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Donchery to La Villette Saint-prest train times
Thursday, December 12, 202418:14 | Donchery | 5 h 03 18 stops 2 changes TER839758 TGV2886 TER862447 | 5 h 03 | 2 changes 18 stops | TER839758 TGV2886 TER862447 | TER839758 | SNCF TER |
18:20 | Nouvion-sur-Meuse | ||||||
18:34 | Charleville-Mézières | ||||||
18:46 | Poix-Terron | ||||||
19:00 | Amagne - Lucquy | ||||||
19:06 | Rethel | ||||||
19:19 | Bazancourt | ||||||
19:36 | Reims | ||||||
19:39 | Franchet d'Esperey | ||||||
19:42 | Reims Maison Blanche | ||||||
19:48 | Champagne-Ardenne TGV | ||||||
20:32 | Champagne-Ardenne TGV | TGV2886 | SNCF TGV | ||||
21:13 | Paris Est | ||||||
22:09 | Paris Montparnasse | TER862447 | SNCF TER | ||||
22:25 | Versailles Chantiers | ||||||
22:45 | Rambouillet | ||||||
22:50 | Gazeran | ||||||
22:56 | Épernon | ||||||
23:03 | Maintenon | ||||||
23:08 | Saint-Piat | ||||||
23:13 | Jouy | ||||||
23:17 | La Villette Saint-Prest |
Travel time
Travel time between Donchery and La Villette Saint-prest is 4h07