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Chauffailles to Vic-le-Comte train times
Monday, January 6, 202507:33 | Chauffailles | 4 h 53 14 stops 4 changes TER893903 TER886611 TER886712 Bus89802 TER873773 | 4 h 53 | 4 changes 14 stops | TER893903 TER886611 TER886712 Bus89802 TER873773 | TER893903 | SNCF TER |
07:54 | Lamure-sur-Azergues | ||||||
08:03 | Chamelet | ||||||
08:11 | Bois-d'Oingt - Légny | ||||||
08:16 | Chessy | ||||||
08:20 | Châtillon d'Azergues | ||||||
08:24 | Lozanne | ||||||
08:30 | Lozanne | TER886611 | SNCF TER | ||||
08:41 | Albigny - Neuville | ||||||
08:52 | Lyon Part Dieu | ||||||
09:24 | Lyon Part Dieu | TER886712 | SNCF TER | ||||
09:41 | Givors Ville | ||||||
09:53 | Rive-de-Gier | ||||||
10:00 | Saint-Chamond | ||||||
10:10 | Saint-Étienne Châteaucreux | ||||||
10:20 | St-Etienne-Châtcrx. G Routière | Bus89802 | SNCF TER | ||||
12:05 | Clermont-Ferrand | ||||||
12:13 | Clermont-Ferrand | TER873773 | SNCF TER | ||||
12:17 | Clermont la Pardieu | ||||||
12:26 | Vic-le-Comte |
10:40 | Chauffailles | 5 h 08 16 stops 2 changes TER893905 Intercités4504 TER874009 | 5 h 08 | 2 changes 16 stops | TER893905 Intercités4504 TER874009 | TER893905 | SNCF TER |
11:01 | Lamure-sur-Azergues | ||||||
11:10 | Chamelet | ||||||
11:18 | Bois-d'Oingt - Légny | ||||||
11:23 | Chessy | ||||||
11:26 | Châtillon d'Azergues | ||||||
11:31 | Lozanne | ||||||
11:52 | Lyon Part Dieu | ||||||
12:04 | Lyon Part Dieu | Intercités4504 | SNCF | ||||
13:12 | Roanne | ||||||
13:50 | Saint-Germain-des-Fossés | ||||||
14:43 | Saint-Germain-des-Fossés | TER874009 | SNCF TER | ||||
14:52 | Vichy | ||||||
15:15 | Riom - Châtel-Guyon | ||||||
15:27 | Clermont-Ferrand | ||||||
15:32 | Clermont la Pardieu | ||||||
15:36 | Sarliève - Cournon | ||||||
15:40 | Le Cendre - Orcet | ||||||
15:44 | Les Martres-de-Veyre | ||||||
15:48 | Vic-le-Comte |
11:47 | Chauffailles | 5 h 27 9 stops 3 changes Bus30220 Bus35050 Intercités5959 TER873777 | 5 h 27 | 3 changes 9 stops | Bus30220 Bus35050 Intercités5959 TER873777 | Bus30220 | SNCF TER |
12:40 | Paray-le-Monial | ||||||
12:56 | Paray-le-Monial | Bus35050 | SNCF TER | ||||
14:19 | Moulins sur Allier | ||||||
15:30 | Moulins sur Allier | Intercités5959 | SNCF | ||||
15:58 | Vichy | ||||||
16:21 | Riom - Châtel-Guyon | ||||||
16:30 | Clermont-Ferrand | ||||||
16:54 | Clermont-Ferrand | TER873777 | SNCF TER | ||||
16:58 | Clermont la Pardieu | ||||||
17:03 | Sarliève - Cournon | ||||||
17:06 | Le Cendre - Orcet | ||||||
17:11 | Les Martres-de-Veyre | ||||||
17:14 | Vic-le-Comte |
14:46 | Chauffailles | 3 h 40 13 stops 2 changes TER16848 Intercités5963 TER873779 | 3 h 40 | 2 changes 13 stops | TER16848 Intercités5963 TER873779 | TER16848 | SNCF TER |
14:55 | La Clayette - Baudemont | ||||||
15:18 | Paray-le-Monial | ||||||
15:31 | Digoin | ||||||
15:58 | Gilly-sur-Loire | ||||||
16:05 | Dompierre Sept Fons | ||||||
16:24 | Moulins sur Allier | ||||||
16:31 | Moulins sur Allier | Intercités5963 | SNCF | ||||
17:00 | Vichy | ||||||
17:23 | Riom - Châtel-Guyon | ||||||
17:32 | Clermont-Ferrand | ||||||
18:06 | Clermont-Ferrand | TER873779 | SNCF TER | ||||
18:10 | Clermont la Pardieu | ||||||
18:15 | Sarliève - Cournon | ||||||
18:18 | Le Cendre - Orcet | ||||||
18:23 | Les Martres-de-Veyre | ||||||
18:26 | Vic-le-Comte |
16:37 | Chauffailles | 5 h 11 15 stops 3 changes TER16840 TER886618 TER875742 TER873681 | 5 h 11 | 3 changes 15 stops | TER16840 TER886618 TER875742 TER873681 | TER16840 | SNCF TER |
16:58 | Lamure-sur-Azergues | ||||||
17:14 | Bois-d'Oingt - Légny | ||||||
17:22 | Lozanne | ||||||
17:31 | Lozanne | TER886618 | SNCF TER | ||||
17:37 | L'Arbresle | ||||||
17:50 | Tarare | ||||||
18:05 | Amplepuis | ||||||
18:25 | Le Coteau | ||||||
18:28 | Roanne | ||||||
18:44 | Roanne | TER875742 | SNCF TER | ||||
19:28 | Vichy | ||||||
19:51 | Riom - Châtel-Guyon | ||||||
20:00 | Clermont-Ferrand | ||||||
21:28 | Clermont-Ferrand | TER873681 | SNCF TER | ||||
21:32 | Clermont la Pardieu | ||||||
21:37 | Sarliève - Cournon | ||||||
21:40 | Le Cendre - Orcet | ||||||
21:45 | Les Martres-de-Veyre | ||||||
21:48 | Vic-le-Comte |
19:43 | Chauffailles | 9 h 46 10 stops 2 changes TER893902 Intercités5983 TER873765 | 9 h 46 | 2 changes 10 stops | TER893902 Intercités5983 TER873765 | TER893902 | SNCF TER |
19:52 | La Clayette - Baudemont | ||||||
20:14 | Paray-le-Monial | ||||||
20:27 | Digoin | ||||||
20:53 | Gilly-sur-Loire | ||||||
21:01 | Dompierre Sept Fons | ||||||
21:20 | Moulins sur Allier | ||||||
21:32 | Moulins sur Allier | Intercités5983 | SNCF | ||||
22:00 | Vichy | ||||||
22:23 | Riom - Châtel-Guyon | ||||||
22:32 | Clermont-Ferrand | ||||||
05:16 | Clermont-Ferrand | TER873765 | SNCF TER | ||||
05:20 | Clermont la Pardieu | ||||||
05:29 | Vic-le-Comte |
21:13 | Chauffailles | 10 h 46 16 stops 1 change TER893904 TER874231 | 10 h 46 | 1 change 16 stops | TER893904 TER874231 | TER893904 | SNCF TER |
21:22 | La Clayette - Baudemont | ||||||
21:44 | Paray-le-Monial | ||||||
21:57 | Digoin | ||||||
22:23 | Gilly-sur-Loire | ||||||
22:31 | Dompierre Sept Fons | ||||||
22:48 | Moulins sur Allier | ||||||
06:27 | Moulins sur Allier | TER874231 | SNCF TER | ||||
06:36 | Bessay | ||||||
06:46 | Varennes-sur-Allier | ||||||
06:55 | Saint-Germain-des-Fossés | ||||||
07:03 | Vichy | ||||||
07:25 | Riom - Châtel-Guyon | ||||||
07:39 | Clermont-Ferrand | ||||||
07:43 | Clermont la Pardieu | ||||||
07:48 | Sarliève - Cournon | ||||||
07:52 | Le Cendre - Orcet | ||||||
07:56 | Les Martres-de-Veyre | ||||||
07:59 | Vic-le-Comte |
06:06 +1d | Chauffailles | 6 h 45 17 stops 2 changes TER893901 Intercités4502 TER874125 | 6 h 45 | 2 changes 17 stops | TER893901 Intercités4502 TER874125 | TER893901 | SNCF TER |
06:27 | Lamure-sur-Azergues | ||||||
06:36 | Chamelet | ||||||
06:45 | Bois-d'Oingt - Légny | ||||||
06:50 | Chessy | ||||||
06:53 | Châtillon d'Azergues | ||||||
06:59 | Lozanne | ||||||
07:22 | Lyon Part Dieu | ||||||
09:34 +1d | Lyon Part Dieu | Intercités4502 | SNCF | ||||
10:41 | Roanne | ||||||
11:19 | Saint-Germain-des-Fossés | ||||||
11:37 +1d | Saint-Germain-des-Fossés | TER874125 | SNCF TER | ||||
11:46 | Vichy | ||||||
12:08 | Riom - Châtel-Guyon | ||||||
12:14 | Gerzat | ||||||
12:30 | Clermont-Ferrand | ||||||
12:34 | Clermont la Pardieu | ||||||
12:39 | Sarliève - Cournon | ||||||
12:43 | Le Cendre - Orcet | ||||||
12:47 | Les Martres-de-Veyre | ||||||
12:51 | Vic-le-Comte |
Travel time
Travel time between Chauffailles and Vic-le-Comte is 3h20