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Arcachon to Pontanevaux train times
Saturday, January 18, 202508:38 +1d | Arcachon | 10 h 07 25 stops 3 changes TER866314 TGV12252 TER17775 TER886137 | 10 h 07 | 3 changes 25 stops | TER866314 TGV12252 TER17775 TER886137 | TER866314 | SNCF TER |
08:42 | La Teste | ||||||
08:45 | La Hume | ||||||
08:49 | Gujan-Mestras | ||||||
08:54 | Le Teich | ||||||
08:59 | Biganos Facture | ||||||
09:06 | Marcheprime | ||||||
09:15 | Gazinet - Cestas | ||||||
09:19 | Pessac-Alouette | ||||||
09:22 | Pessac | ||||||
09:31 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | ||||||
09:46 +1d | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | TGV12252 | SNCF TGV | ||||
11:55 | Paris Montparnasse Hall 1 - 2 | ||||||
13:18 +1d | Paris Bercy Bourg. Pays d'Auv. | TER17775 | SNCF TER | ||||
14:33 | Sens | ||||||
14:49 | Joigny | ||||||
15:00 | Laroche - Migennes | ||||||
15:10 | Saint-Florentin - Vergigny | ||||||
15:23 | Tonnerre | ||||||
15:38 | Nuits sous Ravières | ||||||
15:49 | Montbard | ||||||
15:57 | Les Laumes - Alésia | ||||||
16:49 | Dijon | ||||||
17:08 | Beaune | ||||||
17:17 | Chagny | ||||||
17:27 | Chalon-sur-Saône | ||||||
17:41 | Tournus | ||||||
17:57 | Mâcon | ||||||
18:36 +1d | Mâcon | TER886137 | SNCF TER | ||||
18:45 | Pontanevaux |
Travel time
Travel time between Arcachon and Pontanevaux is 5h41