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Berlaimont to Saint-Mars-la-brière train times
Tuesday, January 7, 202514:15 | Berlaimont | 5 h 01 3 stops 2 changes TER841511 TGV9832 TER862570 | 5 h 01 | 2 changes 3 stops | TER841511 TGV9832 TER862570 | TER841511 | SNCF TER |
14:19 | Aulnoye-Aymeries | ||||||
17:42 | Massy TGV | TGV9832 | SNCF TGV | ||||
18:29 | Le Mans | ||||||
19:06 | Le Mans | TER862570 | SNCF TER | ||||
19:14 | Champagné | ||||||
19:16 | Saint-Mars-la-Brière |
Travel time
Travel time between Berlaimont and Saint-Mars-la-brière is 6h01