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Dormans to Portets train times
Wednesday, December 18, 202405:44 | Dormans | 5 h 39 8 stops 2 changes TER839110 Ouigo7671 TER866713 | 5 h 39 | 2 changes 8 stops | TER839110 Ouigo7671 TER866713 | TER839110 | SNCF TER |
05:59 | Château-Thierry | ||||||
06:15 | La Ferté-sous-Jouarre | ||||||
06:53 | Paris Est | ||||||
08:30 | Paris Montparnasse | Ouigo7671 | SNCF OUIGO | ||||
10:34 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | ||||||
10:53 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | TER866713 | SNCF TER | ||||
10:57 | Bègles | ||||||
11:05 | Cadaujac | ||||||
11:16 | Saint-Médard-d'Eyrans | ||||||
11:21 | Beautiran | ||||||
11:23 | Portets |
06:44 | Dormans | 6 h 45 11 stops 2 changes TER839130 TGV5202 TER866715 | 6 h 45 | 2 changes 11 stops | TER839130 TGV5202 TER866715 | TER839130 | SNCF TER |
06:59 | Château-Thierry | ||||||
07:53 | Paris Est | ||||||
09:12 | Massy TGV | TGV5202 | SNCF TGV | ||||
10:07 | Saint-Pierre-des-Corps | ||||||
10:42 | Poitiers | ||||||
11:25 | Angoulême | ||||||
12:02 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | ||||||
12:57 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | TER866715 | SNCF TER | ||||
13:01 | Bègles | ||||||
13:05 | Villenave-d'Ornon | ||||||
13:11 | Cadaujac | ||||||
13:22 | Saint-Médard-d'Eyrans | ||||||
13:27 | Beautiran | ||||||
13:29 | Portets |
07:44 | Dormans | 6 h 26 8 stops 2 changes TER839132 TGV12255 TER866739 | 6 h 26 | 2 changes 8 stops | TER839132 TGV12255 TER866739 | TER839132 | SNCF TER |
07:59 | Château-Thierry | ||||||
08:16 | La Ferté-sous-Jouarre | ||||||
08:53 | Paris Est | ||||||
11:11 | Paris Montparnasse | TGV12255 | SNCF TGV | ||||
13:14 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | ||||||
13:40 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | TER866739 | SNCF TER | ||||
13:44 | Bègles | ||||||
13:52 | Cadaujac | ||||||
14:03 | Saint-Médard-d'Eyrans | ||||||
14:08 | Beautiran | ||||||
14:10 | Portets |
08:48 | Dormans | 6 h 13 8 stops 2 changes TER839162 TGV12259 TER866719 | 6 h 13 | 2 changes 8 stops | TER839162 TGV12259 TER866719 | TER839162 | SNCF TER |
09:01 | Château-Thierry | ||||||
09:53 | Paris Est | ||||||
12:11 | Paris Montparnasse | TGV12259 | SNCF TGV | ||||
14:14 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | ||||||
14:29 | Bordeaux Saint-Jean | TER866719 | SNCF TER | ||||
14:33 | Bègles | ||||||
14:37 | Villenave-d'Ornon | ||||||
14:43 | Cadaujac | ||||||
14:54 | Saint-Médard-d'Eyrans | ||||||
14:59 | Beautiran | ||||||
15:01 | Portets |
Travel time
Travel time between Dormans and Portets is 4h27