR | ||||
18:19 | Hikiä | ||||||
18:24 | Oitti | ||||||
18:28 | Mommila | ||||||
18:33 | Lappila | ||||||
18:38 | Järvelä | ||||||
18:46 | Herrala | ||||||
18:56 | Lahti | ||||||
19:30 | Lahti | OHL 1671 Platform 2 | VR | ||||
19:36 | Villähde |
18:05 | Turenki | 7 h 18 12 stops 1 change RHL 9704 ZHL 9881 Platform 1 | 7 h 18 | 1 change 12 stops | RHL 9704 ZHL 9881 Platform 1 | RHL 9704 Platform 1 | VR |
18:13 | Ryttylä | ||||||
18:25 | Riihimäki | ||||||
18:33 | Hyvinkää | ||||||
18:39 | Jokela | ||||||
18:45 | Saunakallio | ||||||
18:48 | Järvenpää | ||||||
18:51 | Ainola | ||||||
18:55 | Kerava | ||||||
00:33 | Kerava | ZHL 9881 Platform 4 | VR | ||||
00:40 | Haarajoki | ||||||
00:50 | Mäntsälä | ||||||
01:01 | Henna | ||||||
01:17 | Lahti | ||||||
01:23 | Villähde |
18:30 | Turenki | 12 h 33 14 stops 3 changes RHL 9708 GHL 9961 IC 73 ZHL 9812 Platform 1 | 12 h 33 | 3 changes 14 stops | RHL 9708 GHL 9961 IC 73 ZHL 9812 Platform 1 | RHL 9708 Platform 1 | VR |
18:38 | Ryttylä | ||||||
18:45 | Riihimäki | ||||||
19:13 | Riihimäki | GHL 9961 Platform 8 | VR | ||||
19:19 | Hikiä | ||||||
19:24 | Oitti | ||||||
19:28 | Mommila | ||||||
19:33 | Lappila | ||||||
19:38 | Järvelä | ||||||
19:46 | Herrala | ||||||
19:56 | Lahti | ||||||
20:13 | Lahti | IC 73 Platform 1 | VR | ||||
20:41 | Kouvola | ||||||
06:27 | Kouvola | ZHL 9812 Platform 9 | VR | ||||
06:33 | Koria | ||||||
06:43 | Kausala | ||||||
06:56 | Uusikylä | ||||||
06:59 | Nastola | ||||||
07:03 | Villähde |
19:28 | Turenki | 11 h 49 12 stops 3 changes RHL 9718 RHL 9714 ZHL 9871 OHL 1661 Platform 1 | 11 h 49 | 3 changes 12 stops | RHL 9718 RHL 9714 ZHL 9871 OHL 1661 Platform 1 | RHL 9718 Platform 1 | VR |
19:37 | Ryttylä | ||||||
19:45 | Riihimäki | ||||||
19:55 | Riihimäki | RHL 9714 Platform 5 | VR | ||||
20:03 | Hyvinkää | ||||||
20:09 | Jokela | ||||||
20:15 | Saunakallio | ||||||
20:18 | Järvenpää | ||||||
20:21 | Ainola | ||||||
20:25 | Kerava | ||||||
20:58 | Kerava | ZHL 9871 Platform 4 | VR | ||||
21:05 | Haarajoki | ||||||
21:15 | Mäntsälä | ||||||
21:26 | Henna | ||||||
21:40 | Lahti | ||||||
07:11 | Lahti | OHL 1661 Platform 3 | VR | ||||
07:17 | Villähde |
Travel time
Travel time between Turenki and Villähde is 1h36